Chapter 16

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"I can be your girlfriend".
"What part of 'I'm married' don't you understand?"
"I don't care! I only want you..."
Gosh! She can be so frustrating! And I don't have time for this!
"I just want you Zac... Can't we go back to how we used to be? I can stay quietly provided you love me as well and keep me by your side even though I don't like your wife a bit". Gosh! She's crazy! Unbelievably crazy! After tossing my heart away, she now wants me back... Unbelievable!  She got up and came closer to me still talking gibberish.
"I just want us back. Please baby?" I was dumbfounded. She wants 'US' back? The 'US' she said would never work, the same 'US' she tossed in trash. I felt her hand slightly rubbing on my chest.
"Please?" She said and that was when I had had enough.
"Get your filthy hands off me and get the hell out of my room!" I said, making her flinch.
"Zac... It's me... Lily. Your jewel..." She said in a shocked small voice and I scoffed
"Jewel indeed! You ceased to be one the day you left me for someone, not just anyone but my friend! You cheated on me with my friend! I got to see your true colour. Now... I don't want to repeat myself, get the hell outta my room! And just so you know, I love my wife and I'll never leave her for anyone, not even you! You know why? she's like the air I breathe (awwn!) Now leave while I am being nice". I said holding the door ajar until she stood up to leave.
"You'll regret this..." She said with tears in her eyes and left and I locked the door behind her. What the hell is happening to me? I found it difficult to go back to sleep so I stayed awake all night...

    Diana's POV
It's been 2months now, two horrible months of my life without Zac... It became worse when his line went dead for two whole weeks! I only saw him in the news and I miss him so much that it's driving me crazy!. Well... He's coming home today and I'm so happy that I feel my heart is gonna burst from excitement!.

I had my hair and nails done, went for spa and came out glowing, I had a light make up on so that it won't be so obvious that I had it all done just to look good for him.

What on earth is happening? What's taking him so long? I was beginning to get worried... Did something go wrong? Just then the news came on...
"We are sorry for the interruption. The airplane taking off to the US by 8:00am this morning was involved in a plane crash, with the victims severely injured and some dead. The relatives were contacted to after they were rushed to the hospital for treatment; and we console them in their grief. And this is the breaking news at 12, hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Good day." The news came to an end and so did my heart! That was the same plane Zac got on! The tears flowed freely as I was dumbfounded and speechless..  My Zac? I was frozen at the same spot and the only thing I kept mumbling was"It can't can't be!" I kept making calls and enquiring about the passengers on the plane with tears in my eyes and a shaky voice. In most cases I screamed at the receiver at the end of the line when she wasn't giving me the answers I needed. I literally turned the office upside down!
The man I loved was lying somewhere in a hospital bed and they refused to give me a good answer... Where is my husband? I screamed but no reply... I broke down and cried, ruining my make up. Everyone was searching for Zac and I might just kill anyone who gets in my way.
3 hours later...
I was exhausted from screaming and crying but the tears won't stop flowing as I sat on the floor with my head in my palms, the telephone beside me looking hopeless, suddenly it rang and it took me 15mins to pick the call.
"Hello ma'am, Mr Zac is at the garage and he's asking about you" I didn't understand what he said...
"W... What?" I quickly rushed to the window and looked down and right there he was!!

Zac!! He looked up and our eyes met, he gave me a small smile and waved a little at me, then I heard his voice over the phone...
"Miss me?" But I was too emotional to say anything
"I'm waiting..." I didn't let him finish when I rushed downstairs. The elevator was suddenly so slow as I kept pressing the buttons like crazy! Immediately on the first floor, I ran out losing my shoes, my hair in my face and I was sure I looked a mess but I didn't care at all as I rushed out to a crowd of reporters who were taking pictures like crazy and trying to get a word or two from me but I was looking around for Zac!
I spotted him, looking around with his phone placed on his ear, probably searching for me.
"ZAC!!!" I screamed and he turned around but just before he could spot me, I jumped into his arms...
He caught me as he staggered a bit backwards before finding his balance.
"OK... Someone missed me?" He asked but I didn't bother replying cause words couldn't explain just how I felt or how bad I missed him. Rather I hugged him tighter and buried my face in his shoulder as I cried my heart out.
"I thought I lost you". I mumbled, he sighed and lifted me from the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he patted my back..
         Zac's POV
I sighed and lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me like a kid, I smiled and patted her back when she voiced her thoughts. She really cares about me, this is a side of her I've never seen. I felt so special as I returned the hugs. Truth is, I missed her more than she could ever imagine, the thought that I'd see her soon was what kept me moving, I have no idea how I survived living without her? I held onto her tightly as I tried to forget the hell I passed through without her by my side.

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