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It was 6 AM, everyone was getting up and gettting ready for this war though K kinda thought it was dumb considering your fighting war on one person but it is what it is.

K was able to finish the rest and saw a note from P saying "See you on the battle ground, honey bee!" It said, K had a warm smile on her face until a loud horn was heard, she ran to see where is came from

F, A, and W were already gone to set up the orbs that their father gave them which made G think we were under P's control when they weren't

"ALRIGHT! IS EVERYONE READY?!" G yelled, everyone said yeah and all of that, G smiled and yelled "GO TO THE BATTLE FELD!" Than EVERYONE ran besides U, V and K.

"V.. are you sure about this? You can get yourself killed." U asked "yeah! I hope I can.. I just want to have I back, y'know..?" V answered, U understood V.

A whole army of Goo's came over including I who is still under controlled. The mysterious woman stepped up with no weapons on her

The woman took off her hood and K's eyes shrink in shock

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The woman took off her hood and K's eyes shrink in shock

"CHAAAARGE" she yelled, K tried to think and she remembered. She remembered P telling her that someone took everything she loved. K was pissed off but not not at P, she was pissed off at G but K had no choice but to fight the goo's so K's plan is to kill the goo's than try to get a hit on G without him knowing it was her

The war began, people fought for hours and hours. During it though J was close to I enough to break the gem that was controlling him off but sadly at a wrong time because before that a goo smashed V's head with a rock. U was angry and start to attack goo's not only because he has too, he want to do it for I and V.

C and B were attack together but B noticed there too many to the point both of them will die so B picked up C "B! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" C was freaking out, B grin as tear fall down his face "I love you." Than B threw C out of there causing B to get stabbed over and over on his face "B! NOOOOOOO" C yelled, A heard it and started to cry "no.. nonono NO!" A said to himself

While the fight when on a surprise happen, Nine joined and killed a lot of goo's. X looked at Nine and knew what she did this out of anger, One and the rest of the numbers joined in the fight.

While fighting Eight gets stabbed in front of Nine which made the rage more higher. Nine start to go on a murder spree, T start to chomp off goo's heads, canons we're going off, the sound of guns, and weapons.

During the fight G targeted at P, once he got his aim he shot but K didn't let that happen so what K did is the she pushed P onto the ground making G shoot her instead. P and G's eyes shrieked

Is when THE GOD DAMN ORBS finally glow, F, W, and A activated them making it into a triangle, all the gems de-activated making all the goo's disappeared as P hold K in her arms "K! K SPEAK TO ME! PLEASE I CANT LOOSE YOU!!" P said as tears all down her face

K start to cough blood "It's okay.. you're okay now.." K said as her eyes slowly disappeared "K NO! NO NO NO PLEASE!!! PLEASE NO!" P said as she cries hopelessly. P looks up at G "you SICK FUCKING MONSTER!! YOU ALREADY TOOK EVERYTHING I LOVED AWAY FROM ME! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I HAD AND NOW SHE DEAD!" P yelled as she cried.

A understood what he had to do and once they threw the gems up into the air, they spin

F, A, and W tried to focus while they hear the cries of everyone. When the orbs started to spin, the ones that died became ghosts but when U dropped his umbrella, he noticed that the sun isn't hurting him

W walks in to the war field "LISTEN UP! IF YOU GUYS WANT TO FUCKING LIVE, LETS NOT MAKE A FUCKING WAR!" W yelled, a kid walks behind W "YEAH!!!" The right one yelled.

O looked at the arrow points and agreed. After all of that, the war stopped but P was still crying until she felt a hug "It's okay P heart, I'm here.." a filmier voice said, P turns around and it was K as a ghost.

P smiled knowing it was gonna be okay "W is right. We must end this war." P said as she stood up. Everybody agreed on this so they tried to fix some things

P goes to jail for murder which she was put to death trail and instead of her getting angry, she understood while G gets to jail for starting a damn war which to be honest. I'm still pissed off at him for that.

Years gone by, A started a cafe thanks to C and things started to get better. P did died but sense she's a ghost now, she can be with K.
X and One talked things out while 9 is in the ship because jail time and the number went back home. T and N would visit their boyfriend S time to Time as G finally confessed to X which X did accepted

Bet Homicide X wish G can do that [MEGA JOKE]

I was still feeling guilty knowing two of his best friends were killed but U and V would tried their best to make I feel better which works time to time, B stays be me and C, the right W finally got a girl friend and F was able to rebuild the Flower Tower and everything was happy ever after

I was still feeling guilty knowing two of his best friends were killed but U and V would tried their best to make I feel better which works time to time, B stays be me and C, the right W finally got a girl friend and F was able to rebuild the Flow...

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also please don't tell your father that I cussed, now go to sleep

No they didn't do THAT, there's different ways


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