A faded Flower

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As V was trying to cheer up G, there was a deer slowly approaching them. V look up at the deer and realize it had no eye pimples, V was confused and scared but tried to keep cheering up G than more deer showed up, they created a circle around them. V was very scared

"What in the word is going on?" G asked in a quiet voice "I don't know" V replied. One deer came to them and looked down "Spooked?" The deer asked in a familiar, V's eyes widen and realized who it was

"U?! Is that you buddy?!" V said surprised "Yep, I'm processing all these deer just to find you." U [aka the DEER] said as he looks at G "G, V, where's I" he asked, G looked away and sighed "P took him." He answered, U was confused of angry, he sigh's roughly

"Why?" He asked in a calm but angry voice "We're not sure sadly" V replied, U looked at them "alright. Guess we should try to find him or at least find others to help" He said as he helps V get up "let's go." G said as he gets up as well, the rest of the deers walk away.

They walk on the track for a few hours until they got to a filmier place, G had a odd feeling than he remembered the incident and looked away until he mumbled "I wonder if K was even there when it happen" he asked himself.

U stops processing the deer and sits in the grass

U stops processing the deer and sits in the grass

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"come. Join me as we should think of a plan on how we can get I back" he said with glowing eyes while he is hold a umbrella so the sun doesn't hurt him, G and V walk up to the spot and sat down

They talked for a while, this area gives G the creeps due to past memories. "Have you guys ever wondered why P is only kind to K?" G asked in a low quiet voice, V turned to G confusedly

"K wasn't there. K was still at the lab" U replied G looks at them. "K was always in the lab working like her life is on the line." G said in a low voice. V saw someone coming over.

V gasp "B" V said excited "Oh hey guys! I hope you don't mind if I get some medicine and long leafs for A, he's badly injured." B said grabbing the leafs

V started to look worried "what happened?" G said looking at him concerned, B turns his head to look at them "all I know is that something caused an explosion, the building fell on him. We may need I to heal him.." B said as he stopped grabbing the leafs.

B looked at them [as in all] and realized someone was missing "where did I go? Don't they usually stay around you guys?" B asked in his confused yet calm voice. V looked down

"I was.. kidnapped by P sadly." U said is a sad tone, B was shock in fear. Not sure how to help them.

V gets up "G. Let's go" V said in a tired tone, U came along and G also got up but a little confused. They followed B home to help A to heal up and to be safe.


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