Chapter 3: RBC

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Two teenage girls sat with handcuffs on them. Both of them were wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, a gray hoodie, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. They revealed themselves as (y/n) and Kat.

"With our folks dead, the next five years were hell." Kat began, as the driver drove them to their location.

"Yeah, We got into a little trouble. Okay, a lot of trouble." (Y/n) decided to talk about Kat and her pasts because she got the feeling that Kat was still hurt by it. The car got onto a bridge and continued driving.

"But at 13, we got a do-over at this fancy girls' school, RBC. Only was back in Rust Bank." (y/n)'s voice faded away as her longtime friend gasped.

Kat and (y/n) walked over to the left side to look at the side of the bridge...where Kat's parents died.

Kat obviously started to have a panic attack as (y/n) tried to comfort her...yes the accident only hurt (y/n) but she knew her parents would still be in Rust Bank. The Indigenous woman looked into the mirror, furrowed her eyebrows, and began to slow down until she stopped as Kat continued to breathe heavily.

"You okay, Kat?" The woman said concerned.

Kat stopped breathing so heavily and spoke the words, "What?"

"The bridge. You had a panic attack." Ms. Hunter said still concerned as (y/n) nodded her head in agreement.

"I'm fine Ms. Hunter," Kat reassured Ms. Hunter and her best friend as she held (y/n)'s hands.

As Kat took (y/n) over to the left side, both of the girls gasped.

"Dad's brewery. When did it burn down?" Kat questioned.

"It was at your parents' memorial." Ms. Hunter spoke softly.

"What?" (Y/n) said as she hugged Kat, still holding her hand.

"You both were already in the group home upstate." Ms. Hunter turned around to face the front. "You both didn't need more bad news."

"Was anyone hurt?" Questioned (y/n).

Ms. Hunter sighed as she turned the car back on. "It was bad." Ms. Hunter stated.

Kat and (y/n) looked on at the scene in sadness, as Kat buried her face in (y/n) shoulder.

"Home wasn't it used to be. Seems that brewery fire had a domino effect, and the whole town had died." (Y/n) said to Kat as they both looked around.

"What's this Klax Korp?" Kat questioned as (y/n) shrugged in confusion.

No answer was given as Ms. Hunter kept driving down a road.

Kat suddenly gasped out, "Our old house!" The house wasn't lit up anymore and looked old and abandoned. It also had snow all over the roof, and the leaves on the trees weren't there anymore.

Good memories...they can hurt the most." As (y/n) said she pictured her younger self and Kay's younger self on a wheel swing with Kat's parents pushing them softly. "But it wasn't just a do-over. Something else up at that school was pooling us back. Something that knew what we were before we did." Kat looked over at her friend and explained as (y/n) agreed.


Raúl was in his art room tower and heard an engine in the distance. He looked through his telescope and saw the car Kat and (y/n) were in. As church bells rang, he stepped out onto a balcony, gripped onto the railings, and looked down as the car stopped.

Ms. Hunter stepped out of the car to get the girls out of the car to give them their belongings. Ms. Hunter took the handcuff's keys and unlocked them.

(Y/n) got out of the car first and offered her hand to Kat. Kat and (y/n) shared a laugh before Kat took it and got out.

"Rust Back Catholic. Fancy!" Ms. Hunter said, trying to make the girls more excited for this school. Kat stepped toward the school and spat, "Townies call it 'Crust Stank.'" As (y/n) was trying but failing to hold in a laugh and five fist-pumping her best friend.

Raúl took a glance at Kat before freezing at (y/n). He flushed red, he thought she had the prettiest (e/c)* eyes that you could just stare into all day, she had gorgeous (h/l)* and (h/c) hair that he could run his hands in, and she had the most stunning laugh ever.

Ms. Hunter just opened the front car door to give them their stuff as she jokingly said, "Okay, townies." And closed the door.

"What sort of girls go here?" Ms. Hunter asked.

"Prize poodles. All the best in the show." As (y/n) raised a finger and wiggled it around and placed the hand on her hip.

Ms. Hunter just has Kat her father's book box and (y/n)'s father's bow.

Both of the girl's eyes lit up at the old memories that each item held.

"Woah! Dad's bow! (Y/n) said as she took it gently into her hold.

"Woah! It's Dad's Cyclops!" Kat just exclaimed.

Ms. Hunter shook her head, "Some other stuff too. Rust Bank Catholic was the first school to sign up for a 'break in the cycle.' I promised you both would behave." Ms. Hunter said she took off her coat and put it around Kat, same with her scarf, only with (y/n).

"Yeah, well, we didn't." (Y/n) scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Can you at least try? I get my grandma's fry bread recipe on you both." Ms. Hunter smiled and walked back to the car.

"What the...what?" Kat said confused.

"So, you guys make this work!" Ms. Hunter firmly said as she just into the car, waved, and left.

(Y/n) only could sigh out of annoyance.

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