notice (13.5)

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First of all I want to apologize for not uploading for a long time. Second, I know not many people read this fanfic but for those who do I would like to explain the situation I'm currently in. So (if I remember correctly) I mentioned in other chapter that I writing for fun. It's my first 'book', this means I have no experience in writing. Because of that the story might be boring/written poorly. Also don't forget that English isn't my first language and my vocabulary range is greatly reduced by this. Thanks to that I have a hard time while writing something the way I would like it to be written. The outcome most of the time isn't good enough but I'm too flustered to spend another hours of my free time to correct it. I'm trying my best so that while reading the story everything makes sense to yall and that the same words don't repeat all the time (From my own experience I can tell that reading book with word like 'then' in every sentence isn't pleasant. At least for me). Other than that I can't really focus on one thing and because of that getting ideas for next chapters and getting them actually done may take a rather long while. The third reason is that the school year in my country is slowly coming to an end and I'm getting some of my grades up. It really takes lot of time so if I have to be truthful I forgot about this fanfic. Not to long after the school ends I will have to go to job so my free time won't really increase.

In short I want to tell you that if the chapters won't come out for a long time I hope you won't be too surprised. I'll also try to write a notice in advance about the story going on a hitaus or something like this. Also except the chapters to come out in the second half/end of each month not including this one.

If any of you have any ideas for the story feel free to share them. If it takes my interest we could figure something out together 😁.

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