Is it really for the best? (10)

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It made Aether heart hurt seeing Xiao like that but he wasn't sure why.

-"I'm afraid you got the wrong person" Those words got Sora out of his own world.

-"What do you mean?" Was the only reply. And then Traveler understood what was going on with what he heard next.

-"Are you deaf? He said himself, he doesn't know you. Now, I would appreciate if the two of you would leave at this instant." That was what Cyno said with exasperation in his voice.

-"I'm pretty sure it's not up to you to decide whether we have to leave or not." Childe tried to fight back but he knew there wasn't much they could do at this point. 'Still, it wouldn't hurt to try' he thought to himself.

-"And who are you to stick your nose in our business in the first place?" General Mahamantra sounded more irritated than before.

As the two men exchanged their words with increasing anger, Xiao stared at Aether. His eyes, like a hawk staring at its prey, did not take their eyes off the blond man even for a moment. Completely as if he feared that even a few seconds when his attention was occupied by something else, he would lose him...again. He watched Sora carefully, his every little twitch. His attention was caught by a strange outfit. It was nothing like the clothes that characterized him. They resembled nothing he had worn before, nor were they blandly similar to the clothes of the natives. It did not change the fact that he looked oh so wonderful in it. An unfamiliar outfit, but one that captures the epitome of a boy. Alatus couldn't get enough of him.

At some point, their eyes met. Everything he saw in them could not even be described by a thousand words. The more he stared at them, the more he didn't know what to do. He felt like grabbing Aether and never letting go, keeping the blond boy with him, making sure he would never leave him again. He thought the past months had been hell without Sora by his side, but when he saw him again he realized how much he had really missed him. And now he was standing in front of him, he had him at arm's length, yet the Traveler was still not next to him. Instead of cuddling each other, he watched the blond boy hide behind the unknown man. He felt like taking Aether at that moment and returning home. That was their plan, after all. Find Sora, explain the misunderstanding, and live as they used to. But in this case it did not seem possible. Not with how things were at this moment.

-"Please just let me talk with him for a while." Xiao demanded.

-"Will you go?" Mumbled Traveler loud enough for dark-haired man to hear.

He wasn't sure what blondie mean by that. After a while of not getting any response Sora figured out that he must have not heard him so he said once again this time a little louder.

-"If I hear you out and won't want to come back with you...will you leave and cause no more trouble?" Explained Aether.

Yaksha smirked.

-"Depends. Will you listen to everything i have to say?"

That smile made Traveler's heart skip a beat. His face was so beautiful at that time, it made blondie wonder what he would look like if he actually smiled. He didn't seem like a bad person...more like somebody who was hurt and lost. Somebody who looked for help and understanding.

-"Yes" Blondie replied

-"Huh" It was all adeptus could get out of him mouth. His eyes widened as he hear this simple word.

-"I said I'd accept your terms, in one more condition. You'll answer all my questions." Sora looked dead seriously. After all it could be the last chance he'll get to know what happened and how he got there.

-"Deal" With this word both Alatus and blondie's eyes brightened.

-"Are you sure?" Another voice was heard.

It was Tighnari who said it. He's face showed how worried he was. Traveler smiled.

-"I am" Sora replied.

Avidya Forest Watcher sighted. Cyno eyed for a while Xiao as he looked behind him to face his son. He saw determination in his eyes. There was nothing he could do at this point, boy made up his mind and he could only pray that nothing bad will come out of it.

Aether started walking forward to his home (the place that Tighnari signed for him so he could have the boy under his sight at all times). Alatus followed him till he heard other footsteps behind him.

-"Its private conversation." He said as he looked behind him.

-"How do we know you aren't trying play any tricks as we are not there?" General Mahamantra growled.

-"I can take care of my self. Besides you have his friend with him so I doubt he'll do anything stupid." Sora assured.

Everybody was now looking at Childe.

-"Aww you remember about my existence. And I started to think no one cared about me." Ginger joked.

-"Shut it and don't make any trouble." Xiao warned.

-"Me make trouble? What are you talking about!?" Tartaglia argued.

-"If I was to point out all your mistakes I don't think I would be able to stop talking till next decade." Alatus said with grin on his face.

-"Okay you won, just get it over with as fast as you can I think we wasted enough time by fighting with those people and there's a log way ahead of us."

-"You sure they are friends? For me it looks like they could kill each other at any time." Cyno joked.

-" 'The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love' at least that what people say." Traveler smirked.

-"Over my dead body." Was what they heard in return from Conqueror of Demons.

-"Aye comrade don't be so mean." Ajax at this moment teased Xiao with seemed to give the results he was hoping for as furious look could be seen on Yaksha's face.

-"Yeah definitely they aren't friends." Tighnari agreed.

-"Before you go may I ask one question?" Fatui Harbinger requested.

-"What is is?" Sora was circious.

-"Why do you act this way?" Tartaglia waited while for answer.

-"I don't understand what do you mean by 'This way' " Was the only reply he got.

-"Like you don't know us." Childe simply siad.

-"And how close we ere to each other for you to say that?" Aether didn't know what to think about this situation.

-"Just because you have misunderstanding with Xiao doesn't mean you have to dislike me as well, that's not fair comrade. I may not be the nicest but I still have feelings you know?" Ajax spoke.

-"Huh?" At this while Traveler's face looked like question mark.

-"We may not have the best relationship but come on. If you actually despise me that much why would you ask me to look after for Paimon while you go on a expedition. She really is something." Ginger started complaining.

-"I don't understand-" Blond boy was interrupted.

-"Let's just get it over with." Xiao said as he grabbed Sora's arm and went inside the room.

- 1170 words

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