'Chapter 6'

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I was being trained with the fellow Winter Soldier's; they were strong but in some ways I was stronger. The serum I was injected with was the super soldier serum, it made me stronger than I was before. I was challenged, fighting the others but because of my smaller physique and my amount of training, I was better than them.

I was better than all of them except one. The one with the metal arm. I stood tall, facing my opponent.

This was the only person I had failed against. I stood strong. The guard gave instruction to start.

I ran at him; I kicked him as hard as I could but he didn't budge I swung around and kicked him again, but it didn't work. I stumbled back and saw he tried to run at me. He tried to punch me, but I dodged under his arm and ran to the far corner.

He twisted around and that is when I went for it. I ran at him as fast and hard as I could. I then kicked him with my knee, and he stumbled. I wasted no time to punch him as hard as I could in the chest then I slid between his legs.

I then jumped up and wrapped my legs around his neck and used my elbows to hit his head repeatedly. He stumbled forwards and his hands grabbed my waist and threw me to the ground. I rolled but quickly got back up to my feet. I puffed and looked her him.

He ran at me punching with his metal arm, I swung under him and then wrapped my way around his body. I used my body weight to pull him off balence and then I kicked him in the back over the knees causing him to fall to the ground. I then climbed on top of him but his hands grabbed mine and threw me forwards. He climbed on top of me and his metal arm wrapped around my throat. I winced and tried to claw him hands off me, my air rushing out of me.

I couldn't breath and I struggled to get out of his grip. I heard the guard yell but the man on top of me did net let me go. I then made eye contact with him, he froze. His icy blue eyes piercing into mine. A second yell from the guard and he released. I crawled out from beneath him. Gasping for air I stood. I looked around the room. I was so close, he just caught me off guard. I stumbled out of the room as I followed the guard out. 

He lead me to a room and pushed me inside. I stumbled and then turned just as te guard shut the door. The lights fluttered on and I looked around the room. I was in a small concreate room with no furniture. The walls had bloodstains and claw marks on them. I stumbled over to the corner and pressed my back to the wall and slowly slid down them. I held my head in my hands, 'What had I done to deserve this?'


I had my one mission, assist the Winter Soldier complete his missions, anything that stopped him from doing that would be mine to exterminate. Slipping on my suit and grabbing my weapons I knew it was time. I walked out of the room, my boots echoing off the walls of my 'home'. I walked into the main office, two guards opening the door for me. I see the head of HYDRA.

"Lilliana Melora. You know your objective." I nodded my head my eyes focusing on the man in front of me. 

"Ready to meet your partner?" I nodded, my head straight. If the world's best assassin needed assistance I knew this task was going to be difficult.  We walked in unison, through dark hallways, they brought me to a room and opened a large metal door, the metal screeching as if it hadn't been open for years. 

The room had blood stains marked on the wall. The air was cool and somewhat thick. Inside there was no furniture apart from an old bed that looked as if it were bound to break. I searched the room and saw him. The man that I had lost every single fight to. 

"Your mission starts soon, we need you ready by 0800 hours." The guard stated. The man stood from his place on the floor. We walked out of the room and to the training room. I prepped all my weapons and watched as the 'Winter Soldier' trained. Guards then came and took him away to get ready. I followed others that were coming on the mission out to a truck.

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