Chapter 10- Once Again

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Hey! Welcome.

This is after Noah and the others explained everything to Ex.


I'm tired lol

Warnings: Kidnapping *Does the title make sense now? :)*


No One Pov:

Ex stood there taking it all in. Noah was sitting next to Ren looking like he was about to fall asleep. Ex and X were talking for a long time after the explanation. "Ok, I and Ex think we should let everyone help me decide. So, I am calling a server meeting. Let's go!" Everyone got up and started to walk towards the place X told everyone else to go. Some people were already there waiting. 

It took a couple of minutes for everyone to get there.

'Ok, everyone I want to make a server vote! The options are should we let Noah stay or put him on another server?" He looked at his communicator and sent out voting. Finally, he got the results and would read them out loud. 

He read:

<Noah should stay 12>

<Noah shouldn't stay 11>

(Some of the votes are Hermits others are Evil Hermits)

Noah was happy but started to cry about how many people didn't want him to stay. Ren ran over comforting him. "W-Why would so many- people want m-me go-gone?" Ren looked down at him and replied "I don't know but hey you get to stay!" That cheered Noah up just a bit but was still crying knowing 11 people or more didn't want Noah here. 

~Next Day~

Noah still hasn't come out of his house with Ren yet since yesterday. Ren's communicator went off so Ren looked at it and saw that X was asking if Noah was ok. Ren replied getting better. "Noah, how about we go outside?" Noah looked at Ren and nodded. They both stood up and walked towards the door. Ren still had his arm around Noah's neck still comforting him. Some people were waiting for him outside and that cheered Noah up a lot.

~A While Later~

Noah was messing around with the gang and having fun. Until an arrow flew beside Noah. Everyone was thinking it was a skeleton but when they looked back it was- the... scientist. Noah ran toward where everyone else was but it was too late. An arrow soared through the air and into Noah's arm. Of course, if it was a normal arrow Noah would be fine but it was a tranquilizer arrow. Noah's vision started to get blurry and soon everything around him turned black. He fell to the ground and the others were trying to get to Noah but the scientist had already been taking him away.

Noah's Pov:

My head ached I tried sitting up but I was tied to a surgery table?! I yelled out for someone to let me go but it was useless. Finally, some people walked in and of course, it was the scientists. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" I yelled at them straight away not wanting to be there. "Ugh, still annoying from before- But I will answer that question. The answer is we need to finish the progress before you left!" I stared at them confused I thought I was already finished. "What do you mean I thought I was already finished?!" The scientist looked down at me and replied "No we had one more thing we had to do and I can't wait until it is finished!" I tried to get out of the grip of the surgery table but I couldn't. They held a needle with tranquilizer juice and then stuck it in my neck. My eyes got heavy and soon I couldn't hold them up anymore...

~With the others after Noah got taken~

No One Pov:

Scar was tired of yelling out it looked like he was about to have a panic attack! Doc realized that and tried even harder to calm him down but nothing was working... "Scar you need to calm down! You're going to have a panic attack if you don't!" Those words made Scar calm down enough that he wouldn't have a panic attack.

"N-Not again... I don't want to lose- Him again..." Scar said trying to calm himself down but that was pretty much impossible for him. He just wanted to have a normal life with the gang. Doc soon started to cry wishing it was all a bad dream he was having. X was trying to find Noah's location to go help him escape. Ren was trying to comfort everyone else even though he was crying too he didn't like to see the others crying too. Grian was walking by and saw them crying so he ran over to see what was wrong. "ARE YOU GUYS OK?!?!" Grian said running and top speed. By the time the three realized Grian yelled at them Grian was already next to them. "What happened?!" Grian said trying to find out why they were crying. "N-Noah g-got taken a-again," those words made Scar cry even more reminding him of his past with his brother. Grian stood there also looking like he was about to cry but Scar was confused about why. Grian was never really close to Noah but they were sorta friends. "W-Why are you s-sad about i-it?" Scar said able to say some words. Grian looked at Scar and replied, "W-Well w-we became very close..." Scar stared in confusion when they got close. "W-What when?" Grian realized Scar wasn't there when they talked about some problems they both had. "N-Not now w-we need to h-help X find N-Noah," Grian said standing up and heading towards X. Everyone looked at each other and also went towards X to help.

~With Noah~

Noah Pov:

I was awake but I couldn't see all I saw was blackness around me. I tried to speak but it kept hurting when I tried. Finally, some scientists walked in and realized I was finally awake. "Oh~ Finally, you're awake we have been waiting." I tried to look at them but I still was tied down. "L-Let me g-go," I said with every word hurting my throat. They looked at me well... I think. "We will but we have to make sure everything was done correctly. I was stunned they were actually going to let me go. "One thing before we untie you... You can't attack us or we will just put you back on this table," I nodded or well-tried to. 

They slowly untied me seeing if I was going to attack. I sat up first and help my head it hurt. They left me with the door to the outside open. Finally, when the headache was done I was ready to head back to the gang. I had my communicator so I messaged X and the rest of the gang to make sure they knew I was okay now and coming home.

While I stood up I realized something... 


:D Hehe

OH YE I love cliffhangers (I actually hate them but I love using cliffhangers in my stories)

Daily Question-

What do you think happened to him?

(996 Word Count)

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