Chapter 26

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Zac's POV

I gripped the chair tightly due to anger. Right before me was Diana smiling with a guy I've now come to see almost on a daily basis. They were more like a "lovely couple" then what am I? I saw him grab and hug her but she only smiled and returned the hug before he gave her a peck on the cheek and she didn't even try to stop him?? Before I realized it I had crumbled what I was holding...
I tried not to look at them, they were outside, downstairs but I was upstairs close to the window watching everything. I was mad, maybe jelous but it wasn't my fault.. ever since that day I saw her in a lingerie, my mind has been filled with her, it was impossible to think straight when I was with her and that was why I decided to stay in the guest room cos I didn't trust myself... And I haven't even slept for two days now cos I can't sleep without her and even if I did, I don't think I'd sleep a wink with her right beside me.... It was too risky!
Just then, our eyes made contact. I held her gaze for five seconds before leaving for my office. I'll deal with her tonight...

At night...
I got off late as I had an important meeting at work. D wasn't home so I thought she also had somethings to work on so I got in and freshened up. I wasn't particularly happy with her coming back late at night.


I heard the door being shut and footsteps going up towards her room, again the door was shut.
I gave her twenty minutes before going to check up on her and bade her goodnight. But as I got there... I saw her still in her work clothes on the phone giggling...

I opened the door and was leaning by the door frame watching her but she didn't notice since she was focused on the call.
After what seemed like an eternity she ended the call and walked towards the bed.
"You're late" she flinched obviously startled by the sound of my voice.
"God! You scared me" she said with her hand on her chest as she looked at me.
"Your business partner?" I said with a hand gesture of a phone call.
"No" she smiled as if remembering something.
"Mick, he brought me home. He had a huge crush on me back then in school". She was smiling through every word and didn't notice that I was trying so hard to control the anger building up inside me. I've already got to hate that name ever since I started seeing them together a little more than necessary. And to think that she was talking about him like this with a smile on her face...
"What about now? Does he still have a crush on you?" But instead her smile grew bigger.
"I think he does"
"And you guys have been on the phone for the past 20mins since you got back?" I said slowlytrying to control my anger.
"Has it been that long?" She said taking off her shoes. I closed the door behind me.

Diana's POV

I heard the door shut behind him. And I looked up to see Zac leaning by the door frame with his arms folded. Though his hair made it impossible to see his eyes, I knew they were staring at me, I could feel it!
"Is there a problem?"
He gave a small deep laugh before looking up at me and very slowly he walked up to me. His face no longer had traces of laughter.
"Is there a problem?" He asked as if answering my question to which I raised an eyebrow.
"I really don't understand what is going on" I said and he got closer so that I actually see his eyes and..... Gulp.....  They were not smiling. I instinctively took a step back but my back hit the bed showing that I had no place to run but he kept coming close until I fell to the bed but he didn't stop and followed me to the bed.

Within seconds he was above me while I lay like a scared kitten under him. Why do we always have to be in this position? I was snapped out of my thoughts with what he was saying.
"What's happening is that I don't like seeing you with him, no hugging, no holding hands and you are not allowed to smile at him like that or any other man ever! Do I make myself clear? I quickly nodded. Anything to get away from this position, it was a bitter sweet torture, I wasn't able to focus on anything! He smelt so good, I think he just took a shower cos he smelt like blueberries with a lace of honey and lemon. It filled my senses and made me unable to hear anything he was saying and I couldn't help but take in a deep breath while sniffing him.
My throat was getting dry as I saw a perfect view of his chest which was showing through the deep "V" cut of his night robe. His hair was perfectly combed but fell in strands into his eyes cause it still looked wet.
His eyebrows were hidden by his hair and his lashes fluttered casting a light shade under his eyes and his cute pointed nose, perfectly molded was up in my face and I resisted the temptation of bitting it. His sharp jawline stood out as it enhanced his face and gave him that powerful, yet charming look. One could mistake him to be a model.

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