3.18 - Party Crasher

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3rd Person POV:

"I'm really sorry, Wayhem, but I've got a casting this afternoon and then a private fencing lesson." Adrien unfortunately breaks the news to his fan. Wayhem's teary eyes are visible through the computer screen, but Adrien is quick to try and make him feel better. "But we will hang out soon. You're my number one fan, after all! My father never lets me hang out, and I can't have friends over either..."

"Seriously? You never have friends over?" Wayhem simply can't believe it.

Adrien shakes his head with a frown on his face. There was one friend that used to come over, but she doesn't anymore.

"That's harsh! One of these days, I'm gonna come over and change your dad's mind." Wayhem determinedly says. "And we'll have a rocking good time, for real!"

"My father doesn't change his mind very easily, but I appreciate the thought." Adrien chuckles. "Okay, I gotta go finish my homework before the shoot. See ya, Wayhem."

"Bye, Adrien!" Wayhem waves goodbye and the video call ends.

"Why don't you make the most of your father being out of town?" Plagg questions from Adrien's bed, browsing through the latest Gentlemen's Cheese magazine with a small charcuterie board laid next to him. "Have some friends over and live it up a little!"

"You know my father has very high expectations of me. I can't go behind his back like that." Adrien shakes his head.

"You go behind his back with (Y/N)." Plagg nonchalantly says, flipping to another page. "Letting her sneak in, sneaking out to go see her, sneaking out for midnight snacks, sneaking out for late night dates-"

"Yeah, well..." Adrien huffs, "We don't do that anymore."

Plagg's quiet for a moment. "Well why not?"

"She's not talking to me, Plagg. You already know that." Adrien longing eyes fall to his left computer's home screen, the happy picture of him and (Y/N) staring right back at him. Adrien turns off the computer before he gets choked up at the thought of her, and changes the subject. "And even if I wanted to "live it up" a little, my bodyguard is keeping an eye on me and making sure I stay in line."

"That's okay. You've got me, and our endless supply of cheese!" Plagg reluctantly goes along with Adrien's change of subject, noting the boy wasn't ready to talk about the missing half of his heart. "That'll make anyone happy!"

Adrien scoffs, but a small smile makes its way on to his face.


Natalie drives through the city of Paris with Gabriel in the backseat. She enjoys the peacefulness of the silence before the hologram in the backseat begins to glitch, quickly calibrating it to fix it.

Not long after, the real Gabriel calls her, "Is everything going to plan, Natalie?"

"Yes. En route to the airport, sir." Natalie replies, "You will officially be spending the entire week in Tokyo. No one will ever suspect you stayed home."

"Perfect." Gabriel hangs up the phone.

The man presses the buttons necessary to open the mural of his wife, stepping in and descending down. Once the man reaches ground level, he makes his way to the glass coffin, holding his beloved wife.

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