Chapter 11

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.......1 month later.......
    Diana's POV
"OK, we'll be there shortly" and with that I hung up. I just talked to the minister's assistant who said he was on a trip to Hawaii. He was on leave for two months and won't be back anytime soon... This is so frustrating! We were to close our deal today! But according to his assistant I had to go to Hawaii and seal the deal because he'll be on another trip to Dubai!
"What's up sis?" Ava called out immediately and she stepped into the sitting room.
"Nothing really, just frustrated and going to Hawaii".
"Really!! Can I come? Please!" She said with a lot of excitement as her big grey eyes glittered. What exactly does she think I am going there to do?
"Ava, I am going to work! A business trip!"
"It's still a trip! Who says you can't have fun on a business trip?" She said with a cute smile that had a hidden meaning... Evil witch!
"You know you're devious right?"
"I'm proud of it!"
"No" and just then Zac stepped in looking like dessert 'Diana! Keep yourself together!' I internally screamed at myself.
"I'll be going on a trip to Hawaii" he announced with a slip of paper in his hand.
"I have an appointment with the minister's wife"
"Can I come?" Ava said with wide eyes
"Sure, it'll be fun with you there" and with that he left.
"Gotta go pack up, big bro Zac is so much better than you" she said with a wink and left. What the hell?
"Oh! And don't forget to pack some bikinis" Ava said and disappeared again... She's crazy!
She left with Zac the next day, I left after 2 days

In Hawaii...
This was the hundredth time the minister looked at me with his glasses down, and each time, he coughed and sipped his drink, he wasn't the only one doing so, other men, obviously rich with a bunch of young girls who could actually be the age of their daughters around each one. We were actually at the beach but in a private section of the beach, it was secured with bodyguards and security, and not just anyone could walk in.

Everyone was in a swim suit, the ladies wore bikinis while the men were in shorts...the minister was in a short sleeve shirt and shorts usually worn at the beach with his shades on, smoking...
Well on the other hand I was dressed as I always did to work, I'm only here for business nothing more! And I don't understand why they're all staring at me?
"So if you will just sign here..." I was showing him the documents
"Can we do this another day?"
"Pardon?" I said, shocked.
"I don't feel so well... So I think..." My phone rang and I picked it up...
"Hello... Now? OK I'm on my way" I hung up.
"Please excuse me sir, I have a little emergency, I'll be right back".
"Take your time"
"Thank you" I said, leaving to get some files from my assistant. On getting there, she was shocked to see me, what was this about? She was in a bikini with... Is that Ava? I thought she was with Zac? She was equally shocked but was more dramatic as she lowered her shades like the minister did but later on totally removed it, never taking her eyes off me... What is wrong with her?
"Don't tell me you came to the beach looking like that?" She said with shock and I could also see the approval of what she said by my assistant.
"And what is wrong with my outfit? This is how I dress to work and this is a business trip." I said to talk some sense into them.
"And how is it going? "
I sighed "Not so good".
"See? That's cause you took the wrong weapon to the battle field"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't worry, I am here now, Thank God Zac didn't see you in that and by the way, he's done with his deal and on his way, so let's get you ready". Before I could say anything they both dragged me to Ava's hotel room and got me changed...
15 mins later...
"You can come out now"
"How do people wear this? Hand over my clothes, I feel like I have nothing on"

"That's the most decent and sexy one I found".
"What's decent about sexy?"
"Will you just come out?" Ava said and very shyly, my heart in my hands, I stepped out... And they all went speechless!
After an eternity...
"Why am I not a guy?" That was Ava speaking looking at me without blinking
"That's exactly what's on my mind," said my assistant. Crazy ladies!
I was in a soft wine colored velvet bikini, it fit perfectly with the sides, revealing my curves. This was embarrassing... But Ava won't hear of it and funny enough my assistant was in support of her...
"And now... Make up!"
"Make up at the beach?"
"I know you won't go into the water, so sit!" She ordered and I obeyed. It was a light one and despite my refusal, she unpacked my hair and brushed them out in huge curls.
"Done!" And the moment I saw my reflection in the mirror... It was unbelievable! I looked like a bikini model and for once I smiled. Damn! I look good!
"Now smile... Give me your best shot!" And with that she took a picture of us and some personal pics of me

It was a disaster when I got to the beach!
All eyes were on me! Both young and old... Single and taken, male and female.
"Damn! Baby!" said the first guy I walked passed.
"I want that bikini"
"Is that Lady Diana?"
"Those are hot"
"How does she look good in everything she wears?"
"She's fire"
"She's married! A hot wife, no one will think she's married".
"Why are you staring at her?" said an angry lady after she slapped her boyfriend.
I walked into the private section of the beach to meet the minister.
I saw him with a few of the men seated together round a table with drinks, I went up to him.
"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting sir"
"Like I said, I canno..." He turned to look at me and stopped dead in his words... Hell was let loose as every attention turned to me...

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