3.4 - Reflekdoll

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! I know this chapter is nothing Christmas related, but I guess it'll just be my Christmas gift to you guys? Idk, but enjoy! I'm truly grateful for all of you! 

- JMY❤️

3rd Person POV:

"I don't call the shots M'Lady. You're the superhero who captures akumas. I'm just the cunning, ultra-charming Chat Noir, and she's the super-cool, super-fiery Phoenix!" Chat says, landing atop the same building as his partners.

The three had just finished fighting against another akumatized villain, Ladybug using her lucky charm to fix everything once again.

"Right, you two have it easy!' Ladybug crosses her arms.

"Easy?!" Phoenix scoffs.

"That's because we make it look easy." Chat smirks.

"As cunning as you might be, that little prank you pulled earlier almost made my Lucky Charm fail!" Ladybug scolds Chat.

"Do you know why Master Fu gave you the Ladybug Miraculous instead of me?" Chat questions.

"Because it requires someone with a sense of responsibility?" Ladybug cockily answers.

"No." Chat shakes his head, "It's because you don't have a sense of humor."

Chat and Phoenix start laughing.

"Pff, whatever!" Ladybug rolls her eyes, turning away from the two.

Chat goes to kiss her hand after Phoenix's but Ladybug quickly snatches it away.

"Look it's no big deal. You have so many other great qualities." Chat smiles. "Phoenix and I are just in charge of the humor department."

Phoenix's watch and Chat's rings go off in warning.

"You two better get going before you lose your clown costumes." Ladybug shoos them away.

"Miss you already, Bugaboo." Phoenix does a two-finger salute and both heroes leave.

"Don't call me-" Ladybug goes to snap at her.

"See? I was right!" Chat's obnoxious laughter rings in the distance.


Juleka brushes her hair while looking in the mirror, stopping after she reaches her bangs. She attempts to move it out of her face, but puts it back with a frown. This process repeats until her brother begins to speak.

"Don't you want to be a model any more?" Luka questions.

"Yeah, but no one will ever pick me." Juleka sighs, staring at her reflection.

"Have you tried talking to (Y/N) and Marinette about your idea?" Luka asks.

"I don't want to bother them with that.." Juleka shakes her head.

"You're really pretty, Jul. I'm sure they'd love to have you as their model." Luka places down his guitar and walks over to her. He stands behind her and tucks her bangs behind her ear and clips it in place, showing her entire face, "You've got to follow your dreams in life. Don't let them pass you by. You were made for this, so go for it."

Luka kisses Juleka's cheek affectionately, making the girl perk up in confidence.


"Since Ms. Mendeleiev wasn't in today, what should we do now that we're out an hour early?" Marinette asks the girls.

"We should use this extra time to make that video for Marinette's and (Y/N)'s soon to be websites!" Alya suggests.

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