Remember I Had To Choose "Lord, Help Me," 'Cause I Couldn't Say Nothin

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TW: Abuse, Child Neglect, Su\c1de, Drinking, and Self Harm. Please skip this chapter if any of this makes you uncomfortable, or triggers bad emotions.

Also, this chapter is about 11 thousand words, so I suggest you grab a snack, cause unless you're a really fast reader, this may take a while. Thank you.

Lloyd was a happy child at the age of 11. He had a kind father and a very loving mother, he also had a cool uncle who he loved to go see. Life was perfect. At least for him. He didn't go to regular school, as his parents believed he was too smart and gifted, and the other kids wouldn't be able to keep up. So Lloyd was taught by his Uncle Wu, which he didn't mind because in his eyes, this was normal.

Wu taught him a lot of useful things, such as finance, and math and such things, but most were at a high school level, which would be better for his future. Lloyd didn't have friends, so when he would watch cartoons in his free time, it made him a little sad to see kids having fun with each other, knowing he would probably never have that. It wasn't like his parents didn't spoil him though, when Lloyd asked for things, he got them. Sometimes his father could be a little stern, but he still went out of his way to support his son.

When they would walk around the park, Lloyd would wonder why he couldn't play with the other kids, but when he asked, his father would respond with "Are we not good enough as your friends?" Which Lloyd would end up retracting his statement and being fine with his family being his friends.

Lloyd worked hard too, from helping his uncle out with his tea company and learning how to do taxes and running errands for his parents. Life was good. Until it wasn't. Lloyd felt normal, but he never really knew how unnormal he lived when that fateful day happened when he turned 12.

Garmadon liked to drink beer, but he drank it in small amounts so he wouldn't lose his mind. One day, a new company came out, named Overlord. A beer was released called "The Great Devourer" which was said to have a bit of snake venom in each can. Garmadon instantly hopped on this trend, but what many drinkers didn't know, was that it was insanely addictive, and you couldn't really manage a little at a time.

This was the first time Lloyd was ever struck. He got into an argument about why he couldn't be regular and hang out with other kids. It happened so quickly, Lloyd couldn't even process it at first. It was a slap, but it hurt, especially coming from someone who promised to never hurt him. He started to cry, but Garmadon raised his hand again and scolded him.

"Stop Crying. Garmadons don't cry. Man up and get me another beer. Don't let what Wu taught you to go to waste Lloyd."

Lloyd nodded and got up, shaking the pain off and sticking to Garmadon's words. It seemed like that would be it, but it started to get worse, especially when his mother was put into the equation. At first, it was just being hit with a belt or a slap to the face, yet his mother never knew anything, until the day Lloyd was scarred on his face for the first time. He didn't blame Garmadon, as he just happened to say the wrong thing at the same time while Garmadon was holding a glass bottle.

Misako didn't take it that way though.

"How could you do that to our son? He's just a kid and you hit him with a bottle!?" Lloyd could hear her yell from behind the closed door. Lloyd knew it was just that Garmadon wasn't in his right mind, and that he would never hurt him on purpose.

He went to the bathroom and cleaned off the blood himself, holding back tears from the pain. "Garmadons don't cry." He repeated to himself. "Garmadons don't cry. Man up." He patted the scar dry. He went back to his parents' room, where Misako was still screaming at Garmadon. Then it got worse.

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