'Chapter 3'

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The soft keys coming from the piano filled the theatre. I started my dance. My point shoes tapping on the floor of the stage. I swayed myself to the beat, twirls, and plies. I remembered the choreography step by step, first, second third, fourth. Kicking my legs high in the air, I remembered the choreographer's words, Straight kicks, chin up smile on.

I spun around and around. Five, six, seven, eight times and then moved my body to the ending stance. I heard the song end, and I knew I had been successful. The applause from the audience echoed around me, I focused on the one man that I knew I had to impress. He stood standing slowly clapping. I had done it, I had passed.

The lights around me went dark and I swiftly made my way off the stage. I ran down the stairs, careful to avoid the other dancers around me. I briskly walked into my changeroom, careful to shut the door behind me. I then quickly changed out of my tutu and leotard, from my stockings and pointe shoes. Changing into a black body suit. I quickly zipped the zip all the way.

I quickly tied my black boots into a double knot and then added the last accessory. The belt that I tied around my waist that sat on a diagonal line with the red hourglass symbol. I grabbed my weapon. My hands wrapping around the bow and the strap of arrows. I swung them around my shoulder and then took a look at myself in the mirror.

My perfect bright red lipstick and winged liner were still intact, my hair was still up in a neat bun. I grabbed the shinny tiara, attached to my head using bobby pins out ad placed it onto the bench. If only my life were as simple as a ballet dancer. I walked out of the room; The hallways were quiet as I heard the stage creak above me from the dancers performing.

I made my way down the hall, staying out of sight from anyone that may see me. I then opened a small side door that lead out into the city. I walked out into the cold evening air and walked over to the old apartment complex next door. I climbed my way swiftly up the fire escape and made it to the top of the building.

I grabbed a rope from my bag and grabbed the hook. I tied a knot around my belt and attached it to a sturdy metal pole next to me. I then threw the hook. I flew through the air, hooking onto the ledge of the building next to it. I took a deep breath and then ran, My rope sturdy I flew across the gap from the apartment block to the theatre.

I landed and quickly unhooked myself and ran across the rooftop to the large glass room. I settled my self down, sitting on my knee, and I looked down to see the stage, the elegant dancers performing on the stage and the audience gleefully enjoying the show in front of them. If only they knew.

I grabbed the bow and an arrow and hooked it into the bow. I then pulled the bow taunt and aimed for the main dancer on stage. I watched as she was completing her dance, a bright smile on her face as the audience watched her spin. I waited for the music to crescendo, preparing my shot and as it reached it's highest point I released.

The arrow shot through the glass and  straight to the stage. It contacted the dancer, straight in the neck and she fell the ground. I moved my gaze to the man in the upstairs booth who was watching me with a wicked smile.

Mission complete.


I stood in line with 17 other girls. I watched a young boy came out and stood in front of us. We all held batons.
"Weakness is frowned upon here, as you should know," He walked up and down the line and stopped in front of me.
"Step forwards girl," He called. I cautiously stepped forwards. He looked down at me and smiled, He grabbed my left arm and held it straight. His movements fast and swift, he used his leg and kicked my hard in the left knee. I winced slightly, the words echoing in my head with no mental pain emotional will follow. I stood straight showing no emotion.

"Now girls, fighter her. Once you fall you are out." I turned my head to the boy.
"If she cannot fight you off, she will prove weak," He stepped back, and I watched as the girls watched me. I held my batons up defensively. My leg aching but I knew I had to fight. This wasn't about winning anymore; it was about surviving.

The first two girls lunged at me: batons ready. The first girl swung at me, but I quickly swung my baton hitting her in the head, she fell. I then swung my right leg around and hit the other girl making her fall. My left leg buckled, and I fell. I swung my leg around and made the girl that was about to hit me fall to the ground.

A girl then went to punch me, but I caught her hand and quickly wrapped my shoulder around her. I turned and saw a girl running towards me and I swiftly turned and kicked her with my left leg as hard as I could which sent the girl and the other girl I was holding to the ground.

Another girl then ran at me, and I kicked her as well. I felt a boot kick me in the back and I was sent flying forwards. I ran into then desk that was in the room. I girl lunged at me baton in hand. I grabbed her wrists and twisted my way down the desk bringing her with me. I a girl tried to hit me with her baton, but I pulled the girl I was holding forwards, so she hit her making them both fall.

I threw my baton at another girl knowing I would find another one on the floor, she fell. A girl rolled and grabbed my waist and threw me forwards. I fell with a thud. I groaned and stood up immediately being swung at by another girl. I dodged but she rebounded and hit me with the edge. I flew back and landed against a piler.

She pushed the pole against my neck and two other girls came to hold it steady. I quickly detached the poles, making the two girls of balance who fell. I grabbed on half of the baton and swung at the girl, hitting her making her fall. A girl the rolled and tried to kick me in my broken leg. I jumped up and kicked her hard in the chest sending her to the ground.

I stumbled back and then was dragged by my neck against the piler. I grabbed a baton off the ground and held it against her neck pushing her forwards, I twisted my hand and pulled around and then pushed her to the ground. I was then thrown threw the air. I fell the ground and I groaned as the remaining three girls surrounded me.

I crawled towards the baton box, being kicked, and punched during. I went to reach out for the baton when a girl stepped onto my hand. I quickly took this opportunity. I Rolled and wrapped my legs around her leg and twisted sending her to the ground. A girl from behind then wrapped her hands around my neck and the other started kicking me.

I groaned and twisted. I then quickly jumped to my knees and used as much force as I could and flipped, sending the girl to the ground. The remaining girl ran at me as soon as I got back up to my feet. She went to punch me, but I quickly wrapped my hand around her shoulder and swung myself up and around her.

I swung my body using my last amount of momentum to swung her to the ground. I puffed and stood straight facing the boy who smirked.

"Who's next?"

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