a/n important

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holy shit i was gone for fucking ages and i come back to 80k reads??? wtf
i think i will continue this story and try to post twice a week since this is my final year of uk high school and i have to focus for exams, but like thank you so fucking much!

you all heard about Techno's passing, I miss him dearly and he was a great man. He still is, we all love him and he will never be forgoteten.

However, i will feel disrespectful still righting about him, I will keep the earlier chapters with his names, however from the future chapters the leader will be Punz. Techno will always be a leader in our hearts in this story<3

I chose punz because he was the first person to come to my mind. I drifted away from dsmp the last few months (hence why I wasnt writing) so im not gonna lie i forgot everything and kinda everyone, 

unless any of you have any other ideas on who to use please comment here and i will for sure use one of them! Please reccomend me some<3

i'm sorry that this isn't a chapter but i still hope some of you are here to read this<3

more chapters soon.

love from O.💓

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