Chapter 7- True Love

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Yas, the one you guys out there have been waiting for

Grian x Iskall x ???? (Take your guess before reading this chapter!)

Warnings- Romance 0/////0 Oh Lala! 0w0 Also, there will be a mention of death and suicide... yes in a romance chapter lol- Also, blood and gore?. Yep


No One Pov-

Grian was laying on his crouch wondering what to do. Lately, he has been very boring. He heard someone walk into the room. He sat up looking who it was. He saw a Swedish man sit next to him and lean his head against his shoulder. He gave the Swedish man a kiss on the forehead. "Love you~," a Sweden accent said. Grian blushed a bit and replied "Love you too you Swedish fool," Iskall looked up at Grian with a funny-looking frown. Grian began to giggle at Iskall's look. "Shut it!" The angry Swedish man said. 

They talked a bit wondering what to do. Both of them wanted to cure their boredom. Then Grian came up with the best prank ever. Iskall agreed then they both practice their acting to make sure it was believe able.

When they got there they went towards the boat house. The person living in the house wasn't home right now so it was the perfect time for a great prank. They got the scenario ready and waited for the elf man to come home. Finally, after what felt like a century he came home. They waited to hear the elf man get close to the door.

"UGH! Why can't you just leave me ALONE!" The elf man listens in. "SHUT UP! SPEAK FOR YOURSELF! I WISH WE NEVER MET!?" another voice said. Before the elf man could open the door he heard one more thing "SAME! I HATE YOU I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DIE!" That was it the elf man walked in to see one of the people stabbing the other. Scar broke into tears to see Iskall laying on the floor 'dead'. "Grian how could you?" Grian looked at him and said, "He deserved it Scar!" Scar looked at him still crying. He ran over to Iskall and started to mutter to himself. Something inspected happened though... Etho saw the whole thing but he reacted differently than Scar. The thing is Grian and Iskall choose Scar for a couple of reasons one of them was because they knew Scar wouldn't try to kill Grian for what he 'did'. Etho ran over to Grian stabbing him in the chest. Grian clinched his chest trying to not bleed out too much. Scar at that point realized it was a prank. Iskall stood up perfectly fine and ran over to Grian same with Scar. "GRIAN!" The Swedish man called in tears. Blood was coming out of the cracks of where his hand was clinching. They both knew he would respawn but when people respawn they still feel the pain where they got hurt. Also, if they died too many times they would die forever but that has never happened before. 

Etho finally realized what he did and saw it was just a prank. Etho stepped back and started to feel guilty about what he just did. "Bing Bing" The communicator went off and Etho looked at it and started to feel even more guilt than before. 

<Grian died from Etho>

"I-I" Etho tried to say but he started to tear up. "Hey! It's not your fault you didn't know it was a prank! You did the right thing sorta..." Iskall said trying to cheer him up it sorta worked. 

Grian woke up in his bed clinched his chest again feeling the pain. He took his sweater off to see a scar where Etho stabbed him. He hurried and put his sweatshirt back on and rushed back to make sure Etho was doing ok. When he got there Etho was gone. "Where's Etho?" Scar looked over at Grian and said "He's ok! He's with Joel right now." Grian was relieved "Good... to know". Scar gave him a smile and went over to him. Scar gave Grian a kiss to cheer him up. His cheeks started to turn pink. Iskall was jealous to not get a kiss too.

Scar laughed and went over to Iskall and gave him a kiss too. "I love you both even though you guys are stupid" Grian and Iskall frowned but Grian replied "You're the one to talk! We're smarter than you!" Iskall rolled his eyes and said "Ok! Let's not fight guys. Now how about cuddles?" They both smiled and went to the couch and watched some Strange Thing before falling asleep together.

With Etho

"Shhh... It's not your fault" Joel said cheering up Etho. "I love you..." Joel looked down at Etho and said, "Love you too..." A bit later they both fell asleep together in the living room with the fireplace on to warm them up.


I love this <3

SO CUTE! Ik it was a but saddish too lol but hey idc

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Oh~ I posted two chapters in one day what a DEAL!

Have a good day!

<Question of the day! What should the (Scar x Grian x Iskall) ship be called?>

(812 Word Count)

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