'Chapter 27'

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(2 Days Later)
I sat in the dining room by myself, know one else was awake at this hour. I woke up at 3:50 and could never really get back to sleep. I decided to climb out of bed and sit quietly in the kitchen. I sat in the chair reading my notebook, looking at all the pictures and reading all I had written. I then heard something. Footsteps etching close.

I looked up, preparing myself when I saw the man, Sam. The one who helped me when I was freaking out in the middle of the hallway. He looked at me confused.

"Why are you up?" He whispered.
"I couldn't sleep." I whispered.
"Trouble sleeping?" He asked. I slightly nodded my head.
"What are you doing up so early?" I asked. By now it was at least 4:30am.

"I was going to go on a run but you look like you need some company." He smiled and walked over, taking up the chair next to me. I recognized Sam from somewhere, we had met before, who knows what I was trying to do, murder him probably. Sam caught me staring and gave me another confused look.

"I know I'm so good looking but why are you staring?" He smirked.
"Good looking?" I questioned, chuckling to myself.
"Yeah, the Falcon, as swift as his hair and moustache." He patted his hair down and I laughed out.

"Still why the staring?" He softly smiled.
"I've met you before." I started. "We'll probably not met more saw." I stated. His smile faltered for a moment.
"You don't remember?" He asked.
"I don't remember a few things." I answered.
"2014, on the causeway is when we first interacted I guess. You and your Assassin buddy were trying to kill me, cap and Nat. You kind of used me to secure from jumping off the top road and onto the one below." He answered. I thought for uua moment and then looked at him. I remembered him, the unnamed man that flew out of the car when we rammed into the back of it with Captain America and Black Widow.

"The causeway." I nodded my head, new memories flooded my brain. Fighting Sam, trying to kill both Black Widow and Captain America. The bullets, the cuts and bruises, I remembered it all.

"You used me so that you could jump over the edge of the causeway which I had to admit was pretty cool after but jeez, at the time it hurt pretty bad." He laughed. I managed to nod my head. He turned to me and smiled.

"Hey, it's okay," he patted my shoulder.

(5 days later)

I sat in front of the window watching the sky turn from a dark night sky to a pink tinge. I couldn't sleep, my nightmares were acting up again. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, tightly. I had my first therapy session today and I had no idea what to expect. I heard the door behind me open and I turned and saw Sam. We had been talking these past days, we had became quite close despite what Bucky had wanted. Bucky didn't like Sam for some reason.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled as he came and sat next to me.

"You have your first session today, I would understand if your not." He continued.

"Well," I paused. "I don't like talking about myself, or my problems.  With my past I know that I have already caused too many problems, so I feel trying to fix my own is in a way, selfish." I gripped my left hand with my right to stop it from shaking. I watched as Sam thought for a moment and then down at my hands. He reached his hand out and put it on mine.

"Hey hey hey, look at me," I shifted my gaze up to him. "Everyone deserves to have a chance in life to be problem free, especially you. By going to this session you are going to start to get better. I promise." I he nodded his head and offered a smile. I slowly nodded. I turned my head back outside and saw the sky, it had changed and become more bright, different colours leveled through the sky.

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