'Chapter 52'

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I sat at the lunch table in the cafeteria. The group was laughing about something but I didn't find it funny, I could fell daggers being burned into my back. I turned around and his eyes met mine and I felt sick.

I felt stuck, trapped. Living a hell.

People talk about him, he's got an accent and people all find him odd. He was everywhere, sniffing down my neck. He's in all my classes I can't escape him.

The bell echoed through your then hall and we all stood up. I walked next to Levi down the busy hallway when I felt someone grab my wrist and something pinched into me. I ripped my hand back and looked around the hallway but no one was there.

"You okay?" Levi asked from neck to me. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, something just pinched my hand, probably got caught in someone's zipper or something." I smiled and he nodded.

I made it to my locker and Levi leant on the one next to mine, we had a class together next so we were walking. I opened the door and saw a slip of paper slip out of it.

"Oh, here." Levi ducked down and picked it, he starred at it confused. I gently grabbed from his hands and looked at it. It was written in russian.

"Is that Russian?" He asked, starring at me confused.
"I have no idea," I lied, my eyes fixated on the note.

предупреждение, мое терпение истощается. иди домой, сладкая лилия, или тебя насильно вернут домой. приди без борьбы, иначе. ты понятия не имеешь, на что я способен. Д.Д.

The message that was on made my stomach turn.

'a warning, my patience is thinning. come home sweet lily or you will be forcefully brought home. come without struggle or else. you have no idea what i am capable of. D.D'

"Do know Russian?" He asked and I shook my head. I crumbled it up and threw it back into my locker.
"I'm sure it's nothing, someone trying to prank me." I smiled collecting my things and shutting my locker. He nodded and we walked together. Levi turned left into the classroom and I went to follow but I saw something that made me freeze.

There he was, in the middle of the hallway tapping his watch that sat on his wrist. Smiling.

I shuddered and turned left into the class room.

The SHIELD agent that sat in the front seat always had a stern look on her face. She drove me to and from school everyday without saying a word. She stopped the car and almost glared at me through the rear view mirror.

"Thank you." I mumbled, getting out of the car and shutting the door. The elevator eise was short, probably because I zoned out for most of it.

'That note was most definitely from Dreykov.
He's threatening me to go home. How is he still alive? How did he find me? Does he work with HYDRA now? Did he ever work with HYDRA? He probably pissed that we killed his father. Does he know we killed him? Why is he mad with me? Does he know I wasn't part of Killing his father?'

My thoughts rattled through me fast as a bullet train. I wish I would get hit by a Bullet Train.

The doors opened and ai looked to see a SHIELD agent waiting for me.

"Miss Barnes, follow me please. Mr Captain Rodgers and Mr Tony Stark have requested a call with you." He handed me a tablet and I took a look. It had been 9 days. It was my chance to talk to them.

"Thank you Agent, does it matter what room I am able to talk to them in?" He shook his head no and I nodded. He took off to the elevator and I walked down the hallway to the dinning room. I sat at the head of the lonely table and set up the tablet.

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