And what now? (3)

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After his talk with Faui Aether and Childe went their separate ways.


It went better than I thought i would... Traveler said to himself as he wardered as far and fast away form Wangshu Inn as he could. He wasn't sure of what he had to do right now, where to go. He didn't have any plan with made him feel uneasy and lost. Till now his goal was to find his sister hooping that when he does he will be happy again and finally will settle down but this idea of his was crushed. It was took away from his as easily and fast as if somebody took away a child's toy. Although he survived because of what happened he didn't have time to pity himself. After hours of walking and as the sun started to rise slowly he sat under some tree and pulled out of his backpack map he made as he traveled thought this word.

He's hands trembled a little as he reminded himself that every time as he hold it Paimon would say something while sitting next to him and eating some food. Stop thinking of it! He tried to calm himself down. Thankfully it didn't took him long. He began to look at the map when suddenly something caught his attention. It ended in way... Then Aether remembered he and Paimon were tried after everything they saw as they traveled with Dain, that's why they decided to take look there some other time. He was known everywhere else so if he wanted to go to somewhere quiet it must be there he thought to himself as he packed his things, got up and started walking towards his new goal. 

Thought his way he had to fight multiple of monsters but he didn't stop anywhere longer than 5 mins. Aether wanted to get to that new place as fast as possible before somebody would see him walking toward that direction. He wanted to make sure no one knew where he could be. Traveler didn't even realized it started getting dark. He found out as he started too get cold. He quickly found a place for a camp and began to unpack. It didn't took him long since he didn't took that many things, just some food, plates, bandages and some other important things. Blondie made himself something to eat and took a small nap. When he got up it was already afternoon. It's not good. He thought to himself as he packed his things. He sure was tired but he didn't had time to lazy around. The more time he lost the more flustered he was.


Days started to fade. Each previous day merged with the next. It was as if he was machine. He got up, packed his things and walked towards his goal, fighted monsters, took a quick break, and go back to walking to the same direction as every day. Then when it started getting dark he looked for a place to stay thought the night. The entire procedure was repeated day by day. It was as if Aether would to this for the rest of his life but one day that routine was finally stopped as he saw his supplies diminished. At the best it would last for the next couple days but what will he do when this ends? What then? He needed new plan.

 Aether tried his best to solve this unexpected problem but there was nothing he could thing of, so he decided to ignore it. After all the place the was going to was only few days way from there. I will need to keep the rest of my savings for as long as possible. He thought to himself. But this wasn't the best idea. For that he needed to eat less and since the bandages ended he was doing everything he could to not get injured. Traveler felt worse and worse when one day something he was afraid of finally happened. He was in middle of fight as he started to feel dizzy. He knew that if he would pass out there that would be the end for him so with the little energy he had he started running. His vision started to get blurry as he finally fainted.


-711 words

Author's note: sorry it's quite short and not too interesting but as i wrote other day there needs to be some background in the story ;>

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