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Georges pov.


I wake up to excruciating pain in my throat and head. I look around and I'm chained to a pole in the side of the room?

How did i get here? Where am i?

Since only one hand is chained to the pole, I manage to get up and see if my other arm is able to reach the door, and it can, but its locked. I bang on the door, not being able to yell.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and a guy with a bird mask comes in. Shit. This is where I am, flashbacks from a couple of nights ago raid my mind. Now I remember.

"Finally, it's been a week. I've been waiting."

I walk back to the wall and sit down, not having energy. I learnt a lesson to not drink water form other people, maybe even if it's someone you know.

"what?" I try to speak. I can not seem weak at this moment, I can not allow myself.

"We know that your little leader has something planned against us, we need the details. Tell us now." He points a gun at me, something planned?

"I have no clue what you're on about." I reply, i genuinely dont know what he's on about.

He shoots at me, right in my leg. I bring my leg close to me and bring my free hand to the wound, sucking in a breath. Trying not to let the screams come out of my throat, I can hear them in my mind.

"Now I know you're lying." He spits back at me.

"I don't know! What are you on about?!" I yell back.

He clocks the gun, ready to shoot again, "I genuinely don't know! What do you want?!" I straighten my back, trying not to seem like i'm afraid.

"I literally just joined the group not long ago, I've spoken to Punz atleast 5 times since i've been here. I haven't been told no plan about anything." I continue, trying to save my life. I think of Bad and my friends that I made when i joined the group, Dream. I wonder if they are even worried about me.

He hides the gun back into his back pocket and starts walking closer to me. I bring my injured leg closer, trying to keep the blood in by having to press on the trauma.

He suddenly punches me in my face. The back of my head hitting the concrete wall behind me. I shut my eyes trying not to let the tears spill out since he hit a sensitive spot on my face.

"You're coming with me." He takes his gun back out, shooting the handcuffs making them break. 

He violently, grabs my hand with the handcuff and pulls me up. All of the pain shooting to my leg and my wrist due to the handcuffs being so tight and my hurt leg. I groan and obediently follow.

Walking out of the room, many guys with bird masks are staring at me. They look kind of frightening and intimidating but I try not to show my feelings. They can't know.

But they probably already know.


I'm back:) I think my writing has gotten better (hopefully) and I want to show George's feelings (and everyone else's)  more, and not to make him seem like a bitch he has been in the whole 'book'. I have (obviously) grown up since the last time I wrote so the futrue chapters wont be as cringey and odd.(I havent writen in ages) But I also dont want to make him one of those weird weak George's I see everywhere, so if you see some bit's where he is weak, it's temporary. Although he may have some ptsd in the future.

Anyway thank you for reading<3 maybe you could even leave a star?

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