'Chapter 15'

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Yelena and Natasha sat in the kitchen and talked as I got out the vodka, pouring two glasses and setting them down onto the table. 

"You had to come to Budapest didn't you?" Natasha asked. 
"We came here because I thought you wouldn't." Yelena replied. 
"But since your here," I asked as Natasha looked at me. "What bullet was that?" I gestured to irregular marks on the wall that I had noticed. 

"Not bullets, arrows." She answered. 
"Ah, right." I nodded. 
"If you didn't think I would come here then way would you send this to me?" Natasha pulled out a bunch of small vials filled with a red substance. 
"You brought it back here?" I sighed standing from the table. I heard Yelena and Natasha stand and they both went to Yelena's room. I walked back to mine and quickly gathered my things into a bag, grabbing my journal amongst other things. I walked back out to Yelena's room grabbing my picture from the fridge on the way past. 

"Why don't you take it to one of your supper scientist friends?" Yelena asked. I stood in the doorway. 

"Tony Stark maybe?" I mumbled. 

"Oh, yeah. We aren't really on speaking terms right now." 

"Great, perfect timing." I muttered. 
"Where's an avenger when you need one?" 

"I don't want to be here, I'm on the run I could have been killed." 

"Well what was I supposed to do? Your the only superhero person that I know." Yelena paused noticing the bruises on Natasha's back. 
"That was the whole reason I sent them to you." Yelena was done packing and zipped up the bag she had. 

"I kept checking the news, expecting to see Captain America to take down the Red Room." I alluded. Natasha turned, confused. 
"What?" I followed Yelena out into the hallway. 
"Taking down the Red Room? What are you talking about?" She questioned. "It's been gone for years." She stated. I scoffed walking into the weapons room. I knelt down and started collecting my weapons, guns, knives, widow shockers and tasers. 
"Dreykov's dead, I killed him." 
"You don't actually believe that? Do you?" Yelena asked. I stood zipping my bag shut. I walked out of the room to see Natasha confused. 

"You really do believe that." I figured. 
"Dreykov's dead, it took almost destroying the entire city just to get to him." Yelena stood in front of Natasha.

"If you're so sure tell me what happened, tell me exactly." 
"We rigged bombs." Natasha stated. 
"Who's we?" I questioned. 

"Clint Barton." She paused. "Killing Dreykov was the final step in my defection to SHIELD." Yelena nodded her head and shrugged. 
"Simple as that?" I started walking away. 
"Yeah sure, simple." Natasha mocked. "That's what I call imploding a five story building and then shooting out with Hungarian special forces." I walked into the kitchen, grabbing to glasses. 

"It took ten days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest."
"And you checked to body, confirmed death?" I commented. 
"There was no body left to confirmed." Natasha said. I looked up at Yelena, both of us unconvinced. Natasha walked to the hallway.

"Your forgetting Dreykov's daughter," Yelena called back to her making her stop. Heavy footsteps echoed down to our floor and we all looked up before our living floor roof collapsed onto our ground floor. I jumped from the bang it created and instantly ducked down, grabbing the vials form the table along side my keys for my motorbike. I hid behind the wall next to the fridge and slowly moved along. I stole a quick glance and saw three girls with guns and lasers scoping out our living room. 

"shit," I mutter beneath my breath. I quickly waiting for two girls to walk down the hallway and for a thicker layer of smoke cover the wall and I ran for it. I dashed across the gap as bullets echoed past me and into Yelena's room and flicked the switch beneath her bedroom light making a large explosion blow. I then heard grunting and ran out of the room. I saw Yelena and Natasha quickly fight the girls, leaving them on the ground and ran out of the door. I ran out into the stair well and ducked for cover as gunshots echoed around. I saw two girls start running up the stairs and acted quickly grabbing a grenade and throwing it towards them making a large bang shake the walls of the building. I ran first as Yelena and Natasha followed behind. 

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