'Chapter 43'

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I got out of the car on Monday morning, waving goodbye to Bucky before walking inside. I saw Betty up in the TV announcing something about a dance.

"You thinking about going?" I turned and saw Peter.
"Morning to you too Parker." I smiled. We started walking to the lockers.
"It's called a Homecoming dance," I turned to him and nodded.
"You get dressed up, bring a date if your lucky and dance, in the school gym. Nothing overly dancing but it's always fun." he informed me.
"Yeah that sounds really fun," I looked up to one the screens near me seeing the date was the week before Bucky left on his mission.


(2 weeks later)

I walked into class, holding what I had worked on, my English assessment. I sat down at my usual desk and waited as the rest of my class walked in. the bell rang and our class officially started.

"Alright, todays assessment day," the teacher sighed sitting at his desk.
"We will be going from left to right, row from row. So starting with you," he pointed at a girl with blonde hair that sat on the left side at the front and she stood up at the front of the class.

Half the class was done, it was nearly my turn but I still had to wait a few students. I watched as a boy with ash blond hair stood up at the front.

"A moment that defined me was the battle of 2014, where the three flying helicarriers crashed and burned in Washington." I looked up immediately, none of the other presentations had caught my attention like this one has, I knew this story a little too personally.
"My father was a worker for the organization that was SHIELD, he was one of the many people that lost their lives." My mind flashed back to the room full of agents I had shot just so I could see out the window, innocent people that were just trying to hide and stay alive. I get my eyes somewhat tear up.

"I remember sitting at the kitchen table, watching the news and the live footage of the battle, seeing the Winter Solider and the Winter Widow were fighting from a news helicopter that was airing on the news. I thought my father was fine until he didn't come home. Three days after the fight we found out he had been shot by a bad guy while he was trying to hide in a room with others, hiding so maybe he could come home and see me and my mom."

The rest of his words drowned out as I felt a tear roll down my check.  I had to get out of the class room, I felt like a I couldn't breath or see straight. My mind fixated on the moment where I looked around at the people in the room, my eyes remembering one man that had the same coloured hair as the boy, holding a picture in his hand with a lady and a boy.

I made a toilet sign to the teacher who saw my state and nodded. I abruptly stood up and walked out of the classroom and out into the empty hallway. My feet stumbled to my locker quickly unlocking my locker and grabbing my phone. My heart was in my throat as my breathing became shallow. I pressed phone and dialed Bucky. He immediately picked up.

"Lilly, are you okay what's wrong," I heard his voice and tried to make out words.
"Can you pick my up now please, please, I need to go home." I ranted. "Please,"
"Why what's wrong what happened?"
"I killed someone's dad that's in my class," I gasped, keeping my voice quiet looking around the hallway making no one heard me.
"Okay, it's okay, I'll pick you up, I'm coming right now okay," I nodded.


I sat in the front seat, starring out the window, silence overwhelming the car. I had been silent the entire time, I felt Bucky stare at me every noun again, the one time I looked at him he had his eyes brows furrowed at me.

We got home and I got out of the car, following him to the elevator. I felt as the elevator starting going up.

"Doll? Talk to me please," His voice was so quiet, pleading me. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"I'm sorry, so sorry." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"Sorry for what? Lillianna?" he questioned. I felt my eyes become glossy.

"What happened?" Bucky asked.
"A boy in my class was sharing his English work." I started.
"A moment that defined you, that one?" He asked and am nodded.
"Yeah, that one." I took a breath before continuing.

"He was talking about the attack of 2014, the one with the helicarriers. His father was a SHIELD agent that worked there. When they were going down I had to go into a room and check, I shot everyone in that room, without a second thought, they were all dead."

"I killed his dad without a second thought and he had to live with it for the rest of his life."

I felt my throat tightening up again, making me struggle to breath. Bucky grabbed my hand and squeezed looking into my eyes.

"Shush shush, it's okay your okay, that wasn't your fault." I closed my eyes as he gently kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug once more. I felt my heart slowly stop racing.

"Thank you Bucky."


I sat next to Yelena at the dinner table, we were having a dish that Thor cooked from Asgard. Some rich meat and, well to be honest I have no idea but it was really good.

"So, Smaller Manchurian Candidate how did your presentation go?" Tony asked from the head of the table, breaking the silence and the awkward sound of a guy called Scott's chewing.

"Um, we ran out of time for like 7 of the students to present it including me so we are scheduled to perform it next class." I managed to get cover from the fact I ran out of class.

"Right, anything else interesting happen at school?" I thought for a moment, is there really anything?

"Oh yeah there is. Like in the movies Sam showed us the school is having a Homecoming dance. It's the week before the mission where most of you guys go." I told him.

"Ooh that sounds like fun! We have to go dress shopping and I can do your makeup!" Natasha smiled from in front of me.

"Yeah it should be!" I smiled.

"So when are you going to tell me about the party on Saturday?" Sam asked me, his eyebrows up. I hadn't gotten time to tell him about it as he had been doing military work and couldn't be distracted.

"I will get to telling you I promise."
"Well I want all the gossip, between all your girl friends." He chuckled making many people from the table let out a giggle.

"Yes Sam, the Keeping up with the Keeping up with the Kardashians not got enough drama in it?" I smirked as he laughed.


I sat in the couch watching yet another film that Sam put in. Some movie about three men hungover in Vegas. Sam sat next to me, a large bowl of popcorn on his lap as Steve sat next to him and next to Steve was Bucky. Everyone from dinner was watching it. I phone vibrate and looked down at it, a message popped up from Levi.

'hey!' he wrote. i looked around to see everyone starring at the movie. i typed at reply.

'hi' i replied.

'what are you doing?' he asked.
'watching a movie, what are you doing?' i replied.
'chilling in my bed, what movie?'
'i thinks it's called The Hangover.'
'i love that film, it's so funny!'
'yeah it is!'

"Who's Levi?" Sam whispered to me making me turn to him and put my phone down.

"The boy who asked for her number," Steve butted in, hearing the conversation. I glared at him.

"Come on Steve, it's normal in this century to give out numbers after just meeting someone?" I turned my gaze back to Sam hoping for some backup.

"She's not wrong Cap," He answered, making Steve sigh and turn his attention back to the movie. "So Levi, you've been talking to him a lot?" Sam continued, steering the conversation back on point.

"Kinda, he is sort of in the group I'm in and he is in a few of my classes." I answered.

"What about Peter?" He asked, I looked at him confused.

"What about him?"

"Is he in many of your classes?" He asked.

"Yeah he's in most of them as well." I answered. Sam nodded his head slowly.

"Right okay."

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