Chapter 3

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Zac's POV
I woke up with a big smile on my face and stretched out myself☺God! That was the best sleep I've had in years! And as much as I hate to admit it, it was all because of her, guess I can't sleep without her... Speaking of her, where is Diana? I looked at the bed but did not find her... I checked the time but it was still six in the morning, then it hit me, SHOOT! I had to get ready for work!
But just then I remembered... I'm married to the CEO now and forbidden to do any other work except when I'm called to the company which will be soon as I am not to be seen by the public yet and I don't know who gave that damn order but I was grateful and luckily I studied Business Management and marketing in school. I slowly went back to my sofa when I heard a tap on the door, I went to get it and it was a maid...
"Any problem?"
"Hmm...hmm.. You... Your breakfast is ready sir..." She kept stammering and looked down, her face a bright tomato red. What was wrong with her?
"OK miss thanks, I'll be down soon" I said and she smiled with a blush and left while I shut the door to take a shower still don't know what's up with her. Then I passed the standing mirror and saw that I was shirtless... I ran my hand through my hair and grabbed a handful in the middle out of frustration so that was why she was embarrassed... I sighed and went straight to the bathroom and let the hot water run down my body. I got dressed and went down for breakfast.

    Lena's POV
After he closed the door, I walked a little further when my legs failed me and I held the wall for support... For the past 8years I've been serving the Richardson's, I've never seen anything more beautiful than the sight I beheld this morning! Gosh! What a delicious looking man Lady Diana got herself. He was really tall with a body to die for, his pitch black hair was rough but that gave him a sexy rough look! He has the prettiest face I've ever seen a guy have...

He's got the eyes of the sky and the sea which sparkled like the stars, GOSH! THEY'RE SO BLUE! A well sculpted nose that one would think he had it done, and a powerful jawline not to mention that he looks really cute whenever he's confused. If not for the self-control I was taught, I would have made a fool out of myself..
Deep breath.... Deep breath... Just breathe Lena, Just breathe..
I kept telling myself as I watched him descend from the stairs... Every step took my breath away and gave me a heart attack. His hair was still wet from the shower, he was on a long sleeve royal blue top and a pair of plain black trousers to match and on his feet were the house flip flops. He had his hands in his pockets, his face was expressionless and he walked with a swag, I  tried to look away but I just couldn't, he's so freaking handsome that I'd call him that if not for the fact that he's my employer's man, which makes him my boss too, he's somebody's own already... Someone's husband. I think I have a crush on my boss. I looked around to see the other maids trying to get a glimpse of him from the window in the kitchen, no wonder the kitchen was full... I guess I'm not the only one that felt this way, but don't get me wrong... I'm not trying to snatch him from Lady Diana, just  appreciating beauty and expressing my feelings... I'll do my best not to try anything funny or let it show though it may be hard...
"Get back to work, all of you!" I ordered and everyone ran out since I was in charge.

    Ava's POV
I ate every bite of food while staring at him, sweet heavens! This guy is so freaking handsome! He never ceases to surprise me. I can't believe my big sis is so blind to see the piece of art in front of her! I watched him eat and he ate like a snail, very conscious of every bite. I watched as a strand of wet hair fell into his right eye and he gently brushed it backwards.
"Cute!" I said unconsciously and everyone turned to look at me.
"What was that honey?" Grandma asked.
"Nothing granny"
"OK honey"
"I'm off to work" said big sis, the most workaholic being on earth.
"Won't you kiss hubby goodbye?" I said just to see her reaction and I guess everyone wanted to as well as they all, except handsome looked up to know what she'll do, but she just stood up and left. Then everyone faced him, even grandma and his mum rushed to sit close to him, one on his right, the other on his left as he stopped mid way in his food and looked at them confused. Aww! what a cutie! I was not left out as I went to stand behind him with my palms on his shoulders.
"So... How was it?"
"Did you guys do it?"
"I want details!"
"Start talking". Everyone said almost at the same time never breaking eye contact, in all my life, I've never seen old women this excited; more than I am. Zac choked on his food and grabbed a cup of water immediately. He looked at all of us in shock and stood up to leave.
"With all due respect ma, nothing happened"
"Was she playing hard to get?"
"I'll go get her" grandma said and I stood up to get the car keys with the determination of getting to the root of this problem.
"Enough! It's our choice OK" he said, which froze everyone, he was getting embarrassed.
"Don't do anything OK, mum, please, grandma and Ava please don't". He said and got up to leave.
"We have to change that choice"
"I'm with you..." we all said immediately after he left while looking at him from behind.

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