What is going on...? (6)

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Back to Aether

"Master, when is he going to wake up?" Traveler could hear girl's voice but couldn't tell who it was. "I don't know when exactly he will wake up but since his condition got better that it was before I believe he'll wake up soon." Male replied.

Aether could hear their voice but he couldn't tell what they were talking about. His whole body was hurting, he felt exhausted. He tried to talk but he couldn't. He was totally helpless. As he fighted with him self to give any sign of life his finger flinched. Although all he did was moving his finger a little, he felt as if he had just finished climbing on a huge mountain. Lumine's twin was afraid they didn't see that and he didn't have more strength to do anything. He didn't want to be left alone again. At the thought of being just by himself his heart started to ache. Such an unpleasant feeling. He thought to himself.

He was sure that they haven't seen it. But to his surprise he wasn't right. He could feel as somebody sat next to him. That person at first touched his head and the his hand. The feeling he had at this moment was something he wasn't able to describe with words. That touch... It was so warm and...soft. As the touch slowly started to face Aether somehow with all the energy he had left in his body managed to grab the hand of that unknown person. He could fell that the person flinched and stiffened as he did that but he didn't care. Traveler didn't want to let go no matter what. He held the hand till he fall asleep.

As Aether opened his eyes he saw a strange room. Where am I? He asked himself but couldn't figure out the answer. He still felt a little dizzy although it wasn't as bad as yesterday. His body was so weak, yet he as always could not stay at one place. Lumine's twin slowly got up from the bed but when he stood up he had to lean against a nearby table. His leg were numb and weak. After a while Aether tried to stand by himself once more but it wasn't the best idea. As soon as he let go of the table his legs gave out and before he realized he was laying on the ground.


"What happened!?" He heard the voice from yesterday and immediately turned around to see who it was. Aether saw a girl with light green hair and strange clothes. She was about 10 centimeters shorter than him. He was so lost in this thought that he didn't even realized when the girl come next to him.

"Hey, can you hear me?" She asked with worried face. "Yeah-" Traveler replied. "Where is this place and...what am I doing here?" He asked as his head started to ache more than it did earlier.

"Ah right, you mist fell lost in new place." She said as she looked him in his eyes. "You're in Sumeru. This is my master's house." She continued. "Oh, right. I will explain everything to you but I think it's better for the time being if you will sit on the bed. Don't you agree?" As she spoke a light smile appeared on her face.

Aether did as she said and st on the bed. He didn't look to good, he could tell it because of the look on her face. Well he felt as if his head was about to explode no wonder he didn't look too good. As he got a little better he glanced at the green haired girl.

"So who are you?" He asked as he wanted to slowly understand what was going on there."I'm Collei" Girl answer as the smile on her face got bigger."Okay, so Collei can you tell me how did I hot here?" Traveler asked with confused look.

"I was patrolling the area when I saw you laing unconscious on the ground. You were seriously wounded." She replied."I passed out?" Aether said to himself. My head hurts I can't remember what happened."And what happened later?" Blondie asked with hope he would remember something.

"Well, I took you here." The girl said. "May I ask...what were you doing here?" She asked shyly."I-I don't recall anything..." Traveler answered while looking on the floor.

He felt so hopeless and seeing that pity look in Collei's eyes made him fell weak."Ah right, I almost forgot to ask. What is your name?" The girl asked smiling brightly."My name...my name is-" Aether tried to reply as he stared blankly on the floor but he couldn't. What is my name? He thought to himself. Then his head started to hurt as hell.

As he opened his eyes he wasn't sure what was going on. Everything around him was black. As he moved forward he saw a strange person. He couldn't see the face but he felt as if he knew who it is. He decided to come near that person so he could have closer look. Though it didn't help much since he still could not see the face. As he stood here and looked not being sure who it was another, smaller posture showed. This time he could see the face clearly. It was him...his younger self. But if that really was him as a child then who was the other person?

Suddenly everything went black again and the next second Aether could hear a familiar voice. He knew of...but from where?"Sora sweetie, are you having a nightmare again?" The gentle voice said.As he heard those words he could fell a soft touch on his forehead. It calmed him down a little.

"Come on Sora, you need to get some sleep and let papa rest a little." The same person talked as he felt that somebody was patting him. Then it all vanished as if it all was just a dream. But it felt to real to be just a dream...


The same while as Traveler fainted Collei started screaming for help. It didn't took long for the 'Master' to come an check what was happening. As he got and saw why she was making so much fuss he sighted. Right after helping taking care of the blondie boy he asked her what exactly happened, so Collei started to explain.

"Collei, you were supposed to tell me that he woke up as soon as you realized it." He said with irritated voice."I wanted but if I would do that he definitely would have gone somewhere and hurt himself again..." She replied. At that time 'Master' went closer to Aether and put his hand on his forehead. As he was about to go he felt that somebody grabbed his arm. It was Traveler. It looked like he had nightmare.

"Papa, don't go..." He said with sad and scared voice."Shh, I'm not going anywhere." Said man as he tried to calm Aether down

A while later blodnie woke up. He looked as if he saw a ghost. When he opened his eyes he saw a man with dark hair and long ears. What's more suppressing was that he held his hand. The same while he realized it he let go immediately."Calm down." The man said as he tried to hold his laughter. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks..." Aether said little confused. Who was this person? He thought to himself. "This is my master, Tighnari." Traveler heard Collei's voice from behind his back."More important, are you feeling better?" This time it was Tighnari who spoke."Yes, thanks to you." As traveler answers light smile appeared on his face.

"May I ask who you are?" Man with dark hair continued."I-I..." Blondie wasn't sure what should he say. At that time he remembered words of the man from his 'dream'. It said 'Sora' again and again. Under that pressure he finally replied."Sora...name's Sora" He said and looked both of them in the eyes.

"Is there anything else you remember?" Tighnari asked. Aether looked at the ground for a while and shook his head. He was embarrassed that he didn't knew anything. It was as if he was a useless and hopeless kid that anyone could take advantage of. "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you'll remember everything in no time. Till then we will take care of you." Said Collei seeings that worried look in boy's eyes.

Then Aether started to feel wet sensation on his face. He didn't know what it was so he touched his cheeks and felt...water? He was crying but why? The time he heard those words 'Don't worry' and 'we will take care of you' it's like he's been longing to hear them. It was as if they broke that stone that blocked his heart for a long time. He felt relief and happy but then again why was he crying? It's stupid. He thought to himself. More tears fallen from his eyes as he started laughing.


- 1505 words

Author's note: Sooo the real action is about to start? ;>

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