Chapter 1

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I was letting out my anger on the steering wheel as I drove my porch like a crazy lady in my wedding gown. Gosh! I was just so furious and I can't believe this is actually happening...
I'm freaking getting married today to a random low life man! Sweet lord! What did I ever do to deserve this? I so much wish I could turn back the hands of time to the day I met that low life, I curse the day I met you! Ahhhhhhh!...

"Make your choice Miss Diana" came the voice of my crazy uncle who I've grown to hate with the very breath in me.
"And I said I'll give you an answer in three months" I replied very calmly.
"Why not now? We've been on this matter for the past 6months and you've been avoiding it, we all want answers now, or.... You still have a second son Ken will be more than willing to..."
"ENOUGH! I'll give you my answer in three months and if you or anyone else doesn't like it, I really don't care if that's your problem, deal with it! This meeting is over!" I said with an air of authority! And everyone in the meeting room went dead silent before responding...
"Yes madam" they chorused and stood up to leave. They knew better not to offend me...

"You know you should really consider what they said" came the voice of my grandma who was retired but a powerful influence... She was the real owner of our family business and she chose me as the CEO after the death of my parents in a ghastly motor accident on their way home. It was a family business known all over the world and dad was the CEO before the accident and I was picked by grandma to run the family business at the young age of 20. My uncle was furious because he thought he would replace my late dad in the company and since that day the sweet uncle I used to know vanished and a person filled with so much anger and hatred was born with the mindset to take over...
Since I got to know, I have equally changed... Losing both parents was already too much to handle. I had a younger sister and it was just the two of us and grandma raised us. Since I was 20, I combined studies with work and now here I am...
"Please grandma, not you too... We've been through this before"
"Which is the reason I am bringing it up... You always avoid it"
"I'm just 24!!"
"25 and just ripe for marriage my dear"
"Remember it's a family business and you have to keep it that way. If you don't, I am afraid your father's legacy will be cut short and your uncle will take over". She said while sipping her coffee.
"But am too young to get married and besides I don't have a man in my life"
"Doesn't it bother you?"
"No, why should it?"
"See that's your problem, you think you don't need anyone but you do, more than anyone... I want to see my grandkids before I die" there she goes again
"Am going out" and with that I left in my car. I rested my head on the wheels, I am so freaking tired of everything! It's so heavy on me. I ended up in a bar, a place I've never been to. I wasn't a drinker but I really need to take something to keep me in my right senses...
'1 bottle, 2 bottles, 4bottles... Still counting...
"Don't you think that's enough?" A voice came and I looked up to see a guy, really tall with a perfectly built body. I gave him a drunken smile... "Join me..."

"Turn off the lights..." I said I was sleepy and snuggled into something really warm close to me and it felt so good.
"OK..." Another sleepy voice as it came closer and held me close earning a smile from me.
"DIANA RICHARDS DAVIDSON!" Came a voice I can never forget, Grandma... Why does she sound angry? So, with the greatest difficulty, I flung my eyes open after so many attempts and unwillingness to get up from my bed which was surprisingly more comfortable than before.
"Grandma, what is it? It's too early!" But I got no reply and that was when I took in my surroundings, this wasn't my room... And this...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Th... The... The bed.... Was a MAN????
I spent the night in my car  with my legs wrapped on top of a man I've never seen before!!
"WHO'RE YOU?!" We asked at the same time getting away from each other and try to cover our half naked body. He looked so shocked as he held his top to his chest and I held mine to my chest cos my bra was exposed while dragging down my skirt...
"I can't remember a thing!" I screamed for the 100th time
"It's obvious what happened and you leave me with no choice... You're getting married to him and that's final!" Came the voice of my grandma...

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