'Chapter 9'

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I sat in the passenger seat as Winter drove. I watched out the window as we went from the main Washington city further and further out into the country. The terrain changed from busy concrete streets turned to green plants and trees. The sky changed from a sky blue to a black sky with stars.

"We should pull over Winter, we should get some rest." I yawned. His eyes remained on the road ahead.
"Winter," I turned to him and smiled patting his shoulder.
"We need to rest. They wont be after us, yet." I whispered. He slowly nodded his head and pulled off the road. In the nothingness of this small town we managed to find a small motel. We pulled into the carpark and I found some money stashed in the glovebox of the car.

"I'll go in." Winter said. I handed him the money and watched his walk out and into the reception. Ten minuets later he came back with the motel key. I got out of the car and followed him to room 16. He unlocked the door and we walked inside. There was one bed, a small flat screened TV and a small fridge. I instantly collapsed onto the bed. I sighed, this was the most comfortable bed I had probably ever slept in. I looked up to Winter and saw him looking off into space.

"Winter," I stood up and in front of him. I looked deep into his eyes. I grabbed his flesh arm and squeezed it tightly.
"Let's get you cleaned up." I pulled his hand and walked him over to the bed and sat him down. He had blood all over his face from his fight today. I have no idea how he got past the receptionist. I walked to the bathroom and found a towel. I then turned on the tap and gently let the water run over the towel, slowly letting the towel absorb the water. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a cut on my cheek dried blood underneath my nose. I walked out to Winter sat on the soft bed beside him. He turned to me and I gently dabbed to towel over his face, cleaning the dried blood from it. I could immediately see a black eye forming on his left eye. I softly smiled at him and pulled my hands away from his face. He then softly grabbed the bloodied towel from my hands and started wiping my face.

"Did you hurt anything in the fight?" He whispered, voice barley there. I shook my head, the pain had mostly melted away except from the pain in my ribcage but I was sure that would go away soon.

"Except from falling forty floors to the ground, I'm fine really." I smiled. He looked at me in shock but I just shook my head and smiled, his reaction priceless.

"I'm tired, it was a long day today. I'm going to get settled on the couch, you can have the bed." I stood and turned towards the couch when he grabbed my wrist. I turned back and he shook his head.
"You have the bed, I'll take the couch, you have been through too much." He stood and lead me to the head of the bed. I got inside and looked up at him, He stood looming over me, his hand then reached out to grab the corner of the comforter and pulled it further over my body. I smiled up at him.

Once he was tucked into bed I turned off the light. Lying in the bed all tucked in, I could really feel my body aching like hell. I shut my eyes ignoring the pain and tried getting to sleep.


The sunlight from the window streamed into the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, seeing Winter standing at the window.

"Morning," I slipping out of bed.
"I'm going to have shower." I mumbled. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I took off my bloodied suit. I stood in the mirror, blue and purple bruises and small cuts scattered all over my body. My rib cage a deep shade of purple, 'That doesn't look good.' I stepped into the shower and turned it on, letting the cold water drizzle over my body. I washed my hair watching as the clean water became murky. I washed the cuts wincing as the soap sunk into my deep gashes.

Once finished I stepped out and wrapped myself with a towel. Drying my body and hair I then slipped my suit back on, knowing I didn't have anything else to cover my body. I walked back into the room. and smiled to Winter. He looked down to my thigh and saw my broken suit and wound. He sighed and pointed to the bed. I sat on the corner and Winter grabbed some alcohol and another towel. He then came and crouched in front of me.

"I need to disinfect it, this is going to sting." I nodded my head and he carefully ripped my suit a little more to access my wound better. He unscrewed the bottle and then looked up to my sympathetically. He then started tipping the liquid onto my wound. I bit my cheek and winced but dared not to make a sound. I clenched onto the bedsheet I was sitting on. He started wiping my wound, wiping the excess blood and dirt. He then grabbed a sewing kit from the bedside table draw and stood in front of me.

"This might hurt as well." I nodded and he quickly hooked a small piece of string through a needle. His hands gripped my leg holding it steady and inserted the needle, sewing my would back together.


I sat in the passenger seat. We had left the motel about 5 hours ago and we were driving, trying to get as far away from Washington as we could.

"We should go to Europe," I mumbled. He turned to me and nodded his head.
"That's a good idea, we just need to get a boat, or plane." He sighed.
"We should go to an exporting station, get on one of the boats exporting something over there, there won't be as much security and there is less chance on getting spotted. He nodded his head.


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