All I wish for is a peaceful rest (13)

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Aether has been laying on his bed and thinking about today events for couple of hours. He was exhausted because of everything that happened in this short period of time. That's why when he calmed his thoughts down and closed his eyes he fallen asleep almost instantly.

Upon entering his dream all Traveler saw was black. He looked around but there was nothing, no room, no sky, no ground just black, scary and unknown space. The boy tried to move but he had no control over his body. He couldn't to anything not even blink with made him anxious.

-"What brings you here?" Woman's voice suddenly echoed towards Sora. Hearing it made the boy look around anxiously. What made him even more uncomfortable was the fact of the sound being familiar. Yet Aether couldn't figure out who it belonged to.

Suddenly a figure of someone appeared in front of him. It surprised Travel but more than that the person he was looking at had no face. As the realization hit Sora he started to panic.

-"I was passing by and though that maybe I could pay a visit to some of my friends." Male voice answered...but...there was something off about it. He heard it somewhere before...where did he heard it?

-"Ah, that's nice of you! But if that's the case why are you here and not in the Liuye Harbor?" The woman spoke once again.

Hearing those words Aether could feel as his cheeks heated up. Why did he react that way and why he felt as if he was in this situation already once happened? Is this one of those dreams when you see a strange scene and are affected because of what happens in it? Just like the last one...he saw a boy and a man. Was his head doing tricks on him once again. Last time he believed he was a small kid looking for his father. What is he going to be in this dream?

-"Are you perhaps here to talk with  ̷o̷ɐ̷ʌ̷ƃ̷ɐ̷ı̷̷̣X̷" The voice asked.

Sora got startled when his head slightly moved up and down. As he get to know what was going on he calmed down a little. 'So in this dream I'm having a strange conversation with this unknown woman? Is that it?' He thought to himself.

-"I'm afraid that he's not here." Girl continued.

-"Do you know where I could find him?" His mouth moved on it's own but at this point Sora was no more surprised.

-"Sorry, I don't know where he might be at this moment." Was all he hear in return with made his heart hurt a little for unknown reason.

'I just don't understand why this affects me. It's just my imagination so why I'm felling like this? Why are those dreams appearing in my mind in the first place?' Traveler didn't have time to overthink as the action seemed to finally continue.

-"Ah, that's fine, don't worry. I guess i'll just stop by next time." The last part was said under the boy's nose so quiet that Sora almost didn't hear it himself.

'This felling once again, how do I get rid of it? It makes me so uncomfortable...' While Aether was deeply in his thoughts with the edge of his eyes he saw that some features started to appear on the woman's face.

As the blondie wanted to have one more glace at the figure everything started turning dark. He could still hear voices for some more time but they seemed to fade away till no more sound was catched by the boy.


A hand could be felt by Aether on his cheek. He was about to move when he felt an awful pain go thought his head.

-"?ɹǝʇʇǝ?̷ɹ̷ǝ̷ʇ̷ʇ̷ǝ̷q̷hr ̷ʇ̷ǝ̷ƃ̷ ̷ן̷ן̷ı̷̷̣ʍ̷ ̷ʇ̷ı̷̷̣ ̷ʇ̷ɐ̷ɥ̷ʇ̷ ̷ƃ̷u̷ı̷̷̣d̷o̷ɥ̷ ̷d̷ǝ̷ǝ̷ן̷s̷ ̷ ɹnoʎ ǝdɐɔsǝ n̷o̷ɥ̷S̷ ̷?̷ǝ̷ɔ̷ɐ̷ɟ̷ ̷ɐ̷ ̷ɥ̷ɔ̷n̷s̷i ̷ɥ̷ʇ̷ı̷̷̣ʍ̷ ̷ʇ̷n̷o̷yq̷ɐ̷ ̷ƃ̷ ǝʞɐsfʍɐ̷ ̷ƃ̷u̷mı̷̷̣ɯ̷ɐ̷ǝ̷ɹ̷p̷ ̷n̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷ǝ̷ɹ̷ɐ̷ ̷ʇ̷ɐ̷ɥ̷M̷" A soft voice said as if the person he was talking to could answer him. But all he got in return was face painted with painful expression.

Blond-haired boy's head was in so much pain that he couldn't tell what exactly was happening. All he knew was that somebody was taking to him. How Traveler would love to hear what the person was saying or at least for the pain to go away.

-"̷˙̷wǝ̷ɯ̷ ̷ɟ̷o̷ ̷p̷ı̷̷̣ɹ̷ ̷ʇ̷ƃ̷ ̷o̷ʇ̷ ̷p̷ǝ̷ʇ̷u̷ɐ̷ʍ̷ ̷n̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷u̷ǝ̷ɥ̷ʍ̷ ̷ɐ ʇı̣ɐʍ 'ǝpı̣sɹ̷ ̷s̷ɐ̷ʍ̷ ̷rI̷ ̷ǝ̷ı̷̷̣ן̷ ̷ɐ̷u̷u̷o̷ƃ̷ ̷ʇ̷o̷vbu̷ ̷ɯ̷'̷I̷" Guy spoke once again and stooped for a while like he was thinking about something before continuing. "˙̷ɹ̷ǝ̷q̷eɯ̷ǝ̷ɯ̷ ̷n̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷ן̷ן̷ı̷̷̣ʇ̷ ̷n̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷ ƃuı̣ʇuɐʍp̷u̷ɐ̷ ̷ʇ̷ı̷̷̣ɐ̷ʍ̷ ̷'̷ǝ̷p̷ı̷̷̣s̷ ̷ɹ̷n̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷ʎ̷q̷ ̷ʎ̷ɐ̷ʇ̷s̷ ̷ן̷ן̷'̷I̷b ̷˙̷ʇ̷ɥ̷ƃ̷ı̷̷̣ɹ̷ɐ̷ ̷s̷'̷ʇ̷ɐ̷ɥ̷ʇ̷ ̷ʇ̷n̷ꓭ̷ ̷˙̷˙̷˙̷ǝ̷ɯ̷ ̷ǝ̷ʌ̷uqǝ̷ı̷̷̣ן̷ǝ̷q̷ ̷o̷ʇ̷ ̷ƃ̷vgu̷ı̷̷̣ʇ̷u̷ɐ̷ʍ̷ ̷ʇ̷o̷u̷ ̷n̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷u̷ɐ̷ɥ̷ʇ̷ ̷p̷ǝ̷u̷ǝ̷d̷d̷ɐ̷ɥ̷ ̷ʇ̷ɐ̷ɥ̷ʇ̷ ̷ƃ̷u̷ı̷̷̣ɥ̷ʇ̷ʎ̷ɹ̷ǝ̷s'ʇɐɥʇ ʇnꓭ ˙˙u̷ǝ̷ʇ̷ʇ̷o̷ƃ̷ɹ̷o̷ɟ̷ ̷ǝ̷ʌ̷ɐ̷ɥ̷ ̷ion̷o̷ʎ̷ ̷u̷ɹ̷ɐ̷tdeǝ̷ן̷ ̷ǝyɹoɯ uǝʌǝn̷ɥ̷ ̷ʇ̷I̷" With the last words being said the man squeezed lightly Traveler's hand.

-813 words

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