Chapter 3- Unspoken

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Hehe... Nice to see you. I am loving this story so far what about you? The next chapter will be about Noah's past! <3

Warnings: Panic attacks. I think that's all!

This is after the people that had him at the end brought their house.

Evil Xisuma Pov:

Me and brother were waiting outside the room Noah was in. Zed had come to help his wounds. It was so silent it was loud. "What are you going to do with him?" I said trying to sound as calm as I could. "Hm... I don't know... I haven't seen him in years. I don't know how to feel about this. He has done a lot of bad things before. But... I don't know... He could have changed. I don't know..." X said and it sounded like he was about to cry. 

X has had a lot of memories with him. I really never knew Noah's past or connection with X. I just trusted Noah's word. The door started to open then Zed came out. "How is he?!" I said straight away. "Well, he will be perfectly fine but will have scars all over his body." 

~1 month later~

Noah's Pov:

I slowly opened my eyes. My eyes felt like they were on fire. I heard some voices on the other side of the door. I didn't recognize where I was. I heard the door open and pretend I was still knocked out. "I know you're awake. Don't worry I am not here to hurt you." I opened my eyes to see someone with large horns that rapped around their goat ears I think. I'm pretty sure they were half-goat. "Wh-Where am I?" I asked still not really trusting him. "Oh, you're in X house which I don't know if you know him or not." X-Xisuma house oh no I got caught. "O-Oh I know h-him," I said curling up in a small ball. "I'll go get him he said he wanted to talk to you" Those words made me sick I knew why he wanted to talk to me.

I sat there still curled up in a ball. I was scared of X since he is the admin of the server and because of the past. I could hear him twist the door handle. I shut my eyes scared.

"Noah" X saying my name made me shiver. "Y-Yes?" I tried to sound calm but I wasn't really successful. "You can stay on the server for a little more while. But I will be keeping an eye on you. Also, you're coming you me because I have everyone waiting for me. I wanted to show them who you are." I was happy he was letting me stay but I was worried he would tell them about my past. 

"P-Please don't tell them about the p-past" I mumbled the words out more calmly than last time. "Oh I was never going to tell them about the past I don't even what them to know" I looked up surprised and happier. I stood up and walked behind X.

We went through the house until we reached the front door. He opened then we went through it slowly. "Okay everyone can I get your attention? I have brought you here because I have someone that will be staying on the server for a little. I will not say how I know them or anything like that." He nudged me to get out from behind. I walked slowly and looked down not wanting to make eye contact. 

~Next day~

I was all ready for the day. I walked out of the room that X gave me. I had to ask him if I was allowed to leave but he said yes. I was walking around exploring the cool builds until someone new came up to me. They looked familiar. "Hey! There you are, Noah! Don't you remember me?" I looked closely. "Wait?! Doc? I that really you!?" He giggled then said "Yep! I am so glad to see you" 

*Wait he was glad to see me? He knew what I did in the past* I stepped backward worried. "Y-Your glad?" He knew why I was acting like this. "Hey, don't worry about the past. I still care about you" That made me smile then we both hugged each other like we always did. 

"Hey, I have someone else for you to meet!" He looked at this watch thing and started to type in it. I was confused. "They should be on their way now." I looked at the watch thing again "What is that?". "Oh. This its our communicators! Or chat." Then we heard rockets above and then someone else landed next to Doc. *Wait! Is that Scar?!* 

Doc Pov:

When I saw the look on Noah's face I knew he recognized him. Next thing you know he is hugging him to death. It's been a long time since we saw Noah. Seeing him here was amazing to us. I was glad when X said he can stay for a while! Then I felt my arm get pulled. Next thing you know I am part of the hug.

I could see that Noah was happy to see us again and I was glad to finally see a smile on his face. I saw Cleo and Zed come over with lab coats on. I forgot today that Zed and Cleo were going to be testing us for sickness.

I looked down at Scar he was also scared for Noah. We both looked down at Noah. He looked at Cleo and Zed. He looked so... scared. "Hey, Doc, Scar, and Um person I don't know the name of yet!" He pulled out a needle and then said "Time for a check-up" I heard a bloodshot scream and turned around to see Noah balling out in tears and scared for his life. Zed and Cleo stepped back.


<DocM77> X I NEED YOU!

What?! What's going on?! <XisumaVoid>


I AM ON MY WAY!!!!<XisumaVoid>

~End of chat~

It didn't take long for X to show up. When X arrived he started to tear up to see what state Noah was in. Noah was on the ground holding his legs up to his chest. His eyes were red from crying and still was crying. You could hear him mumbling to himself. 

"What made him go into a p-panic attack!!!" X asked straight away. "Well, remember today Cleo and Zed were taking samples of everyone to see if everyone was healthy... and ya you know" Scar had been trying to calm Noah down while I was explaining to X. Zed and Cleo had gone to go get anyone else that could help such as Grian or Mumbo. 

About a minute later Mumbo and Grian arrived to help. Grian made everyone back up and went to Noah. He said something but no one could hear him. Then he stood up and told something to Mumbo then Mumbo went to go get something. 

When he got back he had something in his hand and then gave it to Grian. He plugged earbuds into his elf ears. He plugged it into his communicator and started to play something on it. It seemed like it was working until me, Scar, and X realized something but it was already too late...

And that's the end of the chapter!

Like I said in the beginning the next chapter is in the past.

Also, I am sorry this is kind of messy such as the beginning was about Grian and now Noah. But soon there will be things about Grian only and Grian and Noah. 

If you couldn't tell the main-ish characters are Grian and Noah. And the almost main characters are X, Ex, Doc, and Scar. Also, how do Doc and Scar know Noah I don't know HMMMMM...

(1316 Word count) That's more than usual! Also, the ending of the chapter was made at school in band because my teacher said we could since he was working with the flutes. Idk why I told you that but it's a fun fact about me!

Here's your daily question from me-

How do you think Noah knows X, Doc, and Scar?

(P.s If you see any mistakes please tell me and I will fix them!)

See you next chapter! :D

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