Chapter 4: Blue lagoon

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Dream stormed out of the shelter and disappeared. George fell to the floor and tried to control his breathing.

Quackity stood leaning at the doorframe with a puzzled expression. "What did you do to piss off Dream?"

George gave him a tired look. "Existing I suppose."

Quackity extended a hand that George took. "Not even twenty-four hours in and you've already made an enemy. Quite impressive."

George shook his head, too exhausted to continue the conversation. Together they headed towards the main tree. Plenty of people had gathered around a small fire and the air suddenly filled with the smell of cooked food. George's stomach growled as he took a seat next to Quackity and a tall brunette with round glasses, who politely introduced himself as Wilbur.

They were all served grilled beef with plenty of vegetable. The food was delightful and Quackity used the time to introduce the residents. There was Philza and his wife Kristen who most people viewed as the leaders. Together they had uncertain number of kids. Quackity said that he wasn't exactly sure on who qualified as their children. But he pointed at Wilbur, Techno and Tommy and told George that those were the people he was sure of. Each brother was vastly different. For starters, all three had different hair colors. One brunette, one blonde and one had pink hair. Some might think that the one with pink hair, whose name was Techno, would've been the least intimidating, but it was quite the opposite. George made a mental note not to get on his bad side.

Then there was Karl, Foolish, Tina and Punz. Out of everyone, they were definitely the loudest ones. Well maybe apart from Tommy's gang who also were the youngest bunch. They consisted of Tommy, Jack, Ranboo and Niki.

George did his best to keep up with Quackity's fast-paced introduction. He gave up halfway through and figured that he would probably learn at some point anyway.

Quackity was easy to like; sarcastic, humorous, and kind. He did a great job at making George feel welcomed. Wilbur wasn't bad either. He clearly possessed a great intellect and even told George that there's a library in this place.

As the evening passed by, George couldn't help but notice two people's absence: Sapnap and his newfound enemy, Dream. Although they soon after joined them. Sapnap went straight over to Karl who shot up from the ground with a love filled smile and flung his arms around the ravenette. Dream, however, did not join the crowd.

George watched it happen and found himself smiling softly. His gaze fell on Quackity, who also had his focus set on the two lovers. A sting of sorrow flashed by the dark eyes before he met George's gaze and his face returned to its former self.

Curiosity eventually got too unbearable. "Where's my lovely roommate going?"

Quackity looked in Dream's direction. "Probably somewhere he can be alone and practice. That guy is always on the run. We must usually force him to hang out with us."

George quirked an eyebrow. That was far from his first impression of Dream. He'd seemed like the arrogant type whose confidence was a bit too high for his own, and everyone else's, best. And George had assumed that he liked to be the center of attention.

Then Quackity's hand hit his shoulder. "What do you say, Gogy. Would you like a little tour of this place? It's even more beautiful when the sun's down."

"Gogy?" George questioned.

"Yeah, you too need a nickname." Quackity responded as he got up from the ground. George followed his lead. "Alright, lead the way." A toothy grin appeared on the black-haired guy's face before he made a theatrical bow. "With pleasure, Gogy."

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