Believe me(14)

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As Xiao came closer to the exit he heard some voices from outside. He glanced at Aether but the boy seemed not to play attention to anything around him. 'What is he thinking about?...He's not convinced but he also isn't denying the informations I provided him with. That a good sight I suppose?...If I give him a decent proof he'll believe me and come back...right?' Conqueror of Demons also lost himself in thoughts. He hasn't even realized that he was already standing next to Childe. Hearing Aether's serious voice made his attention let go of his mind and join the conversation.

-"That enough." Sora said slightly biting his lips while his eyes looked at the ground.

Xiao wasn't really sure what was happening. He turned his gaze towards the Fatui Harbinger hoping for an answer only to be met with questionable expression on his companion's face. Just how much has he missed while he was in his own thoughts...He tried to find out what they were talking about that made the blondie so worked up. Unfortunately the yelling from the three men didn't give him any useful information. Without realizing his gaze landed on Aether that himself seemed to not be too sure of what was going on. Alatus wanted to come and comfort him. But as Xiao was about to do that he saw the change in the boy. The blondie straightened his shoulders, and his face turned from perplexed to determined.

-"I think it's time for you to leave." Traveler stated and started going towards one of the houses.

Those words surpised both Yaksha and the ginger. There was no time to think about any plan, Conqueror of Demons had to act and he better do it quickly other way they would lost Aether for sure. 'Think quickly!' Alatus tried to come up with something but nothing came to his mind. 'His voice, he sounded serious...but when he pronounced those words a hint of hesitation could be heard...just as if he himself was not sure if he was doing the right thing.' Xiao knew very well that if his observation was right there would be only one way out.

-"Is this your final decision?" Alatus yelled towards blondie praying there was still something he could do to keep the boy from running away from him once again.

After hearing these words, the boy stopped. He looked confused and frightened at the same time. He definitely did not expect this question. He was silent for a while apparently collecting his thoughts. You could tell by his posture and the change in his facial expressions which changed from second to second. It's as if he comes up with an idea, and after a while he changes his mind and is troubled once again. It took Sora a while but when he finally looked at the man that asked this question his eyes looked as if he was on the verge of crying. It was the look on his face that caused Conqueror of Demons to ask again, see if his opinion had still not changed. So he tried.

-"You sound rather hesitant than confident of what you're saying." Yaksha testified. "Let me ask once again are you certain of your statement?" There was still hope and till it's there Xiao wasn't going to give up.

There were only two options, either the question would have angered the blond even more, or it would have given him a reason to rethink everything, and therefore a chance to change his mind. Alatus hoped the latter option would come true...and to his surpise it did.

-"I-I need some time to think it trough..." Traveler mumbled and left.

These words reassured and, more importantly, gave hope to the dark-haired boy. Hope that there was still a chance for him to win over his beloved. Alatus wanted to follow him in an attempt to persuade him to return with them, but was stopped by Cyno.'If we fight again it will be a lot harder to approach Aether again. Conqueror of Demons thought to himself. He looked at General Mahamatra at the two behind him. They were determined to reach they goal, so was Childe and Xiao. Yaksha knew very well they must not push their luck after all Rome was not built in a day. He turned around to face his companion. 

- "Come on, he needs time to process everything. It is better to give him some time to himself to think it over than to cause him even more stress." Alatus sighted walking away.

Tartaglia wanted to say something but he bit his tongue and followed slightly smaller male leaving Sora's 'new family'.


- "So, what are you planning to do from now on?" Ajax asked as he sat down next to adeptus.

After a while of silence he heard response.

- "I'm not sure...for now I'll just make sure he's safe and try to make him comfortable around me."

Childe looked at Xiao and even though their relationship had never been the best and their view of the world and opinions had never matched, he pitied the kid. Suddenly the boy stood up.

- "Where are you going?" Fatui Harbinger tried to understand what was going on but got no reply as the boy vanished in the bushes. 

- "Just what is in his head?" Ginger talked to himself looking at the moon. 


Conqueror of Demons observed the situation from the tree, looking for the opportunity to sneak into the Traveller's room, and when it came, he immediately made use of it. The blond boy was laying on the bed soundly sleeping when Yaksha approached him. He was so calm. A few strands of his hair rested on his angelic face. his chest rising slightly with each breath he took. This sight made the intruder smile and his heart pound as he looked at the boy before him. In a moment, Traveller's face switched to a frown. It alarmed adeptus. He put his hand on boy's cheek in attempt to calm him down but instead the boy shook his head slightly. 

-"What are you dreaming about with such a face? Should i wake you up so you could escape your nightmare or let you sleep hoping that it will get better?" Xiao spoke with soft tone more to himself than to the person laying down. But as he stopped talking and looked once again at Aether he saw face painted with painful expression.

-"I'm not gonna lie I was really disappointed when you wanted to get rid of me." He continued and stopped for a while thinking about something before talking "It hurt even more to learn you have forgotten about everything that happened than you not wanting to believe me... But that's aright. I'll stay by your side, wait and protected you till you remember." With those words he squeezed lightly Traveler's hand. 

At the touch Sora's eyes opened slightly. 


- 1171 words.

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