Caught Flower

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G got up, "I have to head back to base. Take care of V, okay?" G said as he walked to the door. "Okay G- OW" A said in pain, G turned and looked at A. He noticed that he started to bleed on his left hip.

"HONEY?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" B said in a panic tone of voice, A look up at B. "I.. I don't know" A started to cough up blood, G went up to A and picked him up slowly. "I'm going to have to take you with me. F or W knows something about this because you guys are siblings" G said, C looked at A. He was very worried

"Wait.. your taking A..?" C asked, G looked into C's eyes.' Knowing that C is not used to being away from A for long periods of time "Yes C. I'll have to take him with me." G said, he goes up to B and C. "You two have taken good care of A.. I promise I'll keep him safe." G said to them, C and B looked at each other and nodded
"Okay. G." C said to G

G walks out the door and waved goodbye before closing the door. It was still nighttime though, Luckily G found some medic supplies on the ground to bandage A so he doesn't bleed out

While walking to the base, he hears a nose. He knew who it was immediately, he would fight Nine but it would be a huge risk for A so he ran. Nine almost caught up to them but then gets fucking PUNCHED by M. "KEEP RUNNING! WE'LL DEAL WITH THEM!" M yelled, G nodded

When they made it to the base, G was shocked. He thought P was going to kill K but he was wrong, P and K were laughing. That's when he found out that P has nothing to do with hurting K at all. "K?!" G yelled in surprise, a bit angry that she's talking to the villain

K looks down "OH HI G!" K yelled as she waved, P gave G an evil grin. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO THE VILLAIN?!" He yelled in a anger tone, K was confused "P, do you mind if I go talk to G?" K asked, P lift her head up "don't bother doing it, I can deal with him in private. Don't worry about it darling" P said as she gives K a kiss on the head

P went down "Let's go somewhere away. Got it you little shit?" P said in a anger tone "Oh Suuuure! first Lemme put A in my bed room" G said as he went in "oh okay" P said in a normal tone. After a few minutes G comes out and both P and G go into the forest

"Why the fuck were you flirting with our members?! YOUR A VILLAIN NOT A FUCKING LOVE BUG" G said angrily. P looked into his eyes "because she is the only one who actually cared for me. SHE WAS THERE FOR ME WHEN YOU WERENT" She replied as she shoved G onto the ground. G looked even more angry, got up, and started to fight her.

 G looked even more angry, got up, and started to fight her

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She was pissed off. She was willing to beat the shit out of G, making him bleed. It lasted for 50 minutes before it stopped.' G and P were out of breath and bleeding out

"why even start this shit?!" G said in a very angry tone P ran to him and punched him again to the point he fell, G looked up at her "BECAUSE YOU TOOK ALMOST EVERYTHING I FUCKING LOVED. YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT!" P replied with a yelled. G was angry but confused

"K. was the only one I have and I'll make sure YOU don't take her away ether." P said as tears rolled down from her face, she started to walk to the base to see K.

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