'Chapter 4'

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The warm Moscow air made me sweat in my black suit. I sat waiting for the package to be delivered. Dreykov wanted this mission done swiftly with no witnesses and I was the widow to do that. The Red Room had taught me the rules of the mission for we would be up against former Black Widow agents, she would know our tricks and use that against her.

They overly repeated these rules, 1 assume nothing. This girl most likely never knew that we were onto her but the chance that she would would be slim. If there was a slight chance that she knew we would need to be ready. 2 never go against your gut, if something is off alert your team members and prepare for anything.

3 everyone is potentially under opposition control. She most likely has the under city of Moscow against us, waiting. 4 don't look back, you are never completely alone. If it is below you your team members are up for it. If you trust in you team members then the mission should be successful.

5 go with the flow, blend in. As with any mission we needed to blend in, even I our black widow suits we need to act with the crowd. Moscow already knows something is up, they know something undercover is coming for them but not yet can they find out, not when we are so close. 6 vary your pattern, stay within cover. As widows we need to be prepared for anything and if something goes south we will need to again trust our team members to take out the threat for us.

7 lull them into a sense of complacency. If you make them feel confident you should be able to control them, when one of feeing self centered or full of themselves they will be more trusting with others and we have to abuse that power. 8 don't harass the opposition. You have to be open to everything, if you act up they will know something is coming, something they might be able to prepare for it.

9 pick the time and place for action, although it was delivered to us. With being this high in the ranks they will always pick the best time and place for everything. If not best they will plan for more and if not best they send the best and only the best. 10 keep your options open. If something may go south then keep everything open. You need to make it out alive with everything ticked off, target dead or taken care off, usually no witnesses and the mission completed.

I walked down the busy streets of Moscow, wind rushing past me. I stayed in the shadows and long alleyways, like I was told, waiting for the message. My team, consisting of 5 other girls, were staked around the city. Our target was in an apartment and we were about to strike, but we needed to plan out hit. I walked out into the street scaring a small group of birds making them fly into the air. I stood and watched them, gracefully fly from the ground into the wind and sky, I then snapped back into reality. I continued walking and then heard the call.

"Firing in line of 3, 5, 4, 3- she made us out, target deployed smoke. Someone from group go to her and stop her from the ground, I'm coming from the top." The widow called.
"I got her from the ground." I called. I quickly walked over to the point, down the street and too the left. I heard the footsteps and looked above me to see the widow jump from up top to the building across. I walked faster and saw a figure dash past in front. I quickly ducked into the building, a food store place, and walked through the aisles and to the front door. I watched as she came closer and put my hand on the door and counted.

1, 2, 3. I opened the door and pushed it open as hard as I could, I heard her body fall and a cars tires screech. I then heard the other widow and her fighting. I stood out of the doorway and saw the package, a small USB that had scattered out onto the road. I looked back at the widow to see her being held down with a knife to her throat. My eyes widened as one swift movement ended her life.

"Team member 4 down, target killed." I gasped into my earpiece. "I have the package keep her away from me, go." I ran towards the USB and swiftly grabbed it and tucked it away into my suit.

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