Ready Dandelions?

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They made it to the stones, F takes A to the left side of the room and touches the big orb like gem. "I can stand up. Put me down please" A said, F nodded and put him down. F went to the other orb that was on the end of the god stones and put his hand on it, same for the W twins but on the right.

The stone of the god named Z started to glow blue on the cracked before the three orbs start to float and spin slowly. A, F, and W walk to the stone while F have to walk around just to get in front of the stone

"You have summoned me at the perfect time. What is it that you need?" A deep voice from the stone as the light glows brighter when they talk.

"Father. I need an explanation on why A and W" F started to cough blood "AND I start to bleed.. what's the reason for this?!" F yelled in an anger tone. "My child, it appears that not only me but the other gods from different universes need you to put an end to something." They answered, A was very confused about this while the other two looked serious "end to what..?" A asked them

"The war from happening. When it happens tomorrow you have to stop it once the orbs start to glow, the reason why is that if it gets too far not only P will become more dangerous but she will kill everyone on this planet until no one's left." Z said, their eyes shrink "does that mean K as well..?" F asked "No.. but she will die in the war if I is still under control because the gem she used in I doesn't let I use his healing." Z answered, the glow became bright

"Grab the orbs and take them with you and form a triangle once it begins." Z said, W and F nodded and grab the orb but A doesn't understand, "Father. May I ask you something..?" A asked "yes you may" Z replied with a calming "what's.. my purpose? I mean. F has to protect people while W has to take care of dreams but what do I do?" A asked, the stone starts to break when Z slowly go on his knee and wrap their arm around A's shoulder
"Look up" he said as A looked at the glass

 F has to protect people while W has to take care of dreams but what do I do?" A asked, the stone starts to break when Z slowly go on his knee and wrap their arm around A's shoulder "Look up" he said as A looked at the glass

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"You see that son?" Z asked as their eyes look down at A "mhm, what about it?" A asked "well. Your purpose is to bring joy and help others in need from different universes." Z said as A had a shocked face not with the mouth open "I.. can do that..?" He asked, Z nodded.

"From what I heard from your boyfriends, you've been overworking a lot before this happened." A's face when into embarrassed pink "Daaaad, C and B aren't my boyfriends! They are my friends!" A said in a high pitch tone "MHM SUUUUUUUUURE!" F yelled in a joking tone "Don't forget the dream of you getting married by C and B!" W joined it "SHUT UUUP!" A snapped a little

"Okay okay Children. Caaalm dooown." Z said as they got up, the room was quiet "you guys may go. Get prepared. And be brave!" A, F, and W nodded, A got his orb than they took off.
"Guess it's time to fade back and put the stone back." He cough and went where his stone was and than slowly fades back into stone

With C, B, T, R, and V

C walking in a circle, thinking while panicking. R was crying in T's arms while T hold him close to comfort him. B was cooking while V spaces out which kinda scares C sometimes.

A note that slid from under the door which caught C's eye. He walked up to it and picked it up "To everyone. If you were sent this, you need to go to the Flower Tower for the meeting. By G" C read out loud, she looks at the rest. They nodded beside V because well. V is STILL spaced out so R picked up both T and V. They leave the house and head there

They did tell M and X too so they'll come with as well

With O, L, N, and Arrow Points

O thinking of a plan while L was singing a song to the Point arrows.' N and D were chatting about things that are fucking pointless. N and D look at O and L with that stupid look on their face

"Soooo when's the marriage?" D asked, O and L's face's were shocked about what the just heard "We're not-" "my dad's aren't married?" The right Arrow Point interrupted, N and D tried not to chuckle "Kiddo, we were never married, we are just good friends!" L answered "Than why did I see you guys kiss for 20 minutes at 2 in the morning?" The left Arrow asked in sign language

"OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo" N and D said like a child, O covered his face and L noticed the same letter as C and the others got. O picked up Arrow Point and than they leave


everyone was there, they were talking and talking aaaand talking. That until they hear a loud thud, the room was silent

"ATTENTION! thank you for coming to this meeting. I have a plan that will be needing all of your help. So here's the plan" G said as he start to go over the plan and who goes what.

K looked around to find P and once she looked up, she notice a woman that is just staring at her

Her eye was filmier which made K stare deep into her eye to the point all K  can focus is the eye

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Her eye was filmier which made K stare deep into her eye to the point all K  can focus is the eye. The woman was very satisfied about this but realized that B has took noticed of this action

"K? Hellooo?" B said as he waved his hand in front of K "oh uhm, yes B?" K asked as she snapped out of it "you alright? G called your name and you couldn't stop staring at the window." B asked "oh yep! I'm alright, G what do you need?" she walked up to G "I need you to finish all the unfinished and planned weapons by tonight." G answer  "alright sir!" K said

After the meeting, everyone left to get prepared. K started to overwork herself without getting a drink or a snack not even a break.

It was 4 am and K was still working. She has only 7 more weapons but she was slowly losing it until P hugged her "Pretty weapons you got" P complimented as she gives K some cheek kisses "Thank you, I've been working really hard!" K said

P turned her around to make K look at her eye to eye as she hold K's hand "take a break darling, you need it" P recommended but K shook her head and tried to get back to work until P picked up K, tried her up, put her to bed, and made her eat some food and had some water

"P pleeease, I have to work or-" P covered her mouth "Before my ex gets mad because he wants you to make all that for war in one day?" P said as she give K a forehead kiss "yes.." K replied, P started to sing a song that made K fall asleep slowly and peacefully "good night honey bee" P said as she got up

"I'll free you from him. Don't you ever worried. I am already prepared for this war." P said as she walks away calmly with no signs of her grinning

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