Chapter 21

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Zac's POV

I arrived home at about 8:55pm, everyone had gone to bed. It was a really hectic day at work today and I'm so freaking tired...
The boys bade me goodnight and drove off. I got in and shut the door behind me as I walked into the darkness...     Suddenly I heard a movement and I turned but couldn't see who it was, there was another movement but I still couldn't see the person...
After sometime, I paused and sighed as I figured out who it was...
Sigh..." D?" Immediately the light came on...
"How did you know it was me?" Came the sweet voice I missed all day long... I smiled as I watched her sit down on the couch with her legs crossed in her night gown.
"It smells like you" I said coming closer.
"I smell?" She asked with her eyebrows raised and I chuckled.

"It's your scent... I know it anywhere and you smell exceptionally sweet today" I said and noticed her trying to hide her smile. Cute!
"Well I always do," she said, trying to cover up her shy and embarrassed face.

I walked up to her and tossed my suitcase and coat on the sofa and without a warning I lay beside her with my head on her laps...
I felt her stiffen...
"What are you doing? Get up now! Someone might see us" she whisper-shouted.
"You're my wife! I don't care what they say" I said looking up to meet her eyes before turning around to hug her waist my head still on her laps.
"You have a very soft skin"

      Diana's POV

"You have a very soft skin" he said and I blushed. Surprisingly I didn't feel irritated but giddy that someone likes my skin....
"And I love your night gown... It's cute and almost sexy".
I flushed as the blood rushed to my cheeks. The last line made me blush..
I gently ran my hand in his hair, luring him to sleep until he shut his eyes and slept off. He must have been very tired..

  The next day...

I woke up on the bed with Zack holding me to himself. He was fast asleep... He really was tired. I got up on one elbow and looked at him, even in his sleep he looked cute.
I took in his facial features... from his amazing hairline to his well carved eyebrows, though his eyes were closed, his long lashes casted a shadow over his eyes, the perfectly sculpted nose down to his sharp and powerful jawline and... Gulp...
Those darn lips!!!

I gulped yet again as I saw his Adam's apple move slightly. How can ones Adam's apple look so sexy??? I shifted my eyes and gulped yet again...

I tried to get my mind off it... But I kept recalling how they felt on my lips, the taste of him, the feeling of his tongue in my mouth...
"Oh God Diana!" I mentally screamed and slapped my forehead as I hid my red face in my palm.
Just what is this guy doing to me? When did I become like this??? I was still scolding myself when my eyes drifted to his lips and as if on impulse, my thumb gently brushed against them and suddenly... I inched closer... Closer... But before I could kiss him the Alam went off, startling me and jolting me out of my daze.
Slowly his eyes fluttered open and those damn gorgeous eyes came into view and my heart skipped a beat! This is really my husband??
"Hey" he said lightly.
"Hey" I replied
"Did I wake you?" I asked
"No, it was the alarm" .
"Wanna sleep some more"
I smiled, "go on" and just like that he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
My hubby is so cute!

    Britney's POV

I walked into the the office I was directed to and as I passed, the workers showed their respect. I came to the Richardson's company to know just how big they are in order to stage my plans. I didn't want to see Diana since James already met her and it might put a pause to my plans. So I'm meeting her husband. I've heard a lot about him but haven't met him.
I stepped into the office after I was ushered in by his secretary. I took a seat and placed my purse on the table. He was on the phone with his back to me.
  Finally he was done...
"Ok talk to you later" with that he ended the call.

Immediately he turned, the world froze!
My goodness! How can a person look that good!! HOW!!!!

I was speechless... I was just staring non stop.
"Excuse me? Hello!!"
"Is there a problem? you seem lost..." he said with a confused look.
"Oh sorry, I was thinking about something," I replied, giving him my signature smile. But he just continued talking... Weird.. usually I would get a compliment but...I got nothing..
"So how may I help you?"
"The question should be how can 'I' help you?" I said and he slightly raised one perfectly arched eyebrow and I smiled, cute!
"Well, Mr. Zac, you must have heard about Bervely corporation"
"Yes ma'am, it's quite a large company and any one will be blessed working with them" he replied and I smiled.
"Well my husband and I run that company, you can check it out. Your wife couldn't make it through so I decided to give her a second chance through you since I saw the achievement of this company" I said matter of fact. He gave a small smile which melted my heart and said.
"Thank you so much ma'am".
"Oh please call me Britney, you make me sound old"
"If you say so Britney. Anything for my wife" he said and for a sec I felt envious of Diana for having a darling husband.
"You seem to be in love with your wife?" I asked painfully to which he gave a bright but shy smile.
"Of course I do" he said firmly
"And you'll do anything for her"
"Definetly" he said and I could swear I tasted the bitterness in my mouth but suddenly an idea struck me, not just any idea but one I really wanted to accomplish as a devious thought ran through my mind and was evident on my face while I smiled.
"Are you sure?"
"And you're willing to do anything? cos I know it's really important to her and she could run a loss if she doesn't get this deal"
"What do I have to do?" He asked and my smile grew bigger. I leaned closer and told him to get closer and as he did, I spoke into his ear.
"I want you to take me for a ride and by that I mean I want you to f**k me" I said as I licked the side of his face close to his ear.

I didn't miss the shocked expression on his face as he pulled out and stood up while I just sat back with a smile.
"With all due respect Mrs Britney, I'm sure you know I'm married and so are you and I can't do what you ask of me and if that is all I'd like you to leave" he said with an air of finality to which I smiled and stood up. No one has ever turned me down talk more of walk me out of their office. I smiled yet again.
"Call me when you're ready" I said and blew him a kiss before walking out.

"Interesting!" I thought as I drove off to meet a friend at a Hotel. Kelly, my childhood friend who works in a hotel with her husband.

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