Chapter 15

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I shut the door behind me and walked in. The place was dope! Now I see why it's for VIPs, it's so classy and beautiful and must cost a fortune! I took off my coat and sat on the sofa.
"You can leave it on the table and go" came Zac's voice from inside, that explains why I didn't see him at the door. Well I wasn't even planning to go home tonight. I sat crossed legged and kept checking out his place.
"I thought I told you to leave it on the table?" His voice came and I looked up, only to have a wet dripping body right in front of me!
He just came out of the shower like cookies freshly off the oven. I can smell coconut milk scent with a lace of honey. I watched as drops of water fell off his hair, to his face, to his broad chest and dripped down slowly to those damn abs! As if taking a step after the other...
I only had one wish... To be that drop of water!
I was literally drooling over this piece of art. How on earth did I let this guy go?
"Lilly!" Was what brought me back.
"Ye... Yes"
"For goodness sake what were you thinking? I've been calling you for a while!"
"S... So sorry" my face obviously red
"I thought I told you to leave it on the table and go home?"
"I was told to take the corrections from you and take it back on the same day" I said with a smile on my face. He looked at the clock
"By this time?" I only shrugged and he sighed before going in probably to get changed, not that I mind.
2 Hours later...
It was 10pm, two hours had gone by and we were still working... Actually he was but I was doing my 'work', I made sure to stretch as many times as possible, crossed my legs over and over again, walked around in front of him and even picked up some papers that kept flying about before him, making sure my back was to his face. But he didn't even spare me a glance as he was so focused on his work.

After all my attempts to lure him failed I got mad! He was never this way! I was the one thing he couldn't refuse but now he doesn't even know I am actually there.
I looked at him and my anger immediately vanished... He looked so focused on his work with that damn ridiculously handsome face! Gosh! How can someone look this good? I heard him yawn a little and for a second he looked like a baby deprived of his sleep and my heart went out to him.
"Why don't you go to bed, I'll finish off the rest" he looked at me and gave a small smile before rubbing his left eye like a kid (awwn!) And that was one habit of his that made me fall for him when we were dating.
"I'm almost done" he said and I took the files from him.
"You need to get some rest". I insisted and he got up and was about to climb the stairs...
"You can use the other room for the night". He said and left. Still very considerate, my baby! I'm not giving up on you Zac, I'll have you no matter what it costs.

Finally! I was done and it was really late now and the weather was so cold that I had to put my coat on. I took a shower all the while, I kept thinking of a way to get Zac but nothing was coming up. I remembered how we used to be and a smile played on my lips. Finally done with showering I slipped into the PJ I saw on the bed and went up to Zac's room, I gently opened the door and went in. I saw him sleeping peacefully with something in his hand... The cold wind blew from the window giving me the chills as I hugged myself to stop it from spreading, then a thought crossed my mind, why not get warm? I slipped into bed with him and covered us up with the blanket, though I was surprised he could sleep cause he had severe insomnia. Maybe he now has the money to buy the drugs. I checked his hand and it was a picture of his wife on his phone and that got me angry as I shut it off. I took my time to check him out while he slept and I wasn't disappointed.

Staring at him for too long made me unable to keep my hands to myself as they went to his hair and my fingers played with them, down to his face, traced out his jawline and down to his chest which was slightly open and I sat up for a better view... My hand found its way from under his shirt and moved upwards, tracing out his abs and amazed by its texture as it felt warm and hard against my palm. I remember when it was all mine and I'll make it mine again! I opened up all his buttons and traced light kisses from his tummy to his chest before locking my lips with him. He tried to move but I kept his head in place... God! I missed him and he returned the kiss making me lose my senses, of course no one does it better than him as I moaned into his mouth, eyes closed and he kissed me good and hard for at least 60secs before suddenly his eyes flew open and he pulled away in shock... Keeping his distance from me while kneeling on the bed...
"What are you doing here?" He asked with unbelief but I was not in the mood for words as I closed the distance between us, dragging him down by his shirt and crashing my lips to his. But he broke away immediately and got down from the bed but I didn't move an inch as a smile played on my lips. Arms crossed, I sat watching my cute and confused baby as he walked up and down the room and would stare at me at every sec while I blew him a kiss whenever he looked at me.

     Zac's POV
What just happened? I've been pacing up and down the room, I can't believe what just happened. I kissed LILY? I was having a dream where I was with Diana but suddenly she kissed me and I kissed her back cos I missed her but something wasn't right. It  didn't feel like her and then I woke up to see Lily! What have I done? I looked at myself and my buttons were open. What did this lady do to me? Doesn't she get that I'm married?
"What is wrong with you Lilly?"
"Love, baby"
I scoffed
"I don't love you!"
"Ouch! But I do"
"I have a wife".

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