Chapter 14- Blood Bath

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Hi! Chapter 14 WOW! 0o0* 

Warning: Blood, Death, Fighting, sadness and I mean a lot, etc. 


-It's been 2 days since the last chapter-

Grian Pov:

It's been a while since we have seen the others. We haven't eaten for the last three days because of the Watchers. We have been living in a cave we found pretty far from spawn. I signed not knowing what to do. "You good G?" Jimmy asked sitting next to me. I looked up at him and said, "Ye just bored you know?". Jimmy nodded agreeing with me. Noah and Martyn had gone out to get food for us. They left this morning and they told us if they don't come back at nightfall they are probably in danger. "I hope Martyn and Noah are ok..." I said looking out into the forest. "They are strong and smart! They're probably doing fine!" Jimmy said comforting me. I smile at Jimmy and he smiles back. Bdubs had been sleeping while I and Jimmy talked. I didn't want to tell Jimmy I felt uneasy that they hadn't come back yet. 

Noah Pov:

I and Martyn had been lost for an hour now. The forest was so large it was hard to tell where we have been and hadn't. We tried using the sun to direct us but we had forgotten which way the cave had been. I wasn't easily frightened but at the time I was scared. "Martyn... I'm scared," I said looking all over feeling like we were being watched. Martyn turned around to face me and then hugged me. "Me too but if we keep looking and stay positive everything will be fine," Martyn said to help me feel safer. I nodded and latched on to his arm staying close to him. I still looked all around still felt like we were being watched by something. "Martyn I feel like we are being watched," I said whispering it into Martyn's ear. Martyn looked at me and pulled me closer and I guess he felt the same. We both knew it wasn't a Watcher because by this point we would have felt its power or presents. 

I could see a couple of feet in front of me even though I was blind. Before all this happened Doc had gotten me these contacts that help me see better. He told me that Stress and Gem helped him make them. It was the middle of the day now and I was tired. we had been walking for over 5 hours. Then we stumbled upon Joel and Etho near a river. "JOEL ETHO!" I yelled running towards them happy to see others. They both turned towards me and Martyn then started to run toward us. "I'm so glad to see you guys!" Etho said to us. "SAME!" I yelled. We talked catching up on what had been happening with each other the past three days. Then the being watched feeling came back. I looked at Martyn and he also had been looking around feeling the same thing I felt. Joel and Etho seemed to be confused. I and Martyn were able to feel things if close enough. Then a huge wolf bigger than me came out of the bush ready to fight us. It wasn't a normal wolf it was a Watcher wolf. Watcher wolves are way stronger than normal wolves. They are very quick and are able to jump about 20 feet double a normal wolf. He started to run towards us and Martyn got ready to tackle it. I got ready to protect Joel and Etho who were the weak ones in the group. I got in front of Joel and Etho making sure the wolf would have to go through me first. Martyn and the wolf started to fight. 

Martyn got on top of the wolf trying to strangle it to death but it didn't work and the wolf, on purpose, rammed into a tree making Martyn fall off. Martyn quickly got up and fought with the wolf once again. The bloodshed was everywhere and I still stood my ground not letting the others get hurt I would die before anyone else got hurt. The wolf had wounds all over its back and Martyn had a huge scratch mark on his right leg. Then the wolf finally knocked Martyn into the river next to us. Martyn, of course, was ok but when he got off the river the wolf was already charging at me. I didn't move at all standing my ground. The wolf jumped into the landing on me but I used my wing strength to push it off me. I grabbed the wolf by the neck pushing my claws into its thick skin. I felt the blood of the wolf slowly coming out but before I could react the wolf grabbed me by my left arm. I felt the wolf's teeth sink into my skin and again before I could react the wolf tossed me I don't even know how much height. I then felt the bark of a tree on the side of my body. I was now bleeding from my left arm and had a huge wound on the right side of my stomach but I wasn't done with the wolf. I ran towards the wolf before it could get to Etho and Joel. Martyn was heading towards the wolf but I got there before him and he backed off knowing I wanted to deal with this beast myself. So Martyn went to help Etho and Joel while I attacked the wolf by myself. I launched myself on top of the wolf grabbing it by the ears. The wolf ran around trying to get me off but soon I slipped off. I tried to stand up but the wolf pinned me down. Again it grabbed me, on my left side shoulder, and this time tossed me about 10 feet in the air. I wasn't able to use my wings to stop the fall because of the impact the wolf did on it while pinning me down. I fell back to the ground to soon see the world around me start to get dark. *Was this death?* I thought *would I ever wake up?*. I wouldn't know unless I woke up again.

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