Chapter 13: The Comeback

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"Well, here we are, girls." Sister Helley commented to the young girls as they started walking up the front stairs to get inside the school.

Sister Helley paused, "Just tell me one thing before you both go." Kat and (y/n) turned around, Helley grabbed their hands softly, "Is our secret safe?"

Kat looked down at their hands and in a swift manner tugged (y/n)'s hand back and grumbled. They started walking to the door of the school when they heard slithering. They both looked up to see that somehow the sister was in front of them.

Sister Helley looked at them both before she started talking, "I know what you are, (y/n) and Kat. You are Hell Maidens."

(Y/n) raised her eyebrows and made a curious face before asking, "But how could you know that?"

Helley raised her right hand before replying, "I'm...kind of an expert" She then made a stern face, "And you both do not want certain parties finding out about you."

Kat turned around as she thought, "Why do you care about us?" Kat then questioned.

The sister leaned a little closer, "I care because I was just like you." She tried to put her hands on their shoulders but was rejected in the act.

"Oh, so you were stupid too!" Kat raised her voice a little.

"You aren't stupid, girls." Sister Helley tried to reassure them.

(Y/n) suddenly spoke up, "Stupid enough to get her and my parents killed!" She faced the sister, "Stupid enough to just watch 'em drown, not even try to help! Stupid enough to believe they could ever-" she was cut off by Kat pulling her into a tight hug while sister Helley started to speak again.

"Stop! It couldn't have all been your fault, both of you!" Sister Helley raised her voice but was still calm.

Kat- still hugging (y/n), spoke, "You're nothing like us!" Kat took one arm off of (y/n) guided her to the door and opened the door.

Sister Helley took a breath, sighed heavily, and looked down.


(Y/n) and Kat walked to their rooms in silence until a familiar goat bleated at them. Siobhan walked up to them with two glasses of milk and some chocolate chip cookies on a white plate.

"We were so worried, (n/n) and Kay-Kay, when neither of you didn't get on the bus. When we're you both?" The daughter of the Klaxons asked worriedly.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow at her, "You gonna arrest us, Klax Korp?" She asked, knowing about Siobhan's parents.

Siobhan shook her head as a no, "Arrest you?"

"You are the prison people" Kat reminded.

"Why, yes, private prisons. With trauma therapy, full detox, and whole-being cleanses." Siobhan told the girls in front of her.

Kat and (y/n) walked past her, "Have you ever been in a private prison?" (Y/n) asked as she opened the door to her and her friend's room.

"Well, no." Siobhan shook her head as Kat closed the door in her face.

Then opened the door to let out the beloved goat with her black platform boots, and took a hat from Gabby's mouth, as the animal made a noise at them.

Kat came out of the room, "I didn't think so." And grabbed the two cups and cookies out of Siobhan's hand and closed the door again.


The next day in science class, sister Helley could be seen drawing examples of Venus fly traps on the blackboard and Sloan and Siobhan cooing and laughing.

"It's the cutest." Sloane gushed.

Raúl was drawing in his notebook as Kat and (y/n) were behind him with angry and dissatisfied looks.

"That dream you had..." he showed Kat and his girlfriend a picture of them sleeping and Sweetie and Sloane as demons, "Maybe it was just some students messing with you." (Y/n) looked at the picture with a curious expression and smiled- he always knew how to cheer her up without knowing it.

Kat glared at it and roughly took it from his hands, "I said they were demons, Raùl! Our demons. And they lied!" She threw the now crumpled paper at him.

Raúl furrowed his eyebrows and her, "Hmm. Maybe demons aren't the most trustworthy creatures to make a deal with." He tossed his notebook on his desk while Kat had her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. (Y/n) just covered her face in her hands and sighed.

The PA turned on and a microphone made a noise, the trio looked up.

Father Bests greeted the school with, "Good morning, RBC!" As everyone gasps, surprised, "It's your very own Father Bests. Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated." He chuckled.

Kat and (y/n) looked at each other and made some hand gestures, "What?!" They both whisper and shout. Raúl looked back at his girlfriend who was in a panic and started to worry, so he held her hand and rubbed circles on her hand. (Y/n) looked at him, grateful that he could calm her down somewhat, and kissed him on the lips with a short peck.

"So, I am back on the job, guiding this glorious institution into the future."

Gabby made a noise, unbothered as the prize puddles gasped in unison.

"It's dear Father Bests!" Cheered sweetie as she jumped up and down in her seat and raised her hands into the air, while Siobhan and Sloane smiled at each other.

"Alive! Oh my god!" Added Sloane as the three girls started squealing.

Meanwhile, Sister Helley tried to calm everyone down, "All right, everyone! Everyone, okay. Please stay calm!" Students were just cheering and didn't listen to her.

"It's got to be a miracle, right?" Siobhan questioned while smiling. Kat and Raúl looked at (y/n) who had a very hard glare on her face, Kat smiled- she knew that look, that look said shit was going to go down.

The class was still celebrating while the sister went under the floor and slithered to a secret passage in a wall.

(Y/n) stood up, "Come on!" And strutted out of the room.

Raúl had his mouth open until Kat pulled him up and grunted, "She gets that from me, get ready to see her fight someone." She smirked at Raúl's lovestruck face. "What a woman-" He swooned.

Siobhan saw Kat and stopped cheering, "Kay-Kay?" And looked at Sloane with a worried look.

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