Chapter 6: Mimic Octopus

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A trey with wheels rattled on the school floor as it came closer to to science classroom. As a nun walks past a room, a man with a wheelchair can be seen opening the door and going through it.

"Traitor." The man said as he got out a cane and turned the light on as he grunted.

The woman with the tray walked into the class, "Sorry I'm late." She walked to the blackboard and wrote and said at the same time, "Adaptable nature. Ha!" She drew a line underneath the words and turned around, "Now, this spectacular creature is called Thaumoctopus mimics, the mimic octopus." She explained as she took off the cloth she had around its cage.

(Y/n) already looked bored as she put two fingers on her temple, Raúl looked back at her both confused and worried about her. She looked at him and waved it off, telling him she was fine. He simply nodded and smiled. Kat learned to her left and glared at him, she knew when someone had feelings for her best friend and she didn't like it, then looked over to get a better look at the animal.

"It's the only creature that can change its body shape to fool predators and prey." The nun then softly trapped the cage, it did indeed change color.

By now (y/n) raised a brow and leaned closer, now interested a the creature. This didn't go unnoticed by Raúl as he kept looking a her during the lesson.

"Holy biscuits." Siobhan softly exclaimed.

"Ooh!" Sloane said, also curious about the animal.

The nun then taps on the class again as the mimic octopus changes colors and form, to look like a fish.

"Oh, my!" Sweetie whispered.

Once again, the nun softly tapped on the glass, as the octopus changed color.

"That's amazing," Kat said to (y/n), to which the latter only nodded and wrapped an arm around Kat.

"Now you both look like adaptable girls." She pointed at (y/n) and Kat. (Y/n) whispered in her friend's ear, "We kinda had to be adaptable because we moved around so much." As she rolled her eyes.

Kat scoffed and punched (y/n) jokingly as (y/n) laughed and tried to dodge. Little did they know, Raúl was glaring at Kat as she and (y/n) play-fought and laughed.

"It's Kat and (y/n)," Kat explained.

"Well, come on up, Kat and (y/n). Get a close-up of this marvelous mollusk!" Kat and (y/n) as they shrugged and got up with Raúl still looking at them. (Y/n) noticed this looked at him, smirked, and winked. The man slapped his hand on his mouth and he blushed bright red.

As they were walking up, the trio all exclaimed, "(n/n, Kay-Kay!" (Y/n) never wanted to slap anyone so bad in her life, and only rolled her eyes at them as they passed.

(Y/n) stood up straight and crossed her arms as Kat bent down to tap on the glass not so softly. The fish turned a weird shape and turned a bright red and began to hit the glass.

(Y/n) looked at it shocked as she pulled Kat closer to her, that way if Kat would get hurt, so would she.

"Oh, no!" Siobhan said worried for her new friends.

"What's happening?" Sweetie screamed, (y/n) only rolled her eyes as Sweetie panicked, (y/n) was just done with everything.

"Gabby!" Siobhan screamed for her goat.

A drawer on the desk started rumbling as (y/n) held Kat tighter and death glared at the desk. The class was pure chaos except for (y/n) and Raúl. (Y/n) because she was forced to keep Kat out of harm's way as best as she could. Raúl because he was staring at (y/n) with literal hearts in his eyes.

Kat and (y/n) went over to the desk and electricity stocks both of them as Kat yelled softly, (y/n) only widened her eyes and put her good hand on the burn.

The nun took Kat (y/n) outside to look at the injury.

Kat started to breathe heavily as (y/n) tried to calm her down, even though she, herself was hurt.

"Okay. Slow deep breaths, Kat." The nun says calmly as a mother would. As (y/n) rubbed Kat on the back Kat got her breathing under control.

"Um, let's take a look." Kat pulls off her clove, "oh!" The nun, (y/n) and Kat gasped. (Y/n) took off her glove and saw the same mark on her hand.

"What's - What's on our hands?" Kat asked, confused as she looked at (y/n) worried.

"Ah, okay. You both have never seen this before, right?" The nun made a gesture at their hands, "never" (y/n) said, looking down at the mark as Kat agreed.

"Uh, well, the mark proves that you both are special, girls. But it has to be our secret." The nun said lowly and carefully as she grabbed the girl's hands.

"Huh?" Kat pulled away from the nun as she grabbed (y/n) away from the nun.

"That's how I can protect you both." The nun tried to explain.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, "Protect us from what?" She put her hands on her hips.

"That stupid octopus. It bit us, right?" Kat started to get frustrated.

"It wasn't the octopus." The nun again tried to explain.

"You're just protecting your job!" Kat pointed a finger at the nun's face and moved past her.

"Tell no one, Kat!" The nun urged as Kat walked up the stairs.


The trio has looked at the mimic octopus, "So, what do we believe just happened? Sweetie?" Siobhan looked at one of her friends.

Sweetie gaped softly, "Kay-Kay and (n/n) are witches!" She cupped the cheeks.

"No, they are telekinetics. Their minds can move matter." Sloane said as she raised her finger in the air.

"Well, I would posit that (n/n) and Kay-Kay are interrupters. A disturber of the status quo." Siobhan said, making false statements about the girls.

Just then (y/n) walked into the class as she heard Raúl beginning to defend them from the trio, she then leaned into the door frame to not be caught.

"Oh, come on, Siobhan, leave them alone." He defended them as he raised his arm to make a point.

Siobhan put her hands on his desk, "It's none of your business, Ramona." (Y/n) raised her eyebrows in stock at Siobhan dead naming him.

Raúl only sighed in disappointment as Siobhan tried to apologize, "I'm sorry, Raúl. I keep forgetting." As Gabby bleats.

(Y/n) sighed and defined him, "If you forget stuff easily, then stop calling me (n/n) and stop calling Kat Kay-Kay." Siobhan only looked at (y/n) and sighed and walked out the door.

(Y/n) pitched the bridge of her nose before looking at Raúl. "Honestly, how hard is it to forget someone's name?"

Raúl smiled, "If only you knew, is your hand okay?" He looked worriedly down at her hand. (Y/n) only laughs "I'm fine honest, I'm going to put some ice on it later though."

Raùl nodded and suddenly blurted out, "Do you wanna hang out tonight?" (Y/n) looked at him shocked before nodding her head yes, "That would be nice." They both smiled at each other.

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