Deadly Loving Flower

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With K, F, J, and H. They set up a camp site for tonight. The star's were out tonight and so is the moon, F and J were talking while H help K cook.

"Alright foods ready!" K said. She tapped "Thank you H" in morse code, while the others ate K took her electric wings off and put them somewhere safe with the rest of her stuff. When she turns around she noticed F looked at her with a shocked face

"What?" K asked "THE WINGS WERE FAKE?!" F said in a confusing yelling voice "Of course these were fake! If they were my old real wings, they would be the same color as my skin" she said as she sits down with her food.

A few minutes went by and F couldn't hold the question he wanted to ask no longer. "K.. how did you lose your wings..?" F finally asked, K looked at F and sigh "Long story I supposed unless you want the short way" She said as he turned to the fire place

"Short way" "the normal way" F interrupted. "Alright I suppose. This happened around March 15th [Redacted] years. I was at my lab, making machines like usually for fun as always" K looks at a Skums which is a kind of Flower that can glow

"While I was building stuff I leaned on one of my machines which was a.. terrible mistake." K said while she sighed and look down

"The machine exploded. Causing it to blow off my wings and antennas."

"Bleeding on the floor

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"Bleeding on the floor. I've felt alone, scared, upset, and anxious. I thought I'll die alone because I wouldn't move due to fear until she came" K said as she picks up the Skums and watch as it slowly spreads on her skin

"Who's this she?" J asked. K smiled "P. She slammed the door open she was in tears but I never understood why, P saw me on the floor bleeding so she picked me up off the ground and wrapped me up in bandages!" K said as she put the Skums down.

The Skums flower made her sleepy because once it spreads on the skin, it makes you tired as hell

K yawn "well I guess we should head to bed, night you two!" She said as she puts out the fire  and went into her tent to sleep. F and J looked at each other

"Sooo how the fucking are we gonna tell her that P is a villain?" J asked "I don't fucking know. It's best if we wait for the perfect time." F said

It's 3 AM and K wakes up to P hugging her
"P? What brings you here" K asked as she yawned "well darling, I have something to show you" P answered as she picks up K and walks out of the tent

As P walks with K in her arms, they stop at a whole area of Skums and Sweet Wilups. Wilups are flowers that have a very sweet scent including it can be used for medical purposes like sicknesses.

K noticed that the Skums weren't glowing green, they were glowing pink! P slowly goes into the middle and sit down. K still in her arms

"P, this is so beautiful! I love it!" K said fully of joy "I'm glad you do, love!" P said as she slowly let go of K meaning now K is sitting on her lap.

"So, how's your team sweetie?" P asked as she is making a neckless with the Skums "Well it's okay so far, just the usually fights between me and J!" K answered as she hugs P "Good to know darling" P said as she kissed K's cheek

"I was wondering, will you ever be free in the morning?" She asked "every night I think because of this huge mission" K answered

P smiles at her as she gives K a kiss, she looks up and notices the sun is rising. P picked her up left the area, once they made it there P kisses K on the lip, puts her down,says goodnight and rushed off!

K's face was red but noticed P gave her the necklace and smiled, she takes it off and puts it next to her as she slowly drifts off to sleep.

8 am J was about to wake up K but noticed lipstick on her lip "I don't remember K wearing lipstick" he said to himself, it took him a minute to realize who it was from and slowly got out of the tent

"F! I gotta tell ya something!" J said as he ran to F "what is it about?" F asked "so you know how K said P is her friend?" J asked "yes? What about it?" F responded "Soooo I think they are in love" J answered, F's eyes winded "how would you know?" F asked "Welll I was gonna wake K up until I saw P's lip mark on her lip" J answered

F sighed for a bit not sure what to do until they heard something "Ooh boo hoo! Two men mad because I love one of their team members" F knew who it was and looked at the tree

F sighed for a bit not sure what to do until they heard something "Ooh boo hoo! Two men mad because I love one of their team members" F knew who it was and looked at the tree

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"I appreciate you guys protecting her but why would you ever think I'll hurt her? Besides she was the only one there for me" P said. F was confused and once he was about to say something. She was gone once F blinked

"Well fuck this is gonna be difficult" J said, F was gonna respond but K woke up "Morning guys! Who's ready for breakfast?" K asked as she opens the box she put her robot wings in and place them on her back "uhm sure K" F respond

F and J are now the only two so far who know about the relationship ship between P and K.

[Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoyed!]

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