What a strange story... (11)

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-"So, uh- we are friends and I'm famous Traveler that is said to be a hero of Tayvat?" Aether concluded after hearing of all that Xiao had said to him.

-"Pretty much yeah." Dark-haired man simply replied.

-"Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now?" With those words Sora laughed lightly and looked adeptus straight in his eyes.

-"Huh?" Yaksha wasn't sure how to answer.

-"I mean come on even now I needed help of my fam-family..." He didn't believe Xiao's words, but sometimes his story rang true, and he felt he had heard it at least once. Thinking about the "sister" he was supposed to be looking for and the thought of his "new family" made him uneasy... "Do you really think somebody like me would be able to fight with dragons or whatever?" He continued.

-"You don't believe me..." Xiao glanced at Aether.

-"I mean who, who that would be in my position could believe something like that?" He tried to reason his way of thinking .

-"You don't believe yet you're doing it even now." Alatus replied gazing at the blond with interest.

-"Doing what?" Sora wasn't sure what the dark-haired man was trying to say.

-"Did you touch the Statue of dendro god?" Adeptus questioned.

-"What kind of question is that?" At this point Aether confused.

-"Just answer the question." Xiao demanded.

-"I- yes, I did, so what?" Traveler did answer as he wanted to understand the Yaksha.

-"Didn't you fell anything strange?" Alatus looked at Sora's face full of questions with amusement trying his best to hold his laughter and explain blondie everything.

-"No?" Traveler replied not sure where the conversation was going.

-"Okay maybe I asked the wrong question. Did anything strange happened ever since you touched it?" Adeptus still watched Aether and found it cute as the boy tried his best to cooperate and understand anything.

-"What do you mean?" Blondie wanted to get question that would help him get to know what was going on.

-"I don't know, something like plants growing around you or looking healthier after you touched them?" Conqueror of Demons gave few examples.

Sora stiffened upon hearing this sentence. Until now, he hadn't given it much thought, but now, if he had to answer the question, it was true. After interacting with the statue, strange things were happening around him. Just as Alatus said.

-"What are you trying to say?" Blond boy looked Xiao straight in the eyes.

-"Aether just an-"

-"No. You answer the question. What is that you're trying to say? Stop fooling around and just give me response already." Blondie wanted to finally know what was it all about.

-"You can use it..." Was what he heard as a reply from dark-haired boy.

Xiao clearly had realized that Sora hasn't understood what he just said from expression on his face.

-"You can use dendro power. You can use them all." As he spoke the silence in the room started to be even more noticeable.

-"Them all?"

-"Yes if you get in interaction with any statue of seven you can take it's element and use it to your liking." Alatus didn't spare him a single glance as he answered. Normally he would face him but this time he did quite the opposite he directly looked everywhere but at the blond boy.

-"How do you know?" Sora asked with voice demanding an answer.

-"Know what?" Adeptus wasn't sure what Traveler wanted.

-"How do you know of all this?" He wanted to believe but how was he supposed to know if he can trust this person?

-"We were in good relationship?" Conqueror of Demons tried his best to give the best answer to the blondie.

-"How close were we?" Aether questioned.

-"You would travel around the world-" Xiao was cut in the middle of his sentence by now impatient boy.

-"How close were we?" Sora asked once again.

-"As you were staying in Liuye we would live together..." Yaksha admitted.

'I guess we had quite good relationship.' Traveler thought to himself.

The two talked for a while longer, exchanging their insights and showing their opinions on the subject. In the end it turned out they have talked almost the entire day. As they were done, they went back to the rest.

-"Did you sort everything out?" Childe asked as he saw both of them.

-"I think you could say that." Aether spoke with an neutral tone in his voice.

-"Okay. Since the misunderstanding in cleaned, I think it's time for us to go back." Tartaglia said as he got up from where he was sitting.

-"What are you waiting for there's long way ahead of us we shouldn't wast any more time." Those words come towards Sora's direction from the Fatui Harbinger as he looked at him confused because of what the blondie was doing.

Aether turned to face him and stood there in silence blankly looking at the ginger.

-"I never said that I'm going 'back'." He suddenly spoke, turned back towards Tighnari and started walking in his direction.

-"Aye comrade stop joking-" Tartaglia laughter nervously.

-"I'm not." Traveler didn't spare him a glance and continued what he was doing.

-"Was that fight between you two this serious? And you said love can withstand anything Aether." Ajax said as he put his left hand on his hips and the right one was supporting his chin.

-"What are you talking about?" Now Sora was facing him once again.

-"I'm taking about you and Xiao." Was all he heard in return.

- "Shut up." Alatus spoke from behind Childe.

-"Wait you-...for God's sake. Let me get it straight. So we planed it for four months and you still haven't ask him out!?" Fatui Harbinger slammed his face with disbelief.

-"I said SHUT UP!" Xiao shouted as his face started turning red.

-"Please for the love of archons say that you did not tell him this part just for now and not because you were too scared to confess." Ginger hoped it was the first one but looking at Alatus he understood it was the second reason.

-"Wait what is he taking about?" Traveler was surprised, he wasn't expecting it to turn out this way.

-"You two were all over each other but neither of you was brave enough to ask the other one out. It hurt to see how yall acted like couple yet weren't one. So Zhongli and I took the initiative and decided to mobilize at least one of you. Witch we did...at least that was what we thought." Ajax explained slapping himself in the face once again. He sighted loudly showing his disappoinment and looked at now red as tomato adeptus.

- 1071 words.

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