It was all a lie (2)

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"Come on I think it's time for us to come back to our camp" Aether said as he looked at Paimon. He waited for answer but nothing happened. "Paimon?" He asked not sure about what should he do. Then he realized. "You fell asleep on me again..." Smile appeared on his face as he said it.

Traveler took Paimon in his hands at went back to place where they left their things. He sat under the tree and laid Paimon on his lap as he thought to himself 'We sure have to get some rest. After all tomorrow we are going back to Wangshu Inn. I promised 'him'that I will be back soon and bring him some of his favorite food.'


When Aether opened his eyes his heart started to beat little louder as a bright smile formed on his face. He loved the view of rising sun. Without much thinking he got up made breakfast and started packing rest of their stuff. After he put everything on it's place he woke up Paimon and ate his meal.


'Finally' he thought as he put his backpack on his back. 'I can't wait to go back.'

Even though Traveler had enough of people he never felt hatred towards one person. They never really fought. Whenever he was near 'him' he felt as if they know each other for all their lifes. When they were together it was as if world stopped and none of those awful thing ever happened. With 'him' he felt so relieved and even thought he didn't want to admin it he felt more to this person than to anyone else. It was like 'he' was his hope, his happiness. Aether felt that if he ever was to lose 'him' his life would lose meaning as well. Just as if 'he' was part of his life, a part that meant more than anything.

Little did he know it was all an illusion.


"Come on, we're almost there!" Aether yelled to Paimon as he stepped on the wooden bridge.

"Paimon's so tired." She answered as she slowly flew to him.

"Okay, okay let just go to our room and get some rest." He rolled his eyes as he said that.

A while later they already were lying on the bed.

"Paimon, I have some matters to take care of. I will be back soon, so don't worry okay?" Traveler looked at her as he said those words.

She's asleep. Well then I will just go, it's not like I'm going somewhere dangerous and far away. He thought to himself as he got up and started to prepare food for 'him'. Blondie made the meal carefully making sure it was perfect. As he made it he thought of way to get closer to 'that person'. He also wondered how was 'he' doing, felling and did 'he' miss Aether? After checking for the fourth time if it was good enough he went to wash himself and change his clothes. I missed 'him' so much! For Aether it was like they haven't seen each other for years, even thought it was only week since they last meet. As he went to see 'him' he smiled as if he had just won the lottery. Reaching the place didn't too to long since it was around 5 minutes away from Traveler's home. As he went up to the balcony he stopped to greet Verr Goldet.

"Hello there Traveler!" Verr said as she saw with the corner of her eye Aether coming her way.  "Hello" He answered with bright smile. "You look as if somebody you been longing for just proposed to you." She said laughing. That made him a little blush. "No" Aether quickly answered as he hide his face with his hands out of embarrassment.

"Whatever you say" Verr replied while looking at him with concern. Young love, she thought to herself. "I won't stop you anymore, so just go already" She said as she saw box in his hands and went back to what she was doing. Ah, the box... Traveler thought to himself as he looked at his hand and saw it. "You're right I better be on my way..." He murmured as he began to walk towards balcony.

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