Chapter 19

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Cindy's POV
I lay on the bed watching my workaholic husband type away on the laptop with all concentration. It was already 11:03pm at night. Only the sound of him typing away on his laptop could be heard, he doesn't even realize that he has a wife who equally needs his attention. It has been like this for a few years now and I don't mind again, I already got used to it, but after seeing the way Diana's husband treated her... I too want attention!  I looked at Ken again and sighed, what can possibly go wrong? I gently rubbed my palm up and down his arm but he didn't flinch, I proceeded to his chest and gently slid my hands into his PJ shirt and stroked his bare chest. That caught his attention as he stopped typing, his fingers mid air...
"Ken..." No response as he sat silent.

        Ken's POV
I suddenly felt movements on my chest and I halted. I didn't need to look around to know who was responsible for such actions as I returned my attention to my work. Two seconds later I felt light soft kisses on my shoulders, tracing its way to my neck... Try as I could to concentrate, it was impossible! Like that was not enough, I felt a presence kneeling behind me and I felt hot breath on my ears and two soft palms sliding into my shirt and down my chest as they rubbed gently against them and at the same time nibbling on my earlobe threatening to relieve me of my sanity.
I tried to talk but it came out as a whisper that I couldn't even recognize my own voice...
"Cindy..." And at the same time I heard a sexy voice whisper right into my ear...
"Ken..." It sounded so soft and addicting that I gulped down not wanting to pay attention to the sensations threatening to come out. I've held them in for a really long time.
"What are you doing?" My voice kept betraying me as I let out a groan.
"Don'" She said every word with a kiss placed on my neck. How the hell am I not going to mind her when she keeps doing this.
"Keep... working...and... Don'" she kept whispering as her hand started going lower and I grabbed them before they did anything silly. But it still didn't stop the kisses and the various hickeys she was stamping on my body...
"I... really... can't..." He tried to reason with her but she just won't listen until he groaned, nearly losing the last string of self control he had.
Before I could say anymore, she was in front of me, saddling me with her hands around my neck. My beloved laptop was flung by the side as my wife stayed in its place. I looked up to her as she gave me a little bite on my lip, seemingly teasing me... I held the side of the bed to keep my hands from grabbing her. She kept nibbling on my lips before actually kissing them and snapping the remaining self control I had!
  And in that instant I grabbed her and took control of the kiss as I held her close to me from her back. I heard her moan and my brain went up in flames as I drove my tongue deeper into her mouth to explore it as she melted into my arms. Gosh! It's been so long!
But just then I remembered that I had a presentation tomorrow and had to get enough rest in order to wake up in time and leave but this will really be a hindrance. I wanted to stop, but my body was screaming'NO!'
It took all my will power to stop myself and break the kiss holding my wife away from me. And without an explanation I stood up and walked into the bathroom leaving my confused wife all alone and bitter.

  Cindy's POV
Moments later, the sound of shower could be heard as he suddenly broke away and went to the washroom... My heart sank. I thought we could get somewhere today but I don't even need to guess cos I know it's work!! It always comes before me. It was pure torture....

        At the office the next day...

Diana's POV
"I believe this should be enough for the budget... This meeting is dismissed". And with that the meeting ended  and everyone got up to leave while I sat down for a while to rest for a while. I've had a really long day and really need to rest and catch some sleep but I have an appointment in the next 20 minutes with Mr. James. I stood up and walked to the car.
At Delights Hotel...

I walked into the hotel and spotted Mr. James who sat in a VIP restricted area with a glass of wine held to his lips as he took a sip.

What a sight!

He looked like those models on a set. He was one of the youngest billionaires in the world of business and married as well. Despite being married, he was known as a cold blooded Casanova. He always had girls cued up who would do anything to get in bed with him.

His wife wasn't an exception, she slept with any Dick and Harry so long as he's good looking. It made their marriage look like a joke...

An arranged marriage from both families. Britney  was forced to marry James and he too was forced to marry her in other to maintain and strengthen the families relationship. It was said that they were both threatened with taking away their inheritance and giving it to charity and as the only child of each family they had to agree. And so it happened... Both families joined together were powerful and unstoppable.
   Ridiculously rich!!!
James continued his waywardness and so did his wife without caring what the others think...

"Welcome lady Diana or should I say beauty"
"Thank you, I'll go with the first" I said, earning a chuckle from him.
"So Mr. James about the business proposal, I think we should...." I was cut off immediately.
"No... No... Please that is meant for the office and am pretty sure you know here isn't one. This is a place of relaxation..." I frowned.
"So why did you call me out here?" He laughed revealing a beautiful smile. It's true that he was really handsome with hypnotising grey glass eyes that could draw one to do his wish. A perfect nose with the perfect smile and a body to die for.

But too bad... Zac is way hotter than him.
"Why don't we relax baby, we can talk business later. So what would you like to have?"
"Nothing I'm ok"
"You sure?"
"Yes Mr. James"
"Oh... Please call me James"
"So I heard you're married now. How is it going?"
"Very well James"
"You forgot to mention stressful". He said while sipping his wine and looking at me. I smiled a little.
"Tell me about it" I said with an eye roll to which he smirked.
"Unmarried men and women won't understand what we're going through, that's why I always take out time to ease the stress... All work and no play........Want to know how I do it?" He asked with a lustful look in his eyes.
I frowned but he just smirked and gently placed his glass on the table. Slowly he reached out to me and grabbed my hand, gently stroking it.
"You have a very soft skin" he said in a husky voice.
"I beg your pardon. James! I'm married!" I forcefully withdrew my hand but he caught it mid air and placed a kiss on it and licked it as if tasting a delicious meal and it made me sick.
"And so am I. I'm so hungry and I'm craving you Diana" he said and kissed my hand again making me stand up immediately and giving him a hot slap on his face. He looked at me with shock and amusement written all over his face.
"Don't you ever lay your filthy hands on me again!"

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