Chapter 12

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The ladies admired me and some shot daggers at me with their eyes, the men on the other hand were astonished. I heard some whistles, all the shades lowered to get a better view and I got embarrassed and irritated with all the attention, especially from men old enough to be my dad. I tried instead to focus on what the minister was saying. He no longer had his shades on.
"You were saying sir?"
"Yes my dear, I said that I'll sign all the documents and we have a deal" he spoke so fast I could barely keep up.
"But I thought you were ill and..."
"Miracles happen, I am totally fine now. Have a seat. John, get up! We can't have a beautiful lady standing! He screamed at the guy closest to him who didn't even pick offence but gently stood up with a smile, checking me out... Annoying things!
"Of course! Have a seat dear".
"You're welcome honey"
"Don't 'honey' my partner" he said with a sense of pride as the attention also got to him...
"Lady Diana right?" Another man came... What the hell was wrong with these men
"Fred, I saw you looking so beautiful over there, so I decided to say hi to you damsel" he said in a very romantic voice, the ones ladies so easily fall for... Too bad, no one does it better than Zac, my husband.
"Well, MY PARTNER and I would like to talk business ALONE!" He said and they all smiled.
"She's too good for you"
"I'm married" I chipped in showing my wedding ring.
"I don't see him here, just have fun dear". And with that they let me be, but their eyes never did...
I was done with the deal and went off to the quiet part of the beach with less people. Then I noticed someone's eyes on me and turned to see who it was, Zac?

       Zac's POV
I just couldn't believe it after Ava sent me those pictures. Diana in a bikini? I found it hard to believe as I kept staring at the pictures.

I just couldn't believe it, not to mention her beauty. I kept zooming in on the pics just to see her face... I was walking around the beach because I got bored but still wanted some peace and quietness.... But I saw something that stopped me... D... Diana? She was just there like a painting in an art museum. She stood like a model, hands crossed looking across the shore with the wind playing with her hair. God! She was a beauty to behold. She didn't have the slightest clue that I was staring at her. I shoved my hands in my pocket and took my time to check her out and I wasn't disappointed. Have you ever seen a lady curvier than a circle? Cause I just saw her DAMN! She wasn't slim but thick! Just the way I like my girls, everything was just in the right proportion, the flawless slim waist, really nice curves and an unbearably tempting backside... Then she saw me... And I smiled, walking up to her.
"Damn baby! That's a first. You look like a whole meal". I saw her give a light smile and it made me smile. Then I saw people starring, mostly guys and I knew just what they were starring at, I turned D to face me,
"Look cupcake I love the way you look, I mean I'll pay to see this again but you're a private property and you see I hate sharing my private stuff with the public, so... I'm just gonna cover you up and by the way you can wear it at home, I sincerely don't mind" I said as I removed my shirt and made her wear it, covering up everything to her thighs and I nodded in satisfaction.
"Thanks, I was really uncomfortable in this, but I'd also like you to cover up cos you're beginning to make here crowded" she said and I looked up to see people taking pictures of us and some ladies were starting to act funny around me, some kept waving even with their boyfriends beside them, Crazy girls
"Cover up"
"With what?"
"I don't know" then an idea struck me.
"Why don't you get on my back so that way you can cover me up with your hands and legs?"

She gave me a suspicious look but after a while she agreed and got on my back and that made them go nuts! everyone started taking pictures!!
"They look so good together!"
"What a romantic couple"
"I want a hubby like him!"
"What a hot couple! I feel like I'm watching a movie scene"
"They are so hot! she's so my type".
It was no use, we're gonna hear about this in the news and the Internet won't be spared... This is so tiresome!
We got back... turns out we were lodged in the same hotel. We went to the receptionist to get our keys...
"Why is it just one key?" I asked confused and she only smiled and responded
"We transferred the two of you into the same room".
"We thought you'd like to spend time together on a holiday and it's an offer by the hotel to you as our special guests. It's truly an honor to have you here and we'll do our best to serve you better" she said with a smile. Unbelievable!
"What about my stuff?" D asked.
"It's all in your room ma'am". I sensed her getting angry and held her hand which seemed to calm her down.
"We appreciate it sweetie" I said and she blushed while D sent daggers to her soul. I dragged her with me into the room and locked the door. She was fuming and won't calm down, I tried to talk to her but she won't hear of it... I had to tie her down for her to listen to me
"Will you please listen!! Stop being so stubborn! What do you think people will say if they find out that we sleep in separate rooms? It will arouse suspicion and that won't be good for your image". I tried to make her understand and she did.
"Now stop acting like a kid, it's not like we've never been alone in a room before". I saw her cheeks heat up as she stood up immediately, avoiding eye contact and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower earning a chuckle from me.
I heard the shower turn on and my thoughts went wild when I remembered who was in there, just a day on the beach and she's already messing with my senses. I slapped myself several times to keep my thoughts in place.
I may be so many things, but a pervert is not one of them!
I was just done dressing up when I began to take in my surroundings... It was WOW! I liked it. It had a homely but lovers vibe. Everything was in white with a touch of red, I was equally dressed in white.

Diana's POV
I kinda liked the environment, all white with a touch of red, even the bed was decorated with rose petals on a white sheet. There was a bottle of champagne and a bottle of red wine placed on the table with two glasses.
"Do you want something to eat?" Zac said from behind me, making me smile even though I didn't let him see it. It really felt nice like we were really lovers on vacation, and it felt good seeing someone care for you.
"No, I am not hungry".
"Me neither, want a drink?"
"Champagne or red wine?"
"Red wine"
"We seem to be craving for the same thing".
"Here my lady?" He said with an accent like a waiter on duty.
"Thank you"
"Cheers" he said and we clicked our glasses and stared out the window. It was a beautiful view, the whole city was lit up and it shone in the dark. It was already late, and was getting chilly outside, soft music played from the speakers, Zac and I stood side by side. I was in a short white gown and he was looking dashing in white like a young CEO. He had his sleeves folded to his elbows, his left hand in his pocket and his other hand gently holding a glass of wine, DAMN! MY HUBBY IS SO FINE! He looks good in anything.
"Would you like to dance?" I looked up to see Zac looking at me.
"No, why would I dance?"
"Cause it's boring not talking to you and I'd like to see you fall and have a good laugh". He said that on purpose just to get me, well too bad, I am not backing down and for the record..  I'm a pretty good dancer, I just don't go around dancing.
"You're on, sucker!"
"Uhh! Fierce! I like it!" He smiled and so did I.

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