I wish to forget (1)

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How long has it been since i got here? Year..., no...two... it's been over 2 years. Saying that Aether looked at his map with annoyed and at the same time sad face. 'And look where I am. In the middle of fucking nowhere. Will it ever end?' Thinking that Traveler looked up to the sky. Clouds didn't let him see the stars nor the moon, that made him even more upset. Stars he thought as a small smile showed on his face. The only thing that stays with me. With that Aether cloud fell as that light smile of his faded.

Why it has to be me? I walked from nation to nation and still found nothing! With those words he could fell his heart starting to ache. Oh, Lumine where you are? At that moment his heart didn't just ache he felt as if somebody just crushed it without giving any warning. I wish all of this to just end.

The pain in his chest that he couldn't get rid of made him feel hopeless. Traveler laid down on grass and put his hands on his face trying to calm down his emotions. But it didn't help at all.

" Why do you always have to make things more complicated!?" Aether heard familiar voice yelling at his direction.

"How can you say that after leaving them as if they were nothing!?" He yelled back as oddly familiar person come closer to him.

At first Traveler didn't know what was going on. Then his heart stopped. 'Lumine' he wanted to yell as the posture got enough close to him to recognize the person but no word come out of his mouth. He realized that what he sees right now isn't real. 'No, it is real or should I say was real?'

It indeed wasn't his imagination...well not exactly. What he saw just now was his memory. Long lost memory that gave him nightmares, that didn't let go of him, that he once wished to forget.

"When will you understand? I did it for you!" She said with furious face. "For me you decided to leave those people and let them die?" He responded as he felt his eyes getting glassy. "For god's sake why are you so stupid? Don't you understand that if you won't take care of yourself no one else will do it for you?" Saying that Lumine looked him straight in the eyes.

"But that doesn't-" As he tried to answer her she cut his sentence and started yelling again. "No buts Aether! Why are you so stupid? If it weren't for me you would be already laying there dead!" Saying that she took him by his scarf. "It's time for you to grow up...why do you have to be so useless?" The last part she whispered louder than she planned. But Lumine knew there is no going back what done is already done and she can't change it. It doesn't matter if she's sorry for what she said or did. No matter how much she regret it there's nothing she could do about it.

As Aether heard this sentence his eyes widened and mouth closed. He knew that Lumine is the more mature one, the one that always knew what to do and took care of everything while he barely could make himself breakfast. Those words hurt him more than anything else, at least that was what he thought at that time.

If he only knew that not to long after their fight he wouldn't see his twin for who knows how long he surely wouldn't act like that.

"Useless?" As he mumbled this Lumine had a strange feeling in her chest. She finally let go of Aether's scarf. She already felt so bad yet hearing it from him, her lovely, always happy and innocent brother made her flustered. Her feeling were a mess, she could fell as anger took over her as she snapped.

"Yes useless, good for nothing! What can you do? You are nothing without me. I bet you wouldn't be able to survive 2 days out of there if it weren't for me!" Saying that she walked few steps away from Aether.

"You always make everything more complicated. Most of our problem are made by YOU! Yet I'm the one that has to solve them. Sometimes i wish you weren't born. Everything would be a lot easier without you."

After a while of silence Lumine turned around to see her brother. She felt furious but not hearing answer from him made her quite worry and flustered. She saw him standing there still, looking at the ground and not moving even an inch.

As she said those awful words to Aether couldn't think of anything. He looked with shocked eyes at the grass while a small tear started to wander through his face. Then another and another. It didn't took long for those single tears to turn into one long line that went from his eyes to his jaw. He felt as if somebody slapped his face and took something that was the most precious to him. His beloved loving and caring sister. It was as if it wasn't Lumine that stranded in front of him and said those hurtful words but a person that he never seen before, person that claimed to be his twin.

Remembering all of this made Aether miserable. He wanted all of this to end, he wanted to forget. But instead he started to recall more and more painful memories. It was as if somebody wanted him to remember, wanted to see him in his worst state, wanted to ruin him to the end.

As the vision started to fade Aether felt a little better but the pain he could fell in his chest was unbearable and the little while of relief didn't help much.

Traveler opened his eyes and sighted loud. "As I finally thought I got rid of those memories they came back and crushed me again." He said to himself.

Aether laid there for a little while longer thinking of what he has done past those few months. 'This sucks' he thought as he recalled all those this he has done since he lost Lumine. I helped hundred of people yet there is no one that helped me. He smirked at the thought of it. She was right, I really am useless. I believed that those people could help me, that having good reputation and being a hero will make everything easier but as always I was wrong. Zhongli, Jean, Raiden, Venti all of them are the same. They said that they will help me find Lumine and all they did was ask around some people about her and put posters around the city. They didn't even try while I had to fight for their sake, getting multiple of scars and no empathy. They see me as a fool that will do everything for them while they sit around and say some words to make me feel better. Thinking that he clenched his fists. It's really is a irony that after all I did for them the only help I got to get closer to my sister was from Dain. Aether chuckled as he remembered it and the tears starter to appear again.


He suddenly heard as he wiped his tears of his face. Paimon? But what is she doing here?...I guess I stayed there longer than I planed.  Aether thought as he sat down and tried to calm himself down a little.

"There you are! Paimon though something bad happened to you! Why did you leave without telling Paimon where you are going? Did you even know how worried I was?" She yelled at Traveler not letting him say anything.

"I'm sorry I got lost in thoughts." He answered as he looked up at her.

Paimon calmed down after finding his companion safe and not hurt. She sat next to him and looked at him with confused face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked after a while.

"I decided to go on a little walk. Sorry if I made you worry." Aether answered putting a light smile on his face. "Paimon..." He started as he looked straight into her eyes. "Who is your favorite?" He asked.

"Paimon doesn't understands." She said with confused face as she answered this sudden question.

"Favorite person...I asked who's your favorite person" Saying that Aether looked away.

"Barbara is very nice, Jean is hard working, so is Ayato and Thoma they're really nice..." She said it as she started to think. "But Aether is Paimon's favorite. Paimon likes you the best!" She said after a while as a big smile appeared on her face. "But why do you ask?" She looked at him waiting for answer.

Aether heisted for a while and looked back at his companion with a small smile. "No reason" he said as he turned his face to look at the sky.


-1468 words.

Author's note:

It took me some time so i hope you like it. Also sorry for bad grammar/spelling, I tried my best.

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