'Chapter 36'

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I sat in Algebra with Peter waiting for the class to start when I heard someone walk up behind me.
"Lily right?" I turned to him and recognized the same sea blue eyes from the hallway. I nodded, looking him up and down, his skin was tanner than I expected. He had a broad figure, his arm muscles too big for his t-shirt. His face was soft but his eyes was what stood out the most. The colour of them looked like two sea's.

"Aren't you going to ask who I am," I started at him, he was overly confident.
"I'm checking to see if your worth my time." I replied.
"By what reading my mind?" He chuckled, stealing a glance back at his friends before returning his gaze at me.
"You'd be surprised."
"I'm good at reading people." His eyebrows raised up and I looked past him to see a teacher walk in.

"Mr Levi, welcome back. Please have a seat so we can start this lesson?" He asked.
"I'm Levi White." He called to me, I watched as he looked from Peter then back to me before walking back to his seat with his friends.

I stared at the board as the teacher talking about the basic rules and new part of it he introduced to the class, nothing I hadn't seen or done before. We started our work in which I quickly worked through. Levi kept starring at me every time I looked in his direction.

"What is up with him?" I heard Peter mumble.
"Whatcha say Parker?" I asked looking at him.
"Nothing, ah, nothing at all." He covered.
"Not nothing, I heard what you said. Are you jealous Parker?" I questioned. I saw his face turn red before he looked away.
"No, jealous why would I be?" I chuckled shaking my head slightly before looking down at my work.
I had my lunch tray and I brought it over to where MJ was standing.
"Hey MJ," I smiled.
"Hey, you gonna come sit or?" She starred at Betty who was waving me down.
"They invited me to sit with them, I'll come and sit with you guys after." I smiled, MJ gave me a sad glance.
"Your a nice girl, please don't turn like them." She walked off to sit with Peter and Ned. I watched as she sat and sighed. 'Turn like them? What did she mean?'

I sat down next to Betty, Liz starring at me with a mean glance on her face. I just smiled sweetly back to her.

"So Lily, your new here where did you go to school prior?" One of the girls asked me. 'Shit, I just thought I was sitting with them not having a full blown interview.

"I uh," thinking quickly. "Did online school while travelling around Europe." My answer sounding more like a question.
"Wow, that's really cool." I nodded smiling.
"So why did you come here? Why not stay in Europe?" I hesitated, I needed to come up with a good story and stick with it.
"Uh, my Dads work." I answered.
"What does your dad do-"
"Sh sh, he's coming over,"
"Who?" I questioned.

I turned and saw Levi making him way over to the table. The girls next to me cleared their way leaving that end of the table free to sit. Levi and his friends took their seats at the table, Levi next to me.

"Maths was so bad this morning wasn't it?" He exclaimed mainly towards me.
"How'd ya mean?" I questioned.
"I didn't understand a single thing the teacher said. Did you?" He asked, a few of the girls starring at me.

"Yeah I picked up on most of it." I smiled.
"Jeez you must be super smart." He chuckled.
"And what does that make you?" I retorted. His mouth fell open and a few of his mates when 'ooo'.
"Jeez you didn't have to call me out like that."
"I know," I smiled. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my smile and then he turned away.
I walked out of school my eyes on my phone. Steve was picking me up today as Bucky had his therapy appointment. I heard someone come up behind me.

"Lily?" I turned around and saw Levi, again.
"Are you stalking me Mr White?" I questioned.
"Not exactly, only so I can ask you this, what's your number?"
"I thought stalkers knew everything?" I said before grabbing his phone that he passed to me.
"Not this one," he replied. I logged my number in and sent a hi text in which my phone buzzed, receiving it. I heard a car beep behind me and saw Steve wearing his famous hat and sunnies. I passed his phone back to him and smiled.

"See ya tomorrow stalker," I saluted him before opening the door and hoping inside. I shut the door as Steve drove out smirking.
"What's that look captain?" I asked.
"Who was that Lills?" He asked.
"A boy," I bluntly answered.
"I figured that. Name?"
"Levi, Levi White." I stated.
"Right, you like him?" He questioned me.
"I'm not sure yet. Only met him today but he seems nice, he's interesting."
"Right, right."

"Are we picking up Bucky?" I asked.
"Yeah we are unless you want to go back to the tower." I shook me head.
"Nah, better not leave him stranded. Let's go get him."
I smiled as Bucky got into the car and sat in the backseat.
"How was school doll?" He asked.
"It was good, thanks." I answered.
"Anything interesting?"
"Not real-"
"She met a boy." Steve butted in. I turned to him glaring.

"You what?" I turned to him starring at him in the back seat. He starred at me shock.
"Yeah I go to a Co-ed school it's not surprising?" I bluntly said.
"Well he stopped by the car," Steve continued.
"He wanted my number that's all." Bucky and Steve both gasped.
"So he likes you," Steve called.
"What? No! We literally just met today." I gasped. Steve turned into the car park and it went dark.

"Well asking for a phone number means he wants to talk to you which means he wants to get to know you which means," Steve explained
"He likes you." Bucky finished.

"Well that may have been what it was in the forties, but I don't exactly know if that's how it works nowadays." He pulled the car into park and we got out of the car and walked to the elevator. Going up to the top.
I sat in my room finishing up some schoolwork when my phone chimed. I check it to see it was Levi.

'Hey' I replied.

What the hell does that mean. I heard a knock at the door and saw it was Wanda.
"Dinners ready!" She smiled she went to walk away.
"Hey Wanda can I ask you a question?" She nodded and walked into my room.
"What does wyd mean?" I asked showing her my phone.
"What are you doing, who's Levi?" She asked.
"Thanks and a boy I met at school." She nodded.
"Do you like him?" She questioned.
"I only met him today so I'm not sure."
"Right, and you gave him your number?"
"He uh caught me off guard I was about to get in the car and be asked for it so." She nodded her head.

"Right okay, let's go to dinner and we can discuss it there, a lot of people with a lot of experience." I nodded and stood with her and walked out to the main lobby. I saw Tony chatting with someone as Steve, Natasha, Bruce and Clint helped put out servings at the table. I walked over to Tony and saw as Peter turned around.

"Parker, long time no see." I smiled. Tony chuckled as we walked over to table. I sat next to Peter and Bucky. Vision and Wanda made dinner tonight and it was an old recipe from Wanda's home place in Sokovia. I started eating as normal conversation broke out amongst the table.

Since being apart of this family, I have had these dinners before, everyone sitting and eating together sharing smiles and food and stories. I loved this so much. I get Bucky tap my leg and turn to him and smiled.

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