The flower and the coffee

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TW: there will be blood and death as the chapters continue. Be aware.

It was a calm morning. C and B walk along the side walk heading to the cafe, C looks at B

"so B. Sense we're heading to Coffee and treats what are you getting?" C asked while B was on his phone

"Not sure yet, I can ask him to surprise me"

B replied as he looks up at him"How about you?" B asked "I'm getting coffee because the coffee there is amazing! and maybe some chocolate crapes while we're there

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B replied as he looks up at him
"How about you?" B asked "I'm getting coffee because the coffee there is amazing! and maybe some chocolate crapes while we're there." C replied happily, they looked at each other while walking

C talks about the game he played and how his team won while B is showing him some videos.

"Hey B, do you feel something odd lately?" C asked while he looks at the trees "no why?" B replied in a confusing voice "everything is quite on this side. I usually hear kids playing" B stayed quiet and looked around

"your right... It is very quiet here." B said, a few minutes later B stopped and looked down to his right side to see a red flower with orange in the middle of it's pebbles including light orange around it "hey C?" B asks as he turns to look at C "yes B" C stops and leans on a close by tree "do think A would love this flower?" C looks at the flower "yeah. He would love that" B took out his garden tools, get on one knee, take the flower out and put it in the pot "there we go! Now let's go!" B said as he gets up and walks up to C

"why do you even carry garden tools anyway?" C asks as he looks at the bag "well sometimes I bring flowers to him! It's nice to bring a gift time to time" B looks up at C "plus he's the only one who works there" C looks at B "true true. Let's go now shall we?" (Sorry that the drawing looks bad lol)

"HECK YEAH WERE HERE! And it's only 12 PM!" C said looking excited and stared to stim "than let's head inside!" B said to C as he happily chuckled

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"HECK YEAH WERE HERE! And it's only 12 PM!" C said looking excited and stared to stim "than let's head inside!" B said to C as he happily chuckled.

C runs to the place and swung the door open, it was crowded and I mean CROWDED! C waves at someone with a light red shirt, black with white stripes sleeves and a brown apron on. B catches up to C "HI A!!" C yelled across the room, A turns to look at them and waved back "Please wait at a table as I go give these people their order" A said as he gives them a gentle smile

C and B walks to a table and sits down, B slides the flower pot and waited for a few minutes until A comes by "Sorry for the long wait, may I have your order" A said as he pulls out a note pad from his apron pocket

"I would like to order a coffee with a chocolate crape please" C replied as his eyes slowly looks at B "Wow geez don't need to do that C also give me any drink or treat you got please!" A smiles at them as he writes the orders down

"okay! Please wait-" "Hey A" B interrupts him "yes B?" A said in a confused yet tired voice "I  have a gift for you!" grabs the flower pot he set on the table and hands it to him "Oh thank you so much B!" A said in a very happy voice because he's very grateful for the gift

"now please wait for your food" A said before he goes back into the kitchen, both B and C nodded. It was 12:34 until A comes back to give them their order, he looked more tired

"I'm so sorry that it took so long! Here's your order" A said as he gives C his coffee and chocolate crape while giving B tea and a crispy stuffed baked apple.

B looked surprised "Woah! Never seen this before, is this new?" B turn to A with a warm smile "yep! Hope you both enjoy!" A said as he walks away

"..hey B" C said as he takes a sip of his coffee "yeah?" B replied as he takes a bite of his crispy stuffed baked apple "have you noticed how.. tired and stress A seemed lately? Every time we came here it's more crowded and A seems more stressed out" C said as his eyes constrained on A's emotions

"maybe he's starting to feel overwhelmed sense there's a lot of people here!" B replied while he drinks his tea, C on the other hand was worried. Very worried..

A passed out the food, went in the kitchen to get the drinks "Should

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A passed out the food, went in the kitchen to get the drinks "Should.. we help him?" C said as he slowly turns to B "Yeah. We should plus he doesn't seemed to being feeling well, is he sick?" B replied "I hope not but let's go help him" A comes out of the kitchen with the drinks, C and B got up from their seats, walk up to him and gently grab the drink holder

"guys it's okay really I can do it-" C puts his finger on his lips "no. You go sit at a table we can do this plus you look stressed and tired" C said as he puts down the drink holder, picks A up, takes him to a table, and putting him on the sit.

He walks away from the table, grabbing the drink holder and passing out the drinks, B does the same. Later on, A rest his head but still confused

"why are they helping me?" A wondered. 12:43 PM they come up to A "are you feeling okay bud?" C said as he put his hand on A's shoulder "yeah.. I'm alright.. thank you" A thanking them with a soft smile "your welcome bro" B gives him the money "we'll take our food on the way to the park if that's alright by you" B said as he grabs C's and his treats

"oh yeah go ahead, I hope you two have an amazing day" A said as he gets up from the chair. C and B walked out the door saying have an amazing day!

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