Wrong Timing Flower.

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B walked and walked into the forest trying to find this snake mother fucker at without have to beat the shit out of a lifeless goo bitch who can't live a normal life.

A few hours went by of course because S is far into the forest. B started to think to himself "Where is this snake son of a bitch. better question HOW THE FUCK DID THEY SPLIT UP?!" He thought to himself as he got deeper into the woods

He stopped and saw a dark red color with a red pattern tail. "S! ITS YOU" B yelled as he ran "I'M SO GLAD TO" B stopped himself, the smile fade away as his eyes shrieked.

The tail was ripped off, S's jaw was gone and so was his eyes, a lung was ripped from his body and he was bleeding. B went on his knees as he teared up. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry this happened to you" B started to cry

"I'm sorry they could've save you I'm sorry that no one came here in time I'm sorry.. IM SO FUCKING SORRY TO R AND T THAT YOU WONT BE ABLE TO COME HOME TO THEM!" B shouted in anger and grief.

B couldn't stop crying over S's dead body. It felt like he failed to keep S safe for R and T. He couldn't get up.

"Why must I have to find you like this..?" Said B to himself as he sobs. He hears a sound and once he looks up he saw those dumb fucking goo monsters.

B stabbed, Rip, and sliced them not only for defense but out of rage. He hated them more than he hated himself.

With O

When O was walking to home he wipes the pink goo blood off and looked around. While looking around something caught his eye

He looked closely and saw an odd shape that was hazel color and it was moving a bit. O goes up the tree and took a peek on what it was, it was a child. O went in front of the child and noticed that their parents were no where to be seen

"Where's your parents, little ones?" O asked as he gets on one knee "We don't know sir" The right one replied, the Left one looked at O and replied with "They want us to stay here" with sign language, O looked shocked "It's dangerous out here

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"Where's your parents, little ones?" O asked as he gets on one knee "We don't know sir" The right one replied, the Left one looked at O and replied with "They want us to stay here" with sign language, O looked shocked "It's dangerous out here.." O said. He sighted "Kids, I don't think your parents will be coming back." O said to them, they looked confused and sad

They hear a sound and once the turned to the right, they saw those dumb fucking lifeless bitch ass goo monsters so O grabbed the kids and run for it. He would fight them but he wants to get to safety, not for himself but for the kiddos!

When they got there and open the basement door, they see L and N having a lot of bruises and cuts and they froze while fighting. L got up walked to O because he noticed the kid in his arms "Your safe! Also who's this?" L asked O while N in the background is just flipping L off

"Our name is arrow points!" The right one answered. "They will be staying with us for now. N stop flipping L off" O said as he looked at N, N stopped.

L gives O a kiss on the cheek "I'm so glad your okay love" L said to O "date, get married, adopt, and get a room" N said to O and L, L gasp while O's face was blush red

With K, J, F, and H including P

As they walk and heading back to the lab, P follows them as her eyes gently following K.
J was annoyed knowing P is following them.

When they got to the ocean side F grabbed J because K and H can fly including P can just make a path of goo. As they got to the other side, P grin at K "what a sweet woman." she mumbled to herself as she followed them

Once they got to the lab which P got in through the roof window, "K, how's the weapons? Your taking breaks right?" F asked as he looked at K "Yep! Going well F! Also I noticed someone put a bow clip on your beard" K said trying not to laugh, F slowly looked at J

Once they got to the lab which P got in through the roof window, "K, how's the weapons? Your taking breaks right?" F asked as he looked at K "Yep! Going well F! Also I noticed someone put a bow clip on your beard" K said trying not to laugh, F slo...

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[I forgot to give F his beard last time, sorry!!]

J burst out laughing, heck even P tried not to laugh so hard because of F's face looks so fucking stupid. "You guys should head out now and tell them we got H to come over, I'll get straight back to work!" K told them as she grabs all the blueprints out "Okay K but don't over work yourself." F said as he grabs J

"Okay F!" K replied and head straight to work!

A few hours went by and it was 2 AM, K was still working. When she was working she moved a lot of weapons that are done to the side "almost done with this one than I have 5 more to go." K said to herself

As she worked and worked, she stopped by the sound of footsteps and right when she turns.' P was standing right in front of her "Hello sweetie, I noticed your working yourself at night again" she said with a little grin "yeah I am! I made so many!!" k said, very proud of herself. P gently gave K a kiss on the cheek and give her a hug. K's face was all blush red and hugged P back up till P hold her closer and went out of the roof window with K in her arms

"What are we doing here?" K asked as P let go of her and sat down "Look at the moon sweetie" P said, K looks up and her antennas went up. It was a full moon, the first full moon K has ever seen. P patted on the rooftop[Ground?] gently, K came over and sat next to her as P put her head on K's shoulder which K's antennas turned into a heart

 P patted on the rooftop[Ground?] gently, K came over and sat next to her as P put her head on K's shoulder which K's antennas turned into a heart

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They were happen. Very happy even though it was windy

With G, V, C, A, T, and S

G looked around. B came in with goo dripping off his garden scissors and red eye bags on his eyes. R ran up to B "B! YOU B-B-BACK! wheres S-S?" R said in a concern tone, B hugged are and tears started to form. "I'm sorry R.. I'm sorry for your lost.." B said in a gloomy and quiet tone, R started to cry and hugged B without letting go.

G tried to call K but something was odd "K? Hello?" G asked because usually K says "what's up!" And stuff "I'm sorry, the Lesbain your trying to call is doiiing Lesbain stuff. Please call back later" than the phone hung up, the voice was very filmier though.

It was I but something was off about him.

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