'Chapter 14'

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6 weeks later 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yelena and I now sit in a small café meeting with out supplier. I sat with a strawberry milkshake in my hand while Yelena had her vanilla milkshake in hers. I fiddled with my bracelet I got for my birthday, feeling the cold silver around my wrists. I looked up as the bell over the door chimed and looked up to see a man walk inside. He checked his phone and then looked over to our table and smiled. He then walked over to us and came and sat in front of us. 

"Yelena, Lillianna." He greeted, he had a briefcase with him. 
"Mason," I nodded. 
"So you need supplies" He questioned. I nodded. 
"We need a safehouse." Yelena stated. 
"Amongst other things." I mumbled. 

"Well," He paused for a moment.

"I have a safehouse lined up for you but depending on the other things, I am pretty sure I can help you." 


We had hatched an agreement. with the amount of money Yelena and I had scraped together we had enough. Enough for the penthouse, weapons and suits to supply use, burner phones and ID that would cover us. It was everything we needed. Mason handed over the suitcase and clicked it open, revealing not only our weapons but more widow supplies that we knew how to use. I smiled and held my hand out. 

"Deal," He shook my hand and nodded. 
"Deal." I stood to my feet grabbing the case and slipping on my pair of sunglasses. 
"Pleasure doing business with you." Yelena sarcastically stated. 
"Pleasure's mine." I walked out of the café and out onto the street. Yelena and I walked together down the street and to the safehouse. We walked into the apartment corner and up the stairs, our boots clicking on the marble floors. We made it to our apartment and I opened the door and walked inside. The apartment wasn't that bad. It was in a secluded area and the layout wasn't too open. 

We walked around, investigating choosing rooms and setting up the place a bit. We had our separate bedrooms on either side of the apartment. We set up a weapons room in a small room, filling it with all the weapons we could of hoped of having. We then also set up our suits. In the kitchen we filled it up with food and plates. Adding photos that we had onto the fridge with magnets.

I got my bag and grabbed out my notebook. I flipped to the back could of pages where I kept my photos that I had. I grabbed out my favorite one, the photo when me and Bucky went to the Captain America museum. I grabbed a magnet and put on the fridge. I then noticed it. A ripped photo booth photo with two young girls in it. A small blonde haired one and another girl with red and blue hair, smiling at the camera. 

'That's probably Yelena and her sister.' I think to myself. I heard Yelena walk into the kitchen and I turned to her. She smiled and I then pointed at the photo. 

"Is this you and your sister?" I asked. She nodded her head. 
"Yes, that's me and Natasha." I turned to her and smiled. 
"Natasha? As in Natasha Romanoff?" I questioned. 
"Yes Natasha Romanoff is my sister." I turned back to the photo and smiled. She looked so young, young and full of life. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat on one of the small chairs of the dining room watching as the sun set outside of our house. I looked up to see Yelena walk out in tracksuits and a jumper. 

"I uh, checked the fridge and found some Vodka, and whatever this Kissel thing is." I smiled. Her mouth dropped and she walked over to me. I had earlier gotten out two shot glasses and the bottle. I screwed the lid open and poured the drink inside both cups. I put it down and picked up my glass. I looked up at Yelena and smiled, clinking my glass with hers and then downing the drink in one shot. The liquid burning my throat as it flowed down. I then placed it down and grabbed the glass of kissel and took a sip, the fruity flavor prominent. 

I'm going to go to bed. I will see you in the morning, night Yelena." 

"Night!" She called back. I walked down the hall and to my room and shut the door. I sat on my bed and pulled out my notebook. I flicked through my different entries reliving through the memories I had with Bucky on the run. I looked at the photos and smiled. I packed the notebook all up and tucked it neatly into my draw and shut it. I then got tucked under the covers and turned the light off, slowly drifting to sleep. 


I walked out of the room and found Yelena in the kitchen. 
"Your up early!" I called walking inside. 
"Your slept past eleven," She commented back. My eyes widened and I quickly checked th clock and saw that in fact it was eleven forty five. 

"Jeez," I mumbled to myself. "Well, I had a good sleep in." I bent down and checked the fridge seeing barley anything left. I stand up straight and sighed. 
"I'm going down to the market, I will text you if anything seems off as usual, you need anything?" I questioned, she shook her head. 
"Right, I'll be back later." I grabbed my bag and packed the necessaries. Gun, wallet, burner phone and black widow cuffs and stingers, neatly into my purse. I also brought my motorbike keys and then walked out into the street. 

I walked around the market and bought the necessaries supplies for the next week at least. I then bundled it up and walked back to the apartment. That was when my eyes caught the sight of a girl in braids, a girl with red hair in black. I saw she was walking the same why I was. I sent Yelena a text:

'Incoming Red head walking our way, might be nothing, might be everything, be ready.' 

I then turned into the small street and climbed the stairs. Groceries in hand I walked up to the top level and then climbed out the window. Walking across the rooftops I felt calm, the busy street below was nothing compared to the peaceful wind and sky above. I jumped down the the balcony and watched as the red head stalked her way into our apartment. I kept my distance. I knew with this incoming that this meant trouble. I knocked on the window to the old lady next door. She opened the door with a confused look on her face. I held the groceries out in front of me. 

"Эй, я купил кое-какие продукты, которые, я знаю, нам не нужны, они все твои, если хочешь? (Hey, I bought some groceries that I know we don't need, they all yours if you want?)" She nodded and took it. 

"Почему ты зашел с моего балкона? (Why did you come in from my balcony?)" She questioned. 

"Эм-м-м(uh)," I paused smiling. I took a step inside and heard clanging coming from next door. 
"не важно, спасибо (it doesn't matter, thank-you!)"I said. I walked through her apartment and then out the door, shutting it behind me. I then cautiously walked to the hidden gun I had planted and went to look for it only to find it had been taken, tricky. I walked over to our door and found it ajar and then swiftly walked inside. I heard grunting coming from inside. I shut the door and got my gun out ready and stalked through the apartment. I walked into the kitchen to find it smashed and broken I turned to see glass and two figures on the floor draped in the curtains from the window. I walked over to them and heard their conversation. 

"ты вырос(you've grown)" The red haired girl stated. I smirked at the comment. I watched as Yelena thought for a moment and then untangled the curtain from her neck. 
"Ни хрена (No shit)" Yelena stood and I tucked my gun away into my pocket as I watched the two girls stand, but only one froze. 

"Are you?" Natasha gasped stepping closer. 
"Your the girl from twenty fourteen. Your the girl he won't shut up about." She paused stepping closer, I remained still. "Your, Bucky's little girl." She stated. 

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