'Chapter 24'

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(Bucky POV)

Lillianna had been awake for a week. She had been learning to walk with some sessions Rhodes had gone through when he had broken his spine or something like that from the fight at the airport. He had been helping her, even though she had done wrong but I don't think he knew that. I started a new page in my journal as I sat watching as she used the bars to help herself walk forwards when I got a tap on my shoulder. It was Steve.

"Tony wants to talk to you."

"Tell him I'm busy." I looked up and saw Steve shake his head.

"He says that it is important. I would go Buck." He says.
"I need to wait she is nearly done." I say gesturing to Lillianna.
"I'll take her, you need to go." I nodded and then stood up to my feet and walked to the door. I exited and walked up to Starks office. Once I walked in I was met by him and a woman in smart attire.

"Barnes," Stark stood as the woman did.

"James Buchanan Barnes, I'm Anne Whitlock." She put out her hand and I shook it.

"Barnes, if you please." Stark gestured for the seat in front of his desk and I sat.

"So this issue is about the girl." Stark started.

"What about her?" I asked.

"Well Lillianna, to start off, is a very interesting case file but I have to admit. She has been through many things but when we cut that all away. She is a 15 year old orphan with no legal guardian." Anne started.

"Now for most cases girls like her age would be put into a foster system since she has no legal guardian as I stated before. I was just coming here to finalize." She smiled.

"Foster system? What would that mean?" I asked.

"Well she would be put into a home with other kids her age and she may be fostered by a family willing to take her in." She smiled. The information processing in my head as I stared into space.

"So she would be put up for adoptive type system." I asked in which she nodded.

"No," I mumbled. shaking my head no.

"Well, Bucky, this girl needs a legal guardian, someone to protect her. And well, she isn't at the moment isn't she?" She chuckled.

"Why can't I?" I questioned.
"Well, that would take a lot of paperwork and the child herself would have to agree with this."
"So?" I asked.

"James I understand that you may have a connection with her but it would be beneficial for her to well to step away from her past and well, start over. I already have a couple that may be interest-"

"Yes of course I have a connection with her. No, you have no idea what she has been through. You cannot simply pick her up and put her into a different family and expect her to be fine."

"So what you think that it would be better to keep her here? An environment filled with people with powers and different abilities. People that have trauma?" She poked.
"Well-," I tried to start but she cut me off.

"If you were recommending that she stayed in your care you would be even more wrong. You, an assassin that worked along side her. If she has trauma in which a girl like her would she would see you an constantly be remained." I slumped back into my chair.

"Well, since she has no legal guardian I have planned a session with a therapist tomorrow. So if you would excuse me I have to get going." She stood, gathering her things and then walked out of the office. I covered my face with my hands.

"You okay?" Tony asked, I was half expecting him to make a crude joke or something but no.

"They're going to take her away. I know it." My voice slightly cracking.

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