Poison Flower

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A few minutes later K gets a keyboard out from under the desk "GUYS! I HAVE AN IDEA!" She said in he serious tone, F walks to the table and sat down "alright. What's your plan" G asked

"Okay so we need to find out where these goo's come from and by that we have to find out which part of our hill is the spawn for them or at least easy for them to get too so I say we split up and while doing so we must also get H on this so at least someone here is willing to go to the house of dead flowers to find her but besides that we can attack them from both top and bottom and using some of my new weapons, we can keep them away easy as pie!" K said

"Sound like a plan but who going with who?" G asked and he looks at the others "well you guys could choose on tha-" "If so V can go with F and G and go with I" J said, interrupting her "J you bitch. You did let me fucking finish" K said, annoyed by him

"Okay you two settle down especially for you, Little brother." G said as he looks at J "How about we do group of three sense there's six of us" F said as he looks at both K and J "Plus I don't trust those two being alone because they fight a lot" F said to G "HEY! NOT TRUE!!" K and J said in a anger voice

V chuckles and starts to giggling, I looks at them and gave them a soft, warm smile while looking at them. He enjoyed their laugh and their smile

G noticed and looked at F "I agree with this plan, including that I and V and really close I can go with them to look after

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G noticed and looked at F "I agree with this plan, including that I and V and really close I can go with them to look after." G said in a calm voice "REALLY?!" I and V said at the same time of happiness "Of course" G said

They all got up, K went to get  the right  weapons and gave it to I and G "Stay careful you three." K said in a serious tone "we will K. We will, now let's go shall we? See you all later hopefully" G said as he walks to the front with I and V "You'll see us with H!" K says as she walks to her lab with F and J

They were all out G, V, and I went to the forest, G was picking up I's wheel chair and his clone was holding I while walking into the forest V looks at the sky and noticed gray clouds

"It seems like it'll rain soon" V said as they turn to look at G and I "well, guess we'll walk in the rain but if it's too cold than we'll find shelter." G replied

Something catches G's eyes "I see a pink trail, we'll have to follow it." G said as he starts to follow it "are you sure...?" V asked nervously "yes. I'm sure." G replied, the deeper in the darker it was, There was a spot where the pink goo was "could this be one of em?" I asked "Not sure." G replied as he cloned himself again so the clone can hold I's wheel chair while going on one knee looking to it and the second they knew something attack, the pink goo's were bigger than before and was able to kill G's clones. G was about to clone until he hears a voice.

"Well well well. Isn't this.. funny?" A familiar voice was calm till it giggled and when G turns around. It was her and not only that she was holding bladed knife that was made from red crystal's and strong goo, she putted against a person's throat that she was holding tightly "Come any closer.. than this guy gets it." P said, threatening them.

"LET I GO!" V said scared about this "only... if you tell me where she is.." P looked at I "it would be shame to let me.. kill this little one." G started to shake in fear, he was never this scared before

"Who is this.. she you speak of and why?" G asked trying to stay strong the best he can "K.. the only person I would give anything to an amazing kind woman who was always there for me even if she was hurt. I need her to help me build the Machine." P said looking down at them

G sighed "she's with J and F, heading to green roses" G said looking down and stressed out. "Good. Good." P told "please.. give us I back" V said shacking like a leaf, it was quiet

".. how about no?" P said waved bye and disappeared "NO I!!" V ran but it was too late, they went on their knees "I..." G fell on his bottom and once V turned, G was having a mental break down. V gets up and walks up to him and sits down, trying to do a side hug.

"It's okay... we didn't know" V said in a soft voice while G started to cry, G grabbed them and hugged them close to them "I'm.. I'm such a bad father figure" G said shaking and wishing he could've done something that wouldn't kill I at all, tears was rolling on V's cheeks "there's nothing we could've do. There was nothing that we could've done. It is not your fault, It is not my fault. No one is here to blame besides P.." V said trying to speak more clearly

"We never knew."

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